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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. I don't think I'm alone in saying when I first saw it i was mortified. But once you start thinking about the possibilities, it certainly becomes a revolution. The idea might not sell to some people straigh away but I would say actually playing would swing the opinions in an instant.
  2. This is an essential purchase for me. I love the Advance Wars titles on GBA and DS - and a real time spin off should be a hoot. IGN have raised a couple of issues which have bought the game mark down. With a little more thought, this could have been marked 9+. As it stands, i think IGN's score is a more than respectable 8.8.
  3. Another BBC poll here. This time, is the Revolution Controller a Hit or a Miss. Currently, even stevens at Hit 49.16% Miss 50.84% http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4251720.stm
  4. Nintendo are the battery masters, however! I'm sure that Nintendo could squeeze 10 hour charge out of gyro equiped controllers.
  5. I don't think anything was said but did Nintendo confirm if the mooted gyro feedback (directional feedback) would be included?
  6. Given the abundance of wireless nowadays, why, oh why is the Revolution controller not completely wireless (do the dongles need to be attached with wires?!) I feel it makes the controller look cheap - surely since a wireless signal would only need to be less than two meters far less batery power would be needed.
  7. I think heretic means "look at the button names..." A, B and X,Y...
  8. Its my understanding that there is none. Certainly IGN and Gamespot don't seem to be having one, and there'd be the most likely to have it. ***edit*** And the below posts make me very wrong
  9. Sensibly, what do you think is so Revolutionary about Nintendo's new machine? Jelly buttons? Gyroscopic controls? Stereoscopic 3D? Its all been mentioned... what would make Revolution the hit Nintendo wants. Speculate.
  10. Beautiful! Congrats to the Cube - sorry - Revo-Europe team. The new site is crisp, clean and ultra modern. Good job, well done. Long may Revo-Europe live!
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