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Everything posted by david.dakota

  1. Or, shock horror, someone else may be handling it.
  2. Venting a little frustration here, but i'm getting really annoyed by the wire between Remote and Nunchuk. Its not been a problem until i started playing SSX - while attempting to pull off Uber's, the wire is flying around like a demented bat, wrapping itself over the remote, catching under my knee. Surely, I can't be playing SSX with that much zealous? Anyone else finding this a problem?
  3. Oops, I opened a new thread. Whup me! Anywho, I hope that multiplayer is firstly a Mario and Luigi cop-op, and maybe even online..?
  4. According to the main site Thats right, according to the main site, Nintendo have confirmed the existence of some form of two player games/s in Mario's next adventure. Minigames? True Co-op or counter-op? Online? So, this begs the question, what multiplayer options would you like to see in Super Mario Galaxy?
  5. OK, waking up this morning and it seems i've woken in a stgrange new world. Why? After competent SSX Blur (and reasonable reviews of Tiger Woods), EA have done it again. IGN have awarded The Godfather: Blackhand Edition a strong 8. Its not a great increase from the original release, but the Wii's added features seem to have pushed the game into that magic "8" boundary. Click here for review Surprisingly, the PS3 version is blasted for its visuals (which seem comparable to Playstaion 2) and walks away with a 7.5. Click here for the PS3 review
  6. The only real fault I have with Eternal Darkess (and boy, I loved that game) is that the "zombie" creatures were very, very generic.
  7. Quite the opposite actually, Metroid was hated from its first showing right up until near release. The expectation for Metroid Prime was that it would be an average game at best.
  8. Recently, since the GAME buyout, all my games from Gameplay have packed AND been despatched on the Thursday, technically allowing games to arrive with customers on the Friday of release. There's a neat little trick with Gameplay, if you're interested. You only pay P&P once each order, so if you're planning to buy several games, put them all through as one order and any postage will be charged only once (so if you have 10 games on order, a £4.99 Guaranteed Next Day charge is paid once, meaning that it'll cost you £0.49 per game). Checked my account and its being picked today.
  9. For a moment, I actually thought you could put the Wii on its back and it'd lay eggs. Most disappointing.
  10. Yes, but we keep reading that PS3's are just sitting on the shelves despite 'production problems'.
  11. I prefer 1080 and Waverace to Excite Truck. Not that Excite is bad, its just i personally prefer water elements to dirt and soil.
  12. I'm one of the (lucky) few who loved Killer7, although I still don't have a clue whats going on...
  13. Suda 51 is crazy. But loveable. Like a lovable crazy dog.
  14. For ages I visted daily. However, i've realised its all well and good having 17,000 points, but theres NEVER anything to spend them on.
  15. I'm still curious as to how Nintendo are setting the 'worlds' up. Is it one giant world, or seperate levels? In fact I've got so many questions, I think Miyamoto should come round to my house and personally give me a demo.
  16. To all those with "S" ranks throughtout Excite and Super Excite Modes:
  17. Mario 128 is officially a hybrid of ideas, rather than any particulr game. I think bits of Mario 128 ended up in several games - Pikmin, Mario Sunshine, and probably Galaxy too.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxsSyzvbox8 Works for me
  19. He's showing us footage of Japanese women playing the DS for the first time. And an old buffer and a little girl. Hm An old buffer..?!
  20. Miyamoto is under that kilt. mark my words
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