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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. And to think I paid nearly double and it came with NINTENDO LAND of all things instead. Man, I was stupid to buy on day one :p
  2. Constant excuses to avoid doing basic things.
  3. Demo's are really important, I've wondered for years why they don't send demos out a few days after events such as E3. I guess before it made sense, with the Wii's limited space it could hardly handle WiiWare demos, but they have no excuse now. I've bought many games that I wouldn't have even known of if it weren't for demos - the most important for me being a demo disc for PS2 back in 2002/3. Introduced me to a game called Klonoa2, I wouldn't have bothered with it but the demo truly blew me away and to this day it's one of my favourite platformers. Nintendo need to do more of this, and more of the push downloads too. They only pushed YouTube and Wii Fit U to my console. Notifications also need to be sorted out. They should be like Miiverse or the friends list and easy to open and close mid-game, the fact that they're a completely separate app and take ages to load makes them pointless - The Wii Message board was better!
  4. That actually is a good week! I remember when most weeks on Wii would be like this (for the first few years of course). As Serebii said - HOPEFULLY this is the start of a new era for VC! Or y'know... it's a good one off I guess :p
  5. Maybe they just have trouble sleeping and log onto the twitter account when they're bored at night. That's the only time I use twitter :p Then again, I don't update an account that represents a multi million pound worldwide company
  6. You'd best leave Shibata alone, I adore that man.
  7. I quite like the Nintendo UK twitter atm "@NintendoUK: Hold it! Tweet us your Layton or Phoenix impressions with #tearoom or #courtroom for a chance to win a copy of their upcoming game... ...Here's Mr Shibata doing his own impressions for some inspiration! Full details here: http://ow.ly/uKUzd (2/2) pic.twitter.com/6fqmNQpeKK"
  8. I thought Halo 2 was always considered the better one? It's one of the few FPS games I actually really enjoy in multiplayer anyway so it must have got something right :P
  9. Just realised you can get stars for eShop purchases, I'm making a KILLING right now but need to take a rest. So. Many. Questions. But man, if my calculations are correct, by the end of it all I should have that Luigi Relaxation Set! YES!
  10. Good on you, Wii. Though I am mighty jealous :P Still didn't manage to get one for myself and a quick check shows all stores around me are OUT. I'm also not quite as tempted now it's £25. I only really wanted it for the controller. I mean, I know it's meant to be a great game, but JRPG's really aren't my thing!
  11. It only seems like 2 months ago they released their latest album (Oh wait, that's because it was :P) But B1A4 are back - Man, I can't breathe. This time a mini-album for Japan, but amazing all the same. "HEY!!" is especially amazing, as eccentric and upbeat as some of their early songs with a jazzy twist, it's like Super Mario 3D World but with hot Korean singers. Though sadly no decent YouTube uploads yet! And after 2 years of toning themselves down and trying to be more serious, they seem to have just decided to give up and go full on eccentric again. I had money in my iTunes account ready and waiting but it's not on there! They barely do Japanese releases now from what I've noticed and the couple of Japanese EP's B1A4 did have have been taken off iTunes. Must be licencing or something. So yeah, I obtained it another way :p
  12. Exactly, all Iwata was banging on about last year was momentum and how they lost it and will make sure they have a steady flow of games this year to maintain momentum.. and do they? No. Like you said, if they had more games coming out, perhaps they could continue these positive sales over a long period of time but sadly it will just dip right back down. And the Wii U's price has been so all over the place I'm not even sure how much it's meant to be any more. What is the official RRP?
  13. Let me know what you think, I've heard great things but wasn't too taken by the demo. I haven't got much room on my Vita but saw a physical second hand copy for £14 so might pick that up!
  14. Wii U sales up by 25% isn't bad for now but... with pretty much NO releases until Mario Kart and the PS4 and XBone getting more traction, it's probably in a worse position than last year. Maybe they should just call it quits and bury all the remaining Wii U's next to that E.T. game.
  15. Oh my, that's the kind of thing you'd expect to see from a Sonic fan.
  16. I wasn't a huge fan of Rayman at the time (and was slightly burned considering I bought it for £40 and it was £20 a week later but... considering how Origins went it's my own stupid fault :P) I thought it was okay but felt very much the same as Origins, I loved the music levels though and hope one day they make an entire rhythm game out of Rayman. That said, whilst I wasn't blown away by it, it was still MILES better than Mario Bros U and Luigi U - Those two titles are some of the laziest damn things I've ever seen Nintendo produce. The music and graphics in Rayman Legends alone shit all over NSMBU whilst the gameplay, to me, whilst slightly better, wasn't miles ahead. Donkey Kong on the other hand, now that's a dream. Whilst on the subject though, all four of those games would have been even better online. And sure, you can bang on about latency issues, but I really don't think that's a problem when you all have a decent connection. I had a 3 player online match on Brawl yesterday with some friends, lag free, with Skype and it was a blast - and that's the WII online, along with smash bros where the online mode seemed to have been slapped together in a matter of weeks. Which proves another point - It really does add value to the title. Six years later and I'm still having fun on Brawl, but as soon as the online is off, I really won't have much reason to play it as my local friends don't like the series!
  17. Damn you, tapedeck!! I'm so jealous, but congratulations on bagging them! And it finally came...
  18. I actually can't think of a single one, a year and a half in! Shocking.
  19. That certainly isn't the case now, as you said! But for some reason, even with low sales, I can't see things changing... other than with Mario Kart. That's another thing that annoys me, they're so inconsistent. Mario Kart online isn't incredible, but it's certainly pretty good, especially by Nintendo standards, so as a company they should look to Mario Kart and make that the STANDARD that all multiplayer Wii U games follow.
  20. Two stores locally and none had them, tried to order some online for Monday but it wouldn't work and I Cba to ask in store :p Another great deal, WASTED on me. This is Wii mini all over again, it hurts man.
  21. Continued with the exercise! I'm still on a minimum of 30 push ups and 30 sit ups when I wake up and before I go to bed but I managed 100 push ups and 110 sit ups today (as a total over the course of the day, mind :P). I'm gonna keep pushing until I look like Donkey Kong.
  22. Yeah, Nintendo Land would benefit immensely from online. Imagine Mario Chase, it already shows the runners face in a box, if you're all added as friends, it should have a little face box for everyone (as they'd all be using a GamePad) and have voice chat, it would almost be like being in the same room. And heck, even if it's not quite as good as local-multiplayer, it's still an added extra that would get miles more value out of the game and attract a lot more people. I don't believe any game could be hindered by an additional online mode. And the argument about it taking more time is invalid. Other developers seem to manage, I don't see why we should treat Nintendo any differently. If they're short staffed and can't get the games out on time then it's on them, they had years to prepare for this.
  23. Imagine integrated Wii U chat, so not just voice, but our faces in place of the character squares showing your position! We can dream
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