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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. Havinf read the intereview with WW:Smooth Moves developers, the question of WiFi Multiplayer was put to them - and the answer given was a pretty strong 'no', which is a real shame. With Metroid Prime 3 also missing any WiFi mulitplayer gaming, is Nintendo missing some prime (no pun intended) WiFi selling points. Both games would be fairly easy to implement a WiFi multiplayer gaming (hell, since DS Hunters works so well on WiFu i'd imiagine the basic design could be ported over with minimal effort). And while Wario would take some major extra programming, it couldnt be that difficult to link four multiplayers world wide and have them racing eachother to finish minigames. What other Nintendo games are lacking WiFi gaming?
  2. Most of us know (and one or two of us have scome to accept) that Wii will not display High Definition visuals. I understand that Wii will generate 480p (which i beleive is considered "enhanced definition") - is this any increase on the GC's max resolution?
  3. My interest has been picked by the following: Ant Bully Call of Duty 3 Disney's Meet the Robisons Dragon Ball Z Budokai: Tenkaichi 2 Dragon Quest Swords Elebits Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Madden NFL '07 Rayman Raving Rabbids Red Steel Resident Evil Sonic Wild Fire SpongeBob SquarePants Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam And those first party games Disaster: Day of Crisis Excite Truck Fire Emblem Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Project H.A.M.M.E.R. Super Mario Galaxy WarioWare: Smooth Moves Wii Sports It probably goes without saying that i'll only be getting those which get over 90% in reviews.
  4. This figure is a maximum. It'd not be beyond the realms of possibility for Nintendo to launch at the £100 mark- and that would do wonders for sales.
  5. Theres no real reason to have it wireless. It'll just sit under/on top of the TV and thats it. Its interesting that the Sensor could not have been put in the Wii itself - but then you'd have the added hassle of the sensor thinking the Wii-motes are in different places depending on the vertical or horizontal placement of the console/.
  6. As we all know Nintendo showed 27 Wii games and playable demos at this years E3. But some rumoured or previously announced games failed to make the show floor. Here's some I recall: N-Space are rumoured to be developing a title for Wii. Zoonami's now renamed Game Zero was due to hit a Nintendo format Kuju previously hinted they'f be developing Battallion Wars for Nintendo's next machine. Any others you're aware of?
  7. I would suggest instead of playing Nintendo while on holiday, you take the opportunity to explore France and do some new things. But thats my opinion. I'd write to Nintendo UK and ask. I'm sure they should know.
  8. Unfortunately, the BBC doesn't take video gaming seriously - its no real reason to hate the BBC mind you! Few channels do - and fewer still take the time to research the subject. If you think about it; most News Channels have War Correspondents, Politics Correspondents, Royal Correspondents - people who have a trusted knowledge of the subject. When covering gaming like E3 they don't have a gaming correspondent and wheel out a complete turkey. The BBC may feel that it has a public service commitment to cover the high profile event of E3, but frankly it shouldn't - not in the half hearted way it has. Its akin to asking Rolf Harris to cover the Iraq War. There are some great video games journalists in the UK - that chap off Channel 5's The Gadget Show seems to have strong knowledge, Dom Diamond needs some work on mainstream TV too. I'm sure they could do some freelancing work for the Beeb.
  9. Great news. Wii has received some great feedback - and there is STILL more to learn about the machine! Roll on October!
  10. Can't see it myself. Thats a personal opinion.
  11. If you look at Wii Orchestra at the beginning of Nintendo's E3 conference, did the Virtual Orchestra remind you of the now cancelled Stage Debut on GC? Could we see an updated Stage Debut for Wii do you think?
  12. I am very, very happy with how Wii games are shaping up. Overall, they do look an improvement over GC games - especially now their in widescreen.
  13. Shhh.... Listen.... is someone hammering nails into the coffin of PS3?
  14. Personally, I can't see why a basic and free service like DS WiFI can't be offered as standard; and a 'premium online community' offered by monthly/annual subscription. With a subscription service, paying by card the cardholder SHOULD/WOULD become responsible for children's play. I personally would like a more XBL-like service for ME. For my daughter, i'd like an anonymous service.
  15. Screens! Screens!!!
  16. The Classic Controller looks a bit clumbersom with the Wii-Mote attched. Why not have the classic as a stand alone piece of kit?
  17. Nintendo no doubt expected this - Miyamoto went so far as to say it would be corporate pride that would stop the competition from including wii features... Is Miyamoto-san suggesting Sony have little to no corporate pride?
  18. When are the Three Press Conferences being held - thats MS, SOny and Nintendo..?
  19. As soon as its available to pre-order, i'll be there!
  20. I've recently purchased an item from an ebay business seller. However, the item itself has not arrived. I contacted the seller to report this, who advised that Royal Mail require 15 days for a claim to be made. Fair enough, I thought. However, since that initial response I have still not received the item and again reported this to the seller. The Seller has not replied, regardless of submitting a response through Ebay's Dispute Procedure. After 10 days, i can escalate this - which I will do. Has anyone else had experience of this? What happens next?
  21. I'm not getting those vibes at all. OK, so some publishers are looking at Children's lisences like Spongebob, but look at Ubisoft with Red Steel, Nebris with Sadness. Thats like two out of three confirmed and publically viewed titles with adult themes (the third being Rayman). Nintendo will likely publish a similar range of games to the DS - i'm expecting Nintendogs at Home, Brain Training alongside more traditional games like Mario, Metroid and Smash Bros. Plus Nintendo have announced a racing game - which is unlikely Mario Kart and can only be a 'serious' racer. Nintendo's aim is to cater for ALL - children, teens, adults. So, yes, we'll see Kids games, we'll see 'Nintendogs/Brain Training style Non-Games' and Nintendo's usual suspects. No need to fear. Roll on E3.
  22. Given that some don;t 'get' Nintendo's new moniker for its upcoming console (Wii-volution, as I like calling it - what thoughts did you have? Lets not have a pro-against Wii thread, lets just imagine we were naming the console! Nintendo E (for entertain) Nintendo Fresh Nintendo Active Three i came up with. Your ideas?
  23. I'm with TalkTalk, and i can categorically say they are absolutely abysmal. I can't comment on the speeds, since I've not really used any other provider. However, I can say that the connection continually cuts and is very unstable. Customer services is beyond belief - i've telephoned, emailed, written and nothing seems to be done (not even a bog standard response from them). In fact, most telephone calls i've made i've waited in excess of half an hour (hence my futile efforts to email and write) - to which a Customer Service Representitive replied "well it is a free call for you, Sir" - to which i questioned him that its not the expense of the call, its the waste of time trying to continually get an two issue sorted - namely paper or accurate onbline billing and an accurate copy invoice of previous payments. Beleive it or not, TalkTalk can invoice and bill the right amounts. I seriously recommend ANYONE to ignore the free adverts offer, and actually pay for broadband rather than use this lame service. I best post this, before Charles Dunstone pulls my plug out at the exchange (a favoured hobby of his, in my opinion).
  24. Still having a handful of games i reckon i'd still play for GC, i'm wondering if you reckon we'll see the GC controller re-released completely wireless (so we don't have to pull Wii from under the TV or leave the GC Flap open for a rumbleless Wavebird). Could be a possibility, since it looks like controllers will be released for SNES and N64 Virtual Console titles. Thoughts?
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