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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. You just leave that to me. Anyway, you probably agree with me. Admit it!
  2. Two words. Blast Corps. Check out Perfect Dark and Diddy Kong Racing aswell.
  3. I have to agree with EEvil and Cheapshot here. I don't think you have the experiance, knowledge or the strength to start a buisness yet, even if it is a small one. Especially considering the fact 90% of buisnesses fail in its first year. Sorry to shatter your dreams like that.
  4. Am I the only one who has never had more trouble with a 3rd party controller than an official controller? I'd look out for anything made by Madcatz. They're usually OK.
  5. A bit of a dangerous thread this, as many people have yet to play many of the games which will be suggested, and theres bound to be spoilers, some may be forgotten to be put in a spoiler box. Anyways, I'd have to say Majora's Mask. Don't get me wrong, I loved OOT's ending aswell, but MM's ending was possibly the closest to magical an ending could get. The best bit was (not really a spoiler, but I'll put it in a spoiler box anyway)...
  6. Aye, I'll put my words on a plate then. Zatochi- Cool name, but its stolen, right? I can't remember, if I've seen it before. I'll give you 8/10 anyways.
  7. I can tell this thread won't go far, no offence. Anyway, Goonface. It's an interesting name, albiet a little immature- 8/10.
  8. Chicken, Fried rice and roast potatoes. Very nice- 9/10
  9. If I do read the paper, I just read the local papers I get through the post which reports stuff like some guy down the road won several medals in the transplant games. I also occasionally get The Daily Mail, albiet very occasionally.
  10. There are 2 that automatically spring to mind. The first being Soul Calibar 2, which just had a plane fantastic intro. It started with the immortal line "Transending history and the world; a tale of souls and swords eternally retold", and then just showed the most amazing clips of the characters 'in life' (the one that I remember well, was mitsurugi's battle upon the boats, fighting off some army, and then just managing to reflect a bullet with his blade^^). It should win an oscar for that, in my humble opinion. The second one is Mortal Kombat: Deadly Aliance. I don't think I've seen an intro set the mood for the whole game as well as MK: DA. It's basically about Quan Chi escaping from hell looking for revenge, and teaming up with Tsang Sung, to find immortality, because they are both gits. To achieve this they both go ahead and bump off Lui Kang, and threaten the world for power, immortality and such, but Raiden vows to stop them. It's more immense watching it, and knowing the story behind previous MK's aswell. It's very graphic, too, for example where Tsang broke Lui Kangs neck is a prime example of this, and is excellent cinematography, too. However, seeming as this is the retro board, I better say something about an intro from a game from a console of the past, which will be SM64. Y'know, where you mess about with mario's face when you turn on the game. At the time, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I wasted hours (well, minutes) seeing what the silliest face i can put on Mario. However, going back to it now, it is quite dull, but good while it lasted.
  11. I'll take it I was the only one who loved KotOR, then?
  12. NOM *runs away*
  13. For me, the game of the generation would have to be Knights of the Old Republic. The immense storyline, the force, the light side dark side dynamic, the twist. It was all good. I've finished it twice, and I'm still not bored. There's plenty of side quests, mini games and things to collect aswell, so you'd never run out of things to do. Definately the best game of the 21st century so far. Honourable mentions to Timesplitters 2 and Super Smash Bros. Melee aswell, for their awesome multiplayer too. Also enjoyed Eternal Darkness and Burnout 3: Takedown, aswell.
  14. That's enough of that shit. Bob and Haver both made excellant entries, but I'll go with...Haver
  15. Good. Revolution (name) sounds too boastful, and TBH a little childish. I'm hoping they are going to return to the name N5. That was a cool codename. Hopefully they'll make it official.
  16. I voted for Gamecube. The PS2 I never really liked, and I was tempted to vote Xbox, but I was looking in blockbuster the other day to rent a game or two, and when I looked at the selection, bar one or two games, it wasn't really that good. Gamecube, though, as remained consitant throughout the generation. It may have lost alot of 3rd party support, but it does have some pretty damn good exclusives, such as Metroid Prime 1&2, Super Mario Sunshine, SSBM, LoZ: Wind Waker, F-Zero GX, MK:DD etc. So I had no choice, really. GC it is.
  17. I have a feeling Sonic Team are not going to release the same sonic game as on PS3 and Xbox360, but rather a completely differant version, which uses the revs motion sensor heavily. Well, thats what I hope, anyway.
  18. Although not 'retro' in the sense of the word, but I'll go with the N64. Some of the finest games ever made were the norm practically every month on that machine, and the controller paved the way for the future of gaming. OOT, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64 and Banjo kazooie/Tooie were my faves from the '64.
  19. The folks have gone for a couple of day. That is excellant. I'll see what I can do for that time. Probably just watch TV.
  20. 9th. Not bad, considering my team is practically West Brom.
  21. Revived, as this was the best thing since sliced bread at c-e First pic... Have fun...
  22. I've joined. I probably wont care about this after 5 minutes, though.
  23. But on a more serious note: If only...
  24. Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrrrrrrrrrr
  25. Nintendo (and all supporting 3rd parties) should reveal everything around November, and completely piss all over the Xbox360 hype.
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