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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You're totally right about that. The problem is that otakus are actually messed up - though westerners generally use the term to talk about anime fans, in Japan the word has far more negative connotations, suggesting people with bizarre fetishes and poor social hygiene who become consumed by their love of anime and manga. It's a pity, anime has a great deal of potential, yet most shows are aimed at children or cultivating "moe" characters that will attract otaku. Worse than this is the brand of otaku subculture labelled as lolicon and shotacon... despite how dodgy these are, they generate a lot of money, and that is why Japan is reluctant to ban them. Regarding the novel Lolita: everyone should read it, it is great. That includes you Dante, don't just reference Wikipedia. :wink:
  2. I believe it's an anal douche. God knows why I know that...
  3. Oldboy is great, don't know about the other two.
  4. That sounds awesome... I think I've only tried muffins once, but they worked really well. Being a teenager is overrated - I'd much rather have a geeky discussion than go to a club/bar. In fact, I've managed many geeky discussions in clubs/bars.
  5. Take the Picadilly line from King's Cross to Hyde Park Corner - 'tis what I shall be doing.
  6. I just woke up... Work I have to do with quite literally no time to do it in: two essays, some very difficult biology calculations, some thermodynamics calculations, some linear regression analysis. Screw it, I'm still going to the go tournament tonight.
  7. I almost always use new words within 24 hours after first hearing them. For example, I said to my mum on the telephone today "I had always assumed you were an opsimath." Other examples: milquetoast epistlecraft omphaloskepsis tiralarigot (to drink one) apoptosis antediluvian sinapistic Ah, I love words...
  8. You cry, but I think I was 12... Anyway, far too little work today, and so still have some maths to do. This weekend was great though - saw a good comedy thing by footlights on Friday, then played go all Saturday. Also went to Wagamama two nights in a row... one of these days I've got to try something other than chicken or miso ramen.
  9. Personally I find celebrity chefs annoying - I don't care about the people, I just want to know how to make the food. The best food program should just be like one of those science videos where they show you how to do experiments, with the head out of shot and ideally Look Around You style narration. That said, I do watch celebrity chef shows when I have the chance, because nothing like the above exists. They all tend to be slightly irritating but make nice food.
  10. Makes me think of go, maybe that's what they meant... you're strong at nigiri. Anyhoo, seems I get brown panther: Brown panthers personality is very cheerful, and free from care. Such character attracts people and helps to build up network of connections. Brown Panthers have very pure heart, and dislike anything crooked. You devote to others full heartedly and faithfully. You are very independent and at the same time a hard worker. Because of this personality, other people naturally see you as a leader. Money wise, and in personal relations, you have good fortunes. You are weak in sales and bargaining. You tend to lack to see insight, but smartness is Brown Panthers belief, so you can negotiate in your own pace, and can lead the others to come along. You are strong willed person with pride, and do not like to loose. You get interested in many things and tend to challenge new things. But you lack the last step forward, and therefore need more modest effort making. You have a personality of a daydreamer. When this fantasy leads to real project, it can end up in development of extremely unique item that may sell millions. You are suited to idea creating occupations such as in advertisement. However, you are not too good at balancing out the money and the work, so you need to be careful on that. I bolded the ones the random stabs work for. :wink:
  11. To clarify: many secondary schools also have a 6th form (consisting of two years, upper and lower sixth), which takes the place of college. So I never went to college - I stayed at school for that bit.
  12. I need to read the Great Gatsby, to become a real person. It's on my shelf, in a queue.
  13. If you haven't read any other Jane Austen, then no, it's like that all the way through. Personally I find Austen interesting to analyse but boring to actually read.
  14. If it's any consolation, though I applied for biochemistry I now hate it. Also: he should be able to cope in biology if he just learns the textbook really well.
  15. I agree with you somewhat... hmm, I think "erase" is more phonetically suited to genocide than homicide.
  16. I was hoping this thread would just say inside "you heard me"... Anyway, yeah, I don't get this so much, because I've always had some kind of direction. I do get the wanting to change my image thing, if only a little, and I pretty much managed it. Life's a lot easier at university anyway, most people are fairly accepting as they've actually grown up. Regarding lecturing straight after leaving university: I see no problem with this, though academics get terrible pay.
  17. Just remember not to bump stuff older than a few months unless you have a really good reason. Anyhoo, [lockèd].
  18. Okay stop it, bumping is bad, yellow infraction issued. [locked]
  19. Wah, bumping! *cries* Why not just start a new thread?
  20. In fact, I think sakujo has more of a "delete" sort of connotation. e.g. このファイルは削除して下さい。 - Please delete this file. Of course it can mean eliminate, but I'd guess delete is the sort of thing the autor was going for.
  21. Lol, youtube comments like this always amuse me: (for the record, we didn't evolve from apes, both humans and apes are descendents of the same ancestor)
  22. I think it's just best if we decide that Bard is deleterious.
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