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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Probably fake, but I wouldn't mind it looking like this...
  2. Matt_n_Millie Just started playing on PC.
  3. Cooky is right, you need to head to Qualaag's lair in the swamp at the bottom of Blighttown. Pro tip - take some moss with you because you will get poisoned in the swamp. Boss soul makes a fury sword (buffs with humanity), great for Dex build PvP. Then ring the second bell and head to Sen's Fortress, once that boss is defeated it's Anor Londo for you - things start to get really interesting and if you're not into summoning players, you will need to farm souls to reach an appropriate level. Think I'm going to play through this again, and perhaps Demon's Souls prior to it. All in preparation for Dark Souls 2.
  4. I used to use ShopTo extensively - to the point where I had around £2000 worth of pre-orders sat on my account. The downside of moving to Australia is not only the ridiculous price of games, but trying to find a decent online retailer. Although Ozgameshop seems like a decent alternative. I doubt the delivery will be the same though considering the country is the size of Europe.
  5. Dwarf - best to just stop playing. You obviously suck.
  6. Up until recently, I never had a PC that could play games at moderate settings. Then I bought a laptop for travelling, but I bought one that could play games. (Dedicated Graphics, i5 processor and 8G RAM etc..) So I set about playing the games I always wanted to play, such as DayZ and The Binding of Isaac. Now I have discovered Blizzard, and bought Diablo III, StarCraft 2 and the Battle Chest for WoW (Loving my Panderan Warrior). I'll buy Cataclysm and MoP once I'm at the level cap for those regions. So I've actually started to play the games I've always wanted to play.
  7. Platinum Trophies on both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Although a lot of the progress was down to item and tendancy manipulation. Also got the Platinum for CoD: World at War. Completing the game on Veteran was fucking nuts and completely blew my mind. I have some decent times on Trails too, I've got Inferno down to 6 faults. Although I haven't played it for a while but I'm convinced I can zero fault it.
  8. I have all three consoles this generation, but I won't be doing it again. Having now bought a capable PC for gaming, I think you're right that a complimentary console for lazy sofa gaming and then a PC for the high end stuff is the way to go.
  9. Summoning. Either Knight Solaire if available or other players. It's what the difficulty is designed for. Otherwise you will have to tank if you have high enough strength to rock Havels set and Iron Flesh.
  10. Yeah it's still not the most balanced game. Wrath of the Gods is spammed a lot, especially around Anor Londo were there are edges to fall off. I also come up against a lot of heavy armour builds, with very high poise using Havels/Giants set with a +15 greatsword - fucking devastating!
  11. Not anymore. Got nerfed in a patch along with Iron Flesh and Dark Wood Grain Ring.
  12. Quelaag's Fury Sword scales with Humanity, up to a maximum of 10 I think. I use it on a PvP build Darkmoon Covenant. As you don't lose the Humanity if defeated.
  13. What is this, 2008?
  14. Praise the Sun!
  15. Don't you just love independant retailers who don't give a fuck about breaking street dates? Installing now.
  16. @Cookyman @flameboy Want to see my arse this weekend?
  17. Play your cards right and you may see a whole lot more.
  18. Sent a friend request. Feel free to delete me on completion if you're having a friends list clear out or something.
  19. Me me me!!!! Do you have the 'Conference Call' shotgun and 'The Bee' shield?
  20. Good games tonight. My mic ran out of charge after 10 minutes though, it's one of those massive Sony things and I don't think battery life is the greatest. Are you going to catch us up?
  21. @Cube @Daft @Cookyman 7pm tonight work for you guys?
  22. Just started with Cube and Cookyman, it's obvious at this stage that this is an epic game. Just taking a break while Cooky masterbates or something.
  23. My special edition got despatched from ShopTo as well today, so should have it tomorrow. What we gonna do if three of us has it and @Daft doesn't? I don't mind waiting for the full team, and will roll a single player character in the interim.
  24. I've just played through the demo, really enjoyed it, day 1 purchase for me. Also, I didn't get any screen tear like on some of the footage I've seen.
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