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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. I've got to agree that despite this being billed as a party game, its not. The vast majority of party games are dull beyond belief, a waste of my time and a waste of development time. Culling the number of party games would have been wise, and adding more multiplayer features: I seem to recall that SMB on Cube had an alternating multiplayer main game - sadly lacking (as far as I can see) in this version. I love the main game, as does my missus. Its just a shame theres no main game multiplay.
  2. is there a more comprehensive european list? 2007 is a long period....
  3. with the US getting SUPER Mario Bros yesterday, does anyone knwo if Europe is getting it this week?
  4. I recall Zoonami, headed by Goldeneye maestro Martin Hollis, were working with Nintendo on an unspecified game, codenamed Game Zero. But nothing has been seen of it ever, and no mention for eons (well, years at least). Are Zoonami still a working company?! Is Game Zero headed for Wii? Or maybe Super Wii? Or Wii64..?
  5. Ghost Zero, it'll be easy for NIntendo to break up the code of All Stars, and what i'd image we'll see is NES versions released first, with the option to 'upgrade' to All Stars versions at a later date (for maybe 100 points).
  6. I've been thinking about the Miis that have appeared on my Wii. Some have been sent directly to me by people registered in my address book - they appear direct into my Mii Plaze. However, Mii Parade is populated also but how. Are these Mii's created by those registered in my address book, or do they come from further afield also?
  7. I've had this, or at least a problem once, when I downloaded the initial firmware updates. I think the pointing device was at fault. There was no cursor and in this particulr screen I needed to click OK to continue back to the main Wii Channel Menu. For love nor money would my Wii recognise the Remote, tried several resyncs, power downs. I left the controller, inadvertantly pointing at the screen and left to make a tea. Hey presto, it worked.
  8. Over 700 blocks of memory?!
  9. Triforce, apparently not. The Forecast channel was manually updated by the user, with Nintendo sending a memo to all saying "hey, your forecast channel is ready, upload now" or words to that effect. I read elsewhere that a manual update is bet because of bricking. However, I have no idea what bricking is.
  10. Surely all of euopre would be updated at the same time. We'd all use NOE servers, right?
  11. The chap at NOE uploaded the VC games early, but instantly fell asleep before he aw the big red flashing button reading "Wii Opera Browser Upload - Press at 12 Midnight". What a fool.
  12. Super Probotector is indeed Contra 3 - namey due to Nintendo being allergic to human violence in the early ninetees, and decreeing the human protagonists must be cybernised.. Because that so less violent. Triforce, remind me what is the second level on Probotector? Is it the spanky Mode 7 one?
  13. Invisible....
  14. I see that Nintendo US are offering Super Mario Bros from Christmas Day.... Please NOE... Please.... Next Friday.... Please.... http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/752/752120p1.html
  15. I'm waiting for the browser too.... although, i've a feeling we'll not get it this week.
  16. It seems VC titles have already been downloaded. Check em out.
  17. Twilight Princess really did need voice acting. The presentation Nintendo have opted for, along with story and cinematics really justify voice acting. That said, i'd rather have the same silent then dodgy VO work.
  18. Gameplay recently emailed stating that NIntendo are offering a free game to those who are still waiting for a pre-order (which should have arrived today for most). Is Gameplay the only company Nintendo are offering this to? I've opted for Super Monkey Ball, although I managed to get a Wii on launch day from Tesco. The spare is now on ebay.
  19. I got Zelda, for obvious reasons and Wii Play. Since I had every intention of getting a second controller, it seemed a bargain - £5 extra. The missus and I spend ages playing with eachother on Find Mii, Fishing, Shooting Range, and Laser Hockey.
  20. Is Smash Bros really going to be that late? Smash is the perfect killer app to launch online multiplayer with...
  21. I'm sure that Nintendo were keen to get Ubisoft's titles ready for Wii launch, and this is added pressure for the development teams. Its just one of those thing, launches are riddled with average games at best, with only one or two making the A list. Hopefully, regardless of the reviews all these titles sell on Wii - ensuring Ubi's continued support for Wii.
  22. Just get in touch with Nintendo's customer service centre. If the chip is small, they can't really argue you've lobbed it against the wall and should replace free of charge under your warrenty.
  23. I know Toysrus in Shrewsbury and Gameplay.co.uk had deliveries in on Friday. And people were queuing from at toysrus at 9PM Friday night for saturday morning, when the units were put on sale. Toysrus said they had about 30 units (which was still not enough), and 18 copies of Zelda (which had been mis-delivered to another store and some poor chap was having to drive there to collect them!).
  24. Nah, however much I love the N64 controller, i do prefer the Classic for Mario 64. It does take some getting used to. Its no more or no less comfy, but the lightweight Classic just pips it.
  25. Oooo, its all explosions! I like Die Hard, but after Casino Royale, i'll be after a bit more than bangs and crashes in action films.
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