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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. Do us brits also get free Wii Points with our Classic Controllers?
  2. I have a second Wiimote coming with WiiPlay. It was confirmed that my supplier, gameplay have anough Wiiplay units... however... i'm not too convinced of that...
  3. Man on Right: I'll give you a fiver for some bum fun Boy on left: I'm only fixing your car mate.
  4. Does anyone know what credit/debit cards can be used viw Wii Shop?
  5. I've not heard about free Wii Points, however, as an incentive to download some classics, can't see why Nintendo don't just give you say 500 Wii Points - thats enough for a NES game at least. And instead of giving away VIP Stars/My Nintendo Points, why not give Wii Points away with games purchases? Or at least have them linked somehow.
  6. The new photographer for Max Power Magazine was swiftly given his P45.
  7. Right, i'll make no appolgies for this post. I might very well be in a minority here, but we live in a society of free speech and i'll voice my opinion. Back in September, we moved to Stockport. Having stayed overnight in the area, we were as confident as we could be about the road - however, one thing was missed. Our side of the road were Private Homes, the other a Council Estate. And, there is a CLEAR line between the two sides of the street. The kids on our side were pleasant and what I would call 'normal kids'. The Council Side - a bizarre mix of antisocial reprobates and lost souls. Respect seems to have been a key word in Government for some years, but in this particular area, Respect is clearly lacking. Respect for others and perhaps more importantly Self Respect. During our shortlived stay in Stockport, we were subjected to a torrent of antisocial behaviour. This behaviour was instigated for no real reason, besides asking children not to throw stones and wood in the general direction of our 9 month old daughter (while I'm sure not a deliberate act originally, these children took it upon themselves to escalate the situation by then throwing stones at my car, the house, and me). Being a father, it is my responsibility to protect my daughter and it is my right to confont risk - and in all cases the best way to do this is RESPECTFULLY. It takes an awful lot to rattle me to the point I hurl a torrent of abuse. A quiet word should have done the trick. Later, after being struck by a stone myself, I wished to speak to the lads Mum. At her door, I was greated by an abuseful and, quite demented rant (despite this lady not knowing what had gone on) topped off with the chiched "i'll knife you" threat. Again, a lack of RESPECT. Since I couldnt deal with the situation, I was left with no alternative but to liaise with the Police. Their advice, nothing - can't do anything, if we get involved it'll make things worse. Having spoken to other neighbours, one of which moved due to similar problems, we were not alone in receiving this abuse. Now, i'm not continuing with this post without any reference of carma or "serves you right" attitude. I'm continuing with the respect theme. Matthew Reger was one of these purpetrators. Matthew was killed recently in a Road Traffic Accident involving a lorry. Details are here: http://www.gmp.police.uk/division06/epages/4f8c9c7c62fec1028025720300651b72 http://www.stockportexpress.co.uk/news/s/218/218530_boy_10_killed_cycling_to_school.html Now, its interesting how the press report these things, since it is the understanding of neighbours and witnesses that Matthew was killed as he 'played' in a full skip before school - and when the lorry hauling the skip was driven off, Matthew fell as he attempted to climb out. This skip was full of people's crap. Lets face it you have no other reason for having a skip outside your house, but to put your rubbish and waste in. Its a giant waste basket - and a boy was 'playing' in it? Regardless of what he was doing in it, in my eyes, it shows a complete lack of Self Respect. I've covered two points here. Respect for others and Self Respect. Are they two seperate issues, or are they always found hand in hand? And why do certain people lack both? Other kids who attacked our property and ourselves had no opportunity to evaluate my potential response - it could have been equally possible that I'd retaliate in a more agressive way (surely, if you take that kind of risk, or any kind of risk, you're not showing respect for yourself?). It is my responsibility as a parent to raise my daughter with necessary personal and social skills; are these parent's taking their responsibility seriously? In my opinion and from my own experience it seems Council properties are inhabited by people with little or no respect for themselves or others. So, can we do more to integrate them? Perhaps, Council tennants should be required as part of their tennency agreements to attend Social Classes and Parenting Classes? Should it be easier to complain and have Council Tennants evicted? Council Tennants seem a close solid, knit community, but lack a respectful attitude to others. We seem to be becomming a society of pocketed communities. Are we really able to stop this worrying trend?
  8. I think it has been confirmed that Smash Bros. Brawl will definately use the classic controller. That said, I can't see why. The Wiimore is more than capable of ample Smash controls. D-pad for movement, A and B attack buttons, and for a Smash manauver, flick the controller upwards.
  9. I'm getting a Classic with my bundle, so thats Mario 64 sorted. I'm really disapointed that NIntendo couldnt include analogue shoulder buttons for the Classic and rumble in either. I'm hopeful either Nintendo or a reputable third party will provide a GC solution for rumbled wireless play.
  10. Yeah, as yoshiking explains, most games will likely use the Wii Remote, with an attachment (such as the Nunchuk), while others may use the classic controller. It depends on the game developers. There are notable rumours and confirmations on Wii titles to use the Classic, such as Smash Bros. Brawl and Wii F-Zero, but in all honesty I'd wager that few Wii titles will use the Classic.
  11. Gameplay have today issued confirmation of who will and who won't be receiving a Wii at day of release. Thankfully, i'm the former. CHeck your email address for your confirmation.
  12. So, how does this affect the Costomised Music Tracks on ExciteBike?
  13. does anyone know how these figures are derrived? Is it basically live information from retailers? This'll no doubt piss Sony off - don't Sony advertise units SHIPPED to retailers, pretending that this figure is an accurate portrayal of untils SOLD to consumers? By the way, its now 664, 053 units sold at 15.02 GMT. Woot! And now 664,243 at 15.04. This could get addictive...
  14. I've always felt the term "channels" for the Wii menu is suggestive. Could we perhaps see some kind of streaming TV channel? This is only my speculation, mind you.
  15. All electronic equipment can potentially break. Nintendo have a solid track record on quality goods - and when things go wrong, it has an exceptional warranty programme. Putting on my fanboy hat for a moment, Sony have a terrible track record of supplying long lasting playstation units. How many people know someone who has had a faulty PS unit? Quite a few, i'd wager. Instead of being constructive and emailing Nintendo's service centre, these folks have instead emailed a website. Priorities wrong?
  16. Toysrus are guaranteeing Wii's for release. Check your local store.
  17. I think someone would notice when you don't tuen up for work the next week and a half.
  18. Kudos to the guy. Its a brave soul that awards Zelda that low... He'll be stoned in the street.
  19. I've not read any reviews of GT, however, despite some critisisms ExiteTruck seems to have gained some good reviews. If your still after a racer. Otherwise, Monkey Ball
  20. Its funny, because its true.
  21. Yes. And if you look carefully you'll see our top lip never moves, and those presenters have a sneaky china cup of tea.
  22. I had an interesting conversation with a Gameplay representitive earlier - i'm not sure why he'd explained so much, but its interesting non-the-less. I've called Gameplay a couple of times, since all retailers excluding Gameplay have a good idea of Wii allocations. Explaining this to the Call Agent, he agreed it is strange Gameplay are holding back on sharing this information but from what he is aware of the Gameplay allocations are known, but their purchasing department are holding back on emailing customers for reasons unknown. He did confirm that Gameplay have a healthy allocation to satisfy early pre-orders. He also confirmed that they have recently been granted more units for their initial allocation. He was very clear in stating that orders placed more recently will be very unlikely to be satisfied until after launch. None of the information is essentially new. But it does seem that Gameplay's Purchasing Department (who buy stock from Nintendo) are deliberately holding back on announcing who'll get a Wii at launch.
  23. For anyone not desperate to watch an episode of Hollyoaks on E4... here's the first UK Wii TV SPOT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7s1PUfje4Q
  24. I've used Gameplay loads of times, but here, just three weeks to launch and they're claiming they still do not have their allocations. I'm very disapointed.
  25. I've pre-ordered with Gameplay and Toysrus, just in case. I've noticed that Gameplay are not discounting any software, despite Amazon and PLay.com doing so. I've emailed Gameplay, but had no response. Are Gameplay holding back on advertsing discounts or are they unlikely to offer them?
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