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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I reckon the best python resource is probably https://diveintopython3.net/ - especially if you already know other languages, but even if not (though it might be a bit fast). In general if you're starting out it's very hard to learn without trying to achieve a concrete task - so coding problem based websites can help a lot here (see https://www.codingame.com/start for one that might appeal to this audience), but also having a bigger project like building some kind of application is possibly even more useful.
  2. If you're talking about the game in general, it's very innovative from a gamplay perspective - almost all stats relate to different aspects of your pesonality - e.g. empathy, ability to work things out visually, solidarity with other cops, etc. Everything is dialogue based, with a lot of dnd style skill checks, and no combat. In addition to a traditional inventory you also have a thought cabinet, where you can mull over ideas that have come up in the course of the game and ultimately affect your stats and personality. This latest updated PC and console addition adds a few additional quests and full voice acting (in addition to a lot of bugs, at present), but not much more than that.
  3. I got the email about N-E missing me - I'm still here and checking the forums! I just hardly ever post...
  4. I had mixed feeelings about this show when I saw season 1. I liked the realisation of the time period, and the tech, and the crazy atmosphere, but I thought though the characters had promise, they ended up a bit two-dimensional, and the show got a bit cyclical, with Joe repeatedly letting down Gordon etc. I ended up giving up very early on in season 2. Do you think it's worth persevering with?
  5. Has nobody else seen season 2 yet? The first few episodes are a little bit slow, but after that it's brilliant, with the possible exception of
  6. Good choice. The dialogue and voice acting in Firewatch is a level above anything I've previously encountered in a game.
  7. Fair enough, the issue probably isn't with the Windows installation then.
  8. I'd still recommend running sfc /scannow before fixing the installation/replacing the mobo etc.
  9. Do you get a BSOD, or does it just turn off by itself? Try entering the command sfc /scannow into an administrator terminal, and waiting for it to complete - this will check the integrity of your Windows installation. And following on from Shorty's comment about viruses, did you run any kind of AV software?
  10. Don't worry, you can watch this to make up for it:
  11. It looks like you're behind some kind of Cloudflare architechture, which is unusual for a residential IP.
  12. Do you have a dynamic IP, and if so, do you get the problem when you're assigned a specific address? Edit: Looks like you do have a dynamic IP - check if it's always the same when you get the error.
  13. Yeah, lots of spam accounts are probably just automated, and just trawl the web searching for forums, outfox the captchas or outsource them to people who'll do them for cheap, then scrape the forum and use some kind of algorithm to generate and/or seach for vaguely plausible stuff to post.
  14. I am, albeit separated by several generations... sadly I missed the opportunity to celebrate though, what with not being employed by the water industry and all...

  15. Looks like n-europeforums.com is no longer registered (possibly following the host changeover), which is what that tab links to. @Shorty should be able to fix the link.
  16. I can now imagine a company selling Martian water at £100 a bottle. It's cool news anyway, albeit not too far away from what was already known/expected. I think SMBC said it best when it comes to NASA announcements.
  17. In English title capitalisation is getting gradually less common, although it's still fairly frequently used. And note that when you do it, you shouldn't capitalise more functional words, like prepositions and articles and so on. But more importantly, Squeenix use the capitalised version as the title of the game! You can't tell from the game logo because it's all in caps, but see their official website - although their Twitter capitalises the is too! The plot thickens. [/pointless rambling]
  18. There actually aren't too many. Although there is the difference between a cat and a comma: a cat has claws and the end of its paws, and a comma's a pause at the end of a clause.
  19. I had a look at a few reviews of the episode, and a couple (IGN and Gamespot if I recall correctly) seemed to think it had a good opening and ending, but lagged in the middle. In particular
  20. The cruse fo bieng a lignuist.
  21. Langage is actually a technical term, but sadly langugae isn't. Obviously I meant langwich. No, quite the opposite! Basically languages vary very widely, but not in a completely unbounded way, and it's not clear how the brain encodes this information. If it's encoded in a complex way, then this explains the weird patterns of variation seen, but involves the postulation of lots of implausible innate structure. So it seems more plausible that it's encoded in a simple way, but this doesn't predict the patterns of variation, and in general makes acquisition a lot harder. Howver, if acquisition is driven by general cognitive categorisation processes, then you can explain the patterns of variation while also encoding them in a simple way.
  22. I know right!
  23. The title is mostly technical terms, but it's about how general cognitive processes of categorisation explain how langugaes can differ in the ways they highlight information.
  24. I submitted my PhD thesis yesterday, after almost 4 years of work on it. Rather surreal.
  25. I was just going to post about that foreshadowing! I personally thought the episode was fantastic.
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