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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. I recently bought 2 x 2DS's for Christmas presents, and didn't get points for them either. It's probably due to the margin on hardware being lower than games (speculation).
  2. They don't award points on console purchases for some reason.
  3. No such deal for the UK or EU. We get 2 week PS+ and a Music Unlimited trial - which you get anyway when you sign up on PS3.
  4. Some of those Playroom streams are horrific. Absolute dregs of American society with the comments section full of racist and homophobic people. Yet remarkably entertaining.
  5. PSN ID to the left. Not got a PS3 at the moment so will add people on Friday. Mainly rocking BF4.
  6. Sure it's just one can now, but what about tomorrow? What about next week? Next year?. One thing leads to another and the next thing you know ShopTo is employing meth addicts and crack whores. I've seen enough Breaking Bad to know how this shit go's down.
  7. Bit concerned about the packers getting shitfaced on Fosters tbh.
  8. Battlefield 4. Quite looking forward to the F2P and PS+ stuff: Resogun Contrast Blacklight Retribution Warframe DCUO Also, will be getting AC4 and probably Injustice before Christmas.
  9. I agree that the example given in the article clearly could not afford a new console, and anybody who lives from paycheque to paycheque shouldn't be buying luxury items. My point was that a lot of customers got caught off guard, and to not receive an email notification 2 weeks prior to the console release stating money will be deducted is unexpected. It doesn't matter whether this is your first purchase or hundredth, ShopTo were at fault here. I love ShopTo, and all my console and game purchase are made through them. I have also dealt with customer support on several occasions. Once being a faulty PS3 slim, which they replaced instantly and with no fuss. It just appears the communication needs a little work.
  10. You guys calling out buyers with concerns about ShopTo taking money early are being a little shortsighted. They are not dumb, or idiotic. £400 unexpectedly coming out of your account is not on, regardless of your financial situation. People need to budget for this expense, I managed to pay it off a couple of months ago, but I have had ShopTo try take money before without the funds being there. This is purely down to the way I manage my finances, I have three accounts; savings, current and joint, and move money around depending on circumstance.
  11. My status changed to 'processing' sometime yesterday. Although they do state that they are not shipping until the 28th. I just have the basic console bundle, and I'm really indecisive of what game to get. I'm only getting one boxed retail game at launch, but can't decide between KZ: SF or BF4.
  12. http://www.vg247.com/2013/11/12/ps4-versions-of-dont-starve-the-binding-of-isaac-free-on-ps-plus-at-launch/
  13. MATtheHAT


    NE leaderboard wars confirmed.
  14. Apparently runs like shit on PC too. Smacks of poor optimisation and lazy ports.
  15. Also, the back of the box confirms 2 player split screen only on Ghosts; the series has always been 4 player.
  16. See this winds me up. People will actually read this nonsense and believe they are seeing a true 1080p picture. It's MS marketing spin and damage control. If they had just taking the angle that the Xbox One is designed to be an entertainment centre with less focus on power and more on features and TV, then fair enough. Trying to position it in parity with what Sony is offering is clearly untrue, and they are getting called out on it.
  17. The difference is huge. 1080p has over double the amount of pixels than 720p. Even on a modest size TV with native 1080p resolution, the difference will be very noticeable. I think Daft posted a good visual representation of it on the previous page. But I think to focus on the CoD Ghosts resolution disparity is kinda missing the point. If the Xbox One cannot display a last generation game at 1080p then it is clearly underpowered.
  18. Did you watch that video before posting it?
  19. It sounds like a bit of a mess at the moment for MS, not just the technical difficulties (which I am sure will be resolved at launch or sometime after), but the console just seems underpowered and overpriced.
  20. Just pre-paid for my pre-order.
  21. It made a huge difference for me. Try it the next time you're on.
  22. Do you use the quick match option on the phone? I often get lobbies with 10+ other players in a race or mission.
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