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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Online was great with you guys yesterday @RedShell you are a beast as DK. And after spending a lot of time with this since I last posted, I'm really impressed. Absolutely loving it now, the only problem for me is that I hate how the 3ds feels for intense fights, my hands started to get pins and needles yesteday! And there are a lot of surprise characters for me in this game. Ness, Pacman and Duck Hunt Duo are all far better than I imagined and my usual regulars, Pikachu and Falco, aren't that good at all. I'm having a lot of fun discovering all the characters and their moves and am much preferring the light, fast paced characters this time, that can send projectiles and stuff, wheras I used to like just jumping right in and smash-attacking everyone :p I also unlocked a few surprise things:
  2. Out of curiosity, how much money would an indie get from being featured on PS+ though? And I think Wii U aside (which if Mario Kart can't save, nothing can), consoles are just taking a bit longer to catch on here in the West. I'd bet that console gaming is still as big now as in 07, it's just that people are upgrading a lot slower and still buying games for their existing consoles instead. And I don't think there's any chance of a market crash, the industry is just changing. It is more about AAA titles and indie games, with less of the middle-ish titles (such as Hyrule Warriors) making it a bit more like the film industry I guess, which seems to be all about independent movies or big AAA blockbusters like Transformers or Super Hero Movie #726 without much inbetween. Just looking at titles this year, Watch_Dogs ended up being the biggest new franchise release in the UK ever. Then that was overtaken by Destiny. Console gaming is still very strong here, software-wise at least, people are just taking a bit longer to make that generation jump wheras in Japan, it just seems like they're not buying anything at all.
  3. I'm having mixed feelings with this ATM, loving it at times but then being frustrated and a bit deflated at others. I haven't played enough to really make a proper judgement though so I'll post more when I've really got to grips with all the characters and the modes. Of the new characters - Didn't like Rosalina at all, but then I'm not a fan of double ice-climber type characters. I love Little Mac but I'm all over the place with him :p I've punched myself off the stage many times. Robin is awesome. Shulk is decent but I'm trying to figure out what his down B does, also keep getting lost in his dreamy character Surprising to me is that Pacman is by far my favourite new-comer. I love all of his moves, his level is amazing and I nearly died when I first used his final smash. So good.
  4. Sad to see so many Wii U games failing in Japan, it's pretty much a given now that anything without Mario in it will not succeed on the Wii U in the West so I always remain hopeful that they will at least do decent numbers in Japan. But as Hyrule Warriors and Baynotta 2 have proved, this is no longer the case. In fact, looking at those charts I can't believe just how bad console gaming has become over there. I knew things weren't great but looking at the actual numbers is shocking. The fact that the Wii U is the best selling console of the week, by selling under 10,000 units, and that's WITH the help of a new title in fatal frame and recently released Bayonetta, says it all. The Xbox One is pretty much dead in Japan and that's a given but I can't help but wonder how Sony and Nintendo will ever really build a substantial following for their consoles either.
  5. That was crazy reading through the first page, I can't believe The Simpsons Movie was that long ago! Then I remembered how much I was looking forward to it cause it came out just a few days after I'd finished year 11. Crazy. Anyway, cool intro yeah. And I haven't watched the entire Family Guy/Simpsons episode but I really want to. I saw four clips and three were really good, whilst one reminded me why I don't watch Famiy Guy anymore (scene consisted of Homer and Peter drinking petrol, I can't remember why)
  6. I decided I didn't like Hyrule Warriors that much after all, so I sold it on eBay (as buy it now) for £27.99 and Crash Bandicoot (just found it in my pile of games :p) for £4.99 - Both sold yesterday just in time for Smash! Got the download code for £31.99 and came straight out of my paypal with the money I'd just made. A pretty decent swap in my eyes.
  7. I like the new and improved home menu when you pause mid-game. I always thought the old "close software" button was too big and really ugly. Looks a lot nicer now!
  8. I'm so torn! I really want a physical copy just because, but then lately I've been downloading games straight to my 3ds because in this day and age it seems crazy to be swapping cartridges in a portable device! I'm pretty sure my mind is made up on the digital copy now :p for that reason and because I can't risk not getting it Friday from shop to! (don't know how quick theyd be) And about the eShop and early code, I have no idea, I've never pre-ordered before (apart from Twilight princess years ago that went terribly wrong) but I think it's a possibility you could download it as soon as you get the code as review copies come as downloads. I dunno, will have to wait and see
  9. I might get the download code from GAME for £31.99 - Anyone done this in the past? I've heard they sometimes send codes early.
  10. Yay for folders! I do hate empty icons on my home-screen though, so for now I'll just have a folder for NES games, demos and Panorama View (Yes, I actually purchased all the panorama's - and I don't even regret it) and leave the rest of my eShop and retail downloads free on the menu. As for the UI, I love it, always have, same goes for the Wii and my iPhone. It's so simple which is why it's so great. I hate pissing around flicking to different screens (on my 360), flicking up, down, left right (PS3) - A tiled menu with all your icons is, and always has been for me, unbeatable. In the future I'll open a restaurant. On the bottom floor, presented as big squares next to each other will be all the different dish's we sell. You enter by going up onto the second floor and looking down through a big glass floor. You click on the glass floor (which is also a TOUCH SCREEN) on the food below that you want and bam - We bring it over to you on cocktail sticks. Same applies for a future clothes shop where they'll be different square piles of clothes everywhere. I also plan to open a shop which sells only different coloured light cubes. That's my favourite as it will be the easiest to incorporate the tiled icon feel. Obviously, throughout all these shops, the top floor that you are choosing from is the real life version of Wara-Wara plaza. You can try talking to people but they're all a bit simple. "Hey, man" you'll softly say to the kind lady in purple. "I SCORED 10,000 ON ZELDA NES REMIX LEVEL 5-4,BEAT THAT LOL" she screams, with dead, empty eyes whilst jumping up and down.
  11. Thanks! I literally just sorted all my emails out a few days ago so would have definitely seen it, so I'll look on the site now And that's great news! I knew they'd improved since their old 'we ship stuff every six weeks' but to get it in just a few days is amazing!
  12. Where did you find it? I registered my Hyrule Warriors day one but didn't get any information on how to get the Ganon dlc
  13. It has LoveFilm and Netflix but that's it. Pretty dire considering I can turn on my 360 and use Netlfix, Now TV, Twitch, BBCiPlayer, Demand5, 4oD, Blink Box (whatever that is) and countless others. It's true that it's a games console first but it would be nice, considering it is very capable, to have these other options. Then again, I think I'm in the minority for wanting multimedia capabilities on a console :p I remember being really impressed with what the XboxOne could do, the whole having the tv on clicked to one side and games on the other, whilst everyone else was blasting them for not focusing on games.
  14. I'm using my Wii U a lot less now I've got my computer connected to my tv with wireless keyboard and mouse. It turns out I used it for Netflix and the internet browser way more than I originally thought, it's mainly just a party machine now for when I have people over. It makes me wonder though, will we ever get Nintendo TVii? or more realistically, will they ever quietly take the logo off the screen? Most people just scoff at it and the idea but I was quite looking forward to it, so it seems a bit cheap of Nintendo to just outright ignore the promise they made and make no comment on it.
  15. Namco, whilst they haven't released masses on the U this year (to my knowledge) they have at least made an effort with the console. Tekken Tag 2 being a particular highlight. The same has to be said for Ubisoft, who, for a third-party on a constantly wavering console, have stayed strong up until now. I'd say their only mistake on Wii U was Rayman, which should have definitely been released in the February as promised. As for Watch Dogs, this is nothing but them sticking to their word now, I honestly can't believe they're going ahead with it. I can't see them selling many at all. Id wager that this will be in even lower numbers than Need For Speed. It'll certainly pose as a pain in the ass to collectors in 15 years time who have a pop at getting every Wii U title :p There's this random horse riding game on Wii that's worth a fair bit for the simple fact there are hardly any copies of it.
  16. I can see where you're coming from, I'm used to it now but after being brought up on seemingly instant loading screens from the N64/GC/Wii (bar a few exceptions like MYSIMS which was awful in that regard) it was a hard pill to swallow :p Did you ever experience a Wii pre the first speed update, it was SO bad. I remember loading up the Mii Channel when I first got it, screen froze for about 10 seconds, went black for another 5-10 and then had the actual Mii loading screen for about another 10, not even over exaggerating. Returning to the home menu after anything also took forever, would have probably been quicker just to turn the damn thing off and on again :p
  17. One of my videogame pet hates is masses of menus and stats and having to upgrde and fuse weapons, it's why I just couldn't get into Monster Hunter. I just can't wrap my head around it. I've mindlessly updated a few things anyway and fused some shit together, generally just two things with the highest rating, and am still finding the general game fun, I'm just hoping that I'mm not missing out on a lot of cool moves and what have you. I haven't playe dmuch of the Classic NES style game at all yet, mainly just the proper story, but had a go on a few screens of the NES game and it was surprisingly fun, I loved having mama coocoo in my team. I tried multiplayer for the first time yesterday and thought it was terrible. Granted, it would be a lot better if I had a Pro Controller, but I don't so had to make do with Wii Remote and Nunchuck - I'll find out today if you can change the control set up because the default one is horrendous. Attacks are done seemingly randomly when swinging the Wii Remote, with all the actual buttons just being used for lock-on and dashing. I paused to go look at my controls and it only gives the Wii U buttons - I was told with a Wii Remote and nunchuck to be pressing X X X Y :/ Not only that but the game does suffer, the framerate is the worst thing, at times on the Skyward Sword level it was reaching N64 levels of bad framerate, it was like playing it on the Diddy Kong Racing engine. Not only that but pop-up was a lot worse. Maybe if me and my friend were near each other it wouldn't have been too bad, but he was on one end of the map taking out some dragon guy whilst I was looking for the skultula. At one point, a guy literally just appeared right infront of me. So yeah, for me, the multiplayer is pretty terrible, but I'm still enjoying it as a single player game. I can only wonder if maybe it would have held up a lot better with online co-op instead.
  18. 3rd/4th place is great for a game like Hyrule Warriors, especially considering it's exclusive to Wii U and considering the sales it had over in Japan. And it actually seemed to do well outside of my regular gaming circles. Outside of here and Twitter I never hear much about Nintendo but saw 3 friends on Facebook mention it, all of which I didn't realise had a Wii U until now. It'll be interesting to see if it can hang onto that though, or if after this week it will be sent to the dark depths of Wii U hell.
  19. I remember reading just a few days ago about how Mario Pinball was actually a pretty solid game and the graphics were great for the time too. They must have been being sarcastic and I just didn't realise ... that or it was on the official Nintendo website or something :P I'm fairly into pinball games so could have quite easily been tricked into getting it! I'm thankful I read this thread!
  20. I didn't get a code when I registered
  21. I guess this means we won't be getting N64 games on Wii U VC any time soon?
  22. I havn't got a Skulltula yet either but that's because I really hate the crappy on-screen map so I generally find it awkward to find the spider area anyway.
  23. I got this earlier today, just finished chapter 3 and had a dabble in that NES style mode and I love it, it's so much better than I was anticipating! I love the speed of it all the most, I've never played a Warriors game so this crazy pace and all these enemies on-screen is new to me. Not only that but man, the music, settings and characters are just done so well. I'd forgotten so much about the Zelda universe but when that music started playing, and The Great Fairy appeared, it all came flooding back to me. I also really like the cut-scenes but have to agree with you guys, the short 'uuh' 'ooh' 'aah' voice clips are really annoying. I had it on rather loud because of the music but on those bits it was just weird, sounded like I was watching some Japanese porn with a rock theme. And Link looks amazing in this
  24. And I finally got a wireless keyboard! I'm typing this up on the TV!
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