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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. There's no way I can't get this with the price drop so I am mighty excited to be picking up a 3DS tomorrow. Only thing is, I'm pretty low on cash so can only get one game. What do you guys suggest? So far I'm thinking Ridge Racer/Nintendogs(+ Cats) or Ocarina Of Time!
  2. Oh no, having to wait to find out is terrible but when its as vague as "next week" I bet it's even worse! Good luck though!
  3. I've been watching it live on Sky News and BBC, been trying to find out more about the Birmingham one but kinda hard to get information. These really do seem pointless, as was mentioned above most of the places being burnt aren't even government owned - what is their point exactly?
  4. I get paid this Friday which is the same day the 3DS gets reduced, isn't it? I might FINALLY get one because my friend got one last week and it only further proves how much I need a 3DS in my life. Face Raiders was particularly awesome.
  5. Thanks for your advice, Ashley! I did a fairly good job at faking confidence too Luckily, I delved into the knowledge of the company yesterday after reading your post and answered all of their probing questions quite well. There's about 8 people going for the job so I'll wait and see but the interview went better than expected. I usually can't stand 3 people sat facing me let alone in an interview situation but I was spurting answers out left, right and center. The only off putting thing was the man in the corner, writing down every word I said and frowning/smiling at some of my responses. :p I also completely screwed up in one of the hypothetical situations. It took me off guard and I was kinda unsure what to say and then started stuttering/spurting nonsensical rubbish but I'll have to hope they let that one slip :p THEY'LL GET BACK TO ME FRIDAY (anticipation, worry and self loathing ensues until then)
  6. You can't beat going out with a Pokémon enthusiast. You could even recite lyrics of 'Together Forever' though for a first date that could be a bit full on. "We'll be together and you can be sure that forever and a day, that's how long we'll stay - TOGETHER AND FOREVER MORE"
  7. I've been applying for stuff all over the place recently and hadn't had a reply (well, I had a couple of rejections) until a few days ago when one of them rang to arrange for an interview. At the time I was very happy but right now I'm worried I will screw it up :p It's happening tomorrow, I'm just trying to prepare and have all bases covered, I haven't had an interview in a few years and can be shy meeting new people so I just have to keep telling myself to be confident and try not to freeze up/stammer/blush (I always blush when I say something stupid or mess up, it only gets worse when I realize It's happening) Have you guys got any specific tips regarding interviews?
  8. The first video shared by MCJ scared the life out of me. That phone call was chilling, fake or not. (And if it was fake that guy would make a great actor :P)
  9. I'm not sure what makes you think that but I have all sorts of bollocks on my Facebook so I'm not surprised you were confused :P And I'm sure the "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" thing would work quite well :P
  10. http://n-europe.com/news.php?nid=16012 Too many ideas!
  11. I haven't dated for a while and everyone keeps trying to get me with 'a friend they know' or telling me to go on a date with (for the sake of privacy, lets name him Kurtle) but I'm quite happy being single right now. People find that really hard to believe though. WHAT'S SO WRONG?! I guess after being in a rather long relationship I just want some space to breathe but I keep getting told that I should "get out there", "find someone new". I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. Geez.
  12. http://www.metro.co.uk/tv/871004-charlie-sheen-agrees-6m-deal-for-celebrity-big-brother-appearance Charlie Sheen offered 6 million to appear on the show. I'm skeptical, does Channel 5 even have that kind of money? As its already been said, Channel 5 has nothing more than CSI, Neighbours and shit movies from the 80's.
  13. I have to say I fully agree. This all just looks so simple, easy and uninspired but I'm just hoping that it's because they're early levels. I much preferred the more open Mario games like '64 as oppose to the strict Mario Galaxy type routes.
  14. NGamer, I still get it every month. It's got consistently reliable reviews, dedicated Retro and Pokemon sections and is always hilariously funny. It's the only magazine I find worth reading in this age of the internet. It's also by the same guys as Super Play and N64 Magazine, both of which seem to be getting a lot of mentions on here! Super Play > N64 Magazine > NGC > NGamer
  15. Thanks for the heads up! After posting it the title disappeared for a short while and I didn't know why :P I'll remember for future posts!

  16. I think I had a lucid dream last night but I can't be sure as I only really controlled the last... 5 seconds of it. I was being chased by this huge man in a cloak, he wasn't running after me but floating, like one of the Dementors off Harry Potter (but with a face like Sloth from The Goonies). Anyway, the thing caught up with me and threw me into a lake. I've always thought the worst possible way to die would be through drowning so this was (obviously) quite a terrifying dream. I kept trying to get back up for air but the thing kept dragging me deeper into the water. Just as I felt I was going to die I suddenly realized I was dreaming and so, out of nowhere, I wielded an xbox controller. I pressed the middle button and a deep voice said "Do you wish to return to the dash board". In my last few breaths I managed to say yes, whilst inhaling far too much water and... I was awake. I now love my dashboard more than ever.
  17. Oh yeah I'm getting them confused :P It was Wii Speak voice chat in City Folk and text based chat in Wild World.
  18. The name was quite a give away :P And it had great charm about it, whatever did happen to that site anyway? I checked a few weeks back and it's changed to GameBrit and is seemingly quite empty. Certainly no Super Smash Bros Braille talk which is a mighty shame.

  19. Josh64

    Wait.... is this.... GUY OF EURO-FUSION FAME?

  20. Josh64

    Happy Birthday! I do believe you used to be on the amazing HM-Fusion podcast from time to time?


    If not then ignore my odd question.

    Either way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  21. This is by far my favorite game of the year - Totally unexpected but incredibly awesome. I love everything; the story, the characters, the art style.
  22. I used to love the online features of Wild World too! It was the first Nintendo game I played which felt as though it had proper online (What with the ability to SPEAK to each other and such). Treasure hunts, hide and seek, fishing... all things that are terrible in real life but so much better when played under the watchful eyes of onlooking animal villagers in comical clothing. And yes, a pond will do, I'm sure we can settle for a more low budget version of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Chums perhaps? (SM:TV reference of the day)
  23. I didn't expect an entire thread, I must say I'm touched guys, I've never felt such heart wrenching emotion since I first watched Twilight. Thanks for all the Birthday messages! I'm vastly running out of actual 'Thanks'!
  24. My Facebook is generally full of useless nonsensical status updates, pictures or links. Why anyone still has me as a friend is beyond me. As far as personal information goes I'm pretty sure I only have my e-mail and a link to places I post things on (Which has gone down to a mere two, N-Europe being one) so I'm safe in that respect. Still, Myspace is where it's at. I didn't see this when posting but that is one of the best interviews ever. I am very glad he didn't take his glasses off.
  25. I'm hoping for more customization in the town! Just imagine being able to put items outside. I could recreate the opening of F.R.I.E.N.D.S by having a sofa near the water fountain. Just imagine it, Static dancing around in the water, Cody spinning his umbrella in a comical fashion and Stitches being his typically sarcastic self, "Could we BE having anymore fun?". But benches also sound good.
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