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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. I dont think VC console prices are too far out. The N64 games are reasonable at £7.50, SNES are also at £6. NES games are the problem at nearly £4 - some like Super Mario Bros are worth £4, but single screen games like DK really should be, either a freebie or £1. In fact, i'd happily pay a little more for N64 games - perhaps even a tenner.
  2. I've noticed over the past few days that my Wii seems to be getting a little noisy. I couldnt swear that the noises are new, but i've only noticed them this week. Occasionally, the Wii seems to 'clunk' when starting to spin a disk. I've also noticed a whirr, which can only really be either the fan or the disk. Its near constant, which is a little annoying. Considering the Gamcube's fan was pretty quiet, i can't see Nintendo opting for a louder fan, so perhaps it is the disk. Has anyone else noticed either of these, or is my Wii in need of a service?
  3. I've not seen this game listed on N-E, or any other site bar Game Trailers website which has a teaster trailer up. The Developer's website confirms the game is a re-imagining of Bram Stocker's Dracula with Jonathon Harker as the protagonist fighting hordes of Buffy-inspired vimpires in his bid to save Mini from the clutches of Dracula. The game is being prepped for release late 2008 for Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 and is currently without a publisher, according to Game Trailers. Developer, The Collective, was responsible for the 2006 game The Da Vinci Code game.
  4. I'd never heard of Bloodlines on MD until IGN's Castlevania Retrospective, and now i'd love it to come to VC. PLeease!
  5. As I recall they were working on Pikmin 3 before Pikmin 2. Oddly.
  6. Have I missed something amazing in Majora Mask? Or do you mean the...[spoiler=]"weird hill with a tree on top just before you battle Skull Kid/Majora's Mask. That place I prefer to think is a subconsious vision of innocence in the mind of Skull Kid?"
  7. Its all rather obvious if you do a bit more research on the net... Tingle's Big Gay Hissy Fit.
  8. Its amazing how companies change their attitudes when you mention trading standards.
  9. and all i can say is "Wowsers!"
  10. Does anyone know if theres a release schedule for VC Europe? Surely, someone, somewhere (even if they're living in NOE's basement) must know when games are due to uploaded to VC...?
  11. It all depends on what your used to though, in all honesty. If your used to composite, you'll know no better. IF your playing component, and for whatever reason, revert back to composite, you'll notice the difference.
  12. I'm not sure. Its been said before, Ocarina is a classic and a remake would tarnish its perception. That said, i know i'd buy it and play through it.
  13. They're both amazing, and i'm always torn between the two of them. If i'm honest, I think Mario 3 is the fresher of the two, but Mario World had more variety, secrets and a more refined feel to it.
  14. The Japanese already have an online service with Pokémon, so the infastructure must be there and i doubt it'll have many wobbly moments. NIntendo will probably treat the online aspect as a 'second launch', with another round of advertising - especially if high profile titles launch with online functions. And yup, BWii is online. REad it and weep: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/727/727452p1.html
  15. I;'m sure MK is online, as in online play. It just seems a very odd title to launch the online service with - its not a major crowd puller, not like Tony Hawk or Mario Kart You've forgotten Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers which i beleive is confirmed for online play. Thats a damn strong lineup for online play, especially as i'm sure there are more in the pipeline (I'm sure EA's SIMS Wii, Mario Kart). My choices are, of course, in Bold. Possible purchases in italics.
  16. Unfortunately, Scuba, it seems the NE Forums have become the internet pinacle of gammar and spelling and intelligence. Regular flaming to anyone making so much as a typo.
  17. I doubt MK will be the only launch title for Wii Online. There must be more, maybe Smash Bros...?
  18. Cynically, perhaps Nintendo feel we need to save the £3.50 to put towards Wario Ware. Maybe in a couple of weeks we'll see those titles NIntendo were bigging up earlier this week.
  19. Some of you have picked up on my comment and we're slowly going back to the whole "Nintendo will do a sega" era some time ago, and thats certainly not what i'm getting at. Bill Gates has on numberous occasions suggested he would purchase Nintendo given half the chance - however this chance has never come his way. Cold Fire picked up on the fact that towards the end of Yamauchi's leadership he instigated a shares buyback programme to ensure that any hostile takeover bids never get off the ground.
  20. Most games do warn that they may have been optimised for the Classic Controller. Cynically, i think its actually to encourage us to purchase classics.
  21. Bill Gates has made it clearly obvious in the past that Microsoft would like to purchase Nintendo. As far as i'm concerned that is Gates' agenda when he discusses Nintendo.
  22. Most companies tinker with ideas which eventually all by the wayside, so perhaps that explains it.
  23. Does anyone know if Nintendo accounts can be merged? EDIT ***Sorry, if I have two NOE VIP accounts, can they be merged?
  24. Last night I popped in F-Zero GX for a quickie, and started thinking of the next installment which will likely be on Wii. I understand that Miyamoto has indicated that any F-Zero update would be developed with the Classic Conroller in mind. But thats not, in my opinion, the most immersive way to update the franchise. So, here's my idea: Taking Two Remotes, one for each hand, steering/speed is now directly controlled by lifting and lowering the Wimote. Left remote is your left thruster, right is (rather obviously) your right thruster. The lower the Wiimote, the more power is routed to left/right engine. However, simply holding the remote lower won't do - you'll overheat and your machine will shut off for repairs (leaving you gliding for a few seconds) - ie, the a low Remote is effectively your Boost. Your engine requires power and therefore you must hold A on both Wiimotes. Taking your finger off A routes power to left/right Shields (meaning you can minimise damage). Attacks require you to hit into your opponent whilst holding B. Pushing your left Wiimote down causes your left engine to power up, making you turn RIGHT and vice versa (perhaps this could be swapped in the options menu also). Maximum local players therefore becomes 2, however, praise be 30 online opponents, with World Ranking, Continental and Country Rankings also. The option to add Rivals is also present. OK, so my idea is not one for casual gamers, certainly a hardcore game. But i feels its immersive and of course uses the Wiimote effectively.
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