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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Sure, just add me. I'm pretty much addicted so am on most nights. (Apart from tomorrow night; working away) EDIT: I also have a saddle and a carefully constructed tower with a pig trapped at the top in a 1 x 1 square. All it needs is for someone to ride the pig, and I remove the block underneath for the 'Pigs Might Fly' Achievement. Also, I have constructed a Nether Portal. Not sure if removing one of the blocks and another player replacing it will give the Achievement to the second player. Let me know if anybody wants any of these cheevo's.
  2. If anybody can't be arsed to build a powered track 500m long for the 'On a Rail' Achievement, you are welcome to ride my cart. Feel free to join my game on Live.
  3. Anybody playing Trails Evo? It's astonishingly good. Game of the year for me, and an absolute steal at 1200msp for the amount of content. Add me for leaderboard chasing fun and frustration - ShotoMat
  4. I got this last week and have been playing it all weekend. I can't say exactly when, but sometime over the previous four years, my gaming preferences changed. I went from playing CoD online regularly, to literally hating the thing and finding myself engrossed in something like Dark Souls and The Witcher. Not sure what my point is, but this game is definitely one for the 'Grown Ups', and it absolutely sings on the 360.
  5. EDIT: Nevermind. Got the wrong end of the stick.
  6. You don't have to do all three, just one of the experiences. So if you buy Fez, you will have spent more than 800 points and therefore qualify for the promotion.
  7. Trails Evolution next week! Anybody getting it up for some multiplayer? Still play Trails HD now, 3 years after released. The only game to ever hold my interest for so long.
  8. Free all weekend 'Down for Whatever'. Incidentally, even though I own the collectors edition, I've just bought the Epic Edition off eBay for £39.99. So have the collectors edition for sale.......
  9. I agree. I've put a few hours into it now, whilst it is not the 3rd person Left 4 Dead I hoped it would be, it certainly isn't the travesty Eurogamer would have you believe.
  10. JUPITER!!!! Very artistic.
  11. I'd be up for some multiplayer, drop me an invite if your playing tonight @flameboy
  12. A video I find interesting. Mainly because I used to be an Engineer in the process/packaging industry, and of course an avid gamer..... It also illustrates the process of packaging games in standard format, DVD or normally sized games. I would imagine packaging special editions or T shirts would take either a large re-configuration of the system, or revert back to an older way of packaging games, perhaps manually?
  13. They only take pictures of the standard editions for some reason. I presume it is down to the large and bespoke boxes not going through the usual automated packaging and shipping process.
  14. Sly Cooper is brilliant. I have the HD collection ad all 3 are fantastic, although the first is the best IMO. Also, easy Platinum if that's your bag.
  15. If you set a date and time Mike, I will buy the command pack ready. I've been meaning to buy it anyway.
  16. I don't have the command map pack, but do have RAAM's Shadow. I could perhaps be part of a team for those Horde/Beast Achievements if you can gather a few more people?
  17. FFS, everytime I get a decent time! @Daft beats it! Fuck it, just bought that mutant space blob game for some therapy.
  18. Had the limited edition delivered today, and put a couple of hours into it. I really like it, perfect for sinking 20 hours into before Mass Effect and SFxT drop next week.
  19. Shiiiiit, I don't think I'm going to attempt to beat that!
  20. Cookyman and Daft have it. Got a nice little leaderboard rivalry going on.
  21. Anybody bought/buying/thinking of buying Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3?
  22. Crystal Ring Shield got nerfed in the recent patch, also the fog ring now allows lock on. Wikidsouls is your friend. To get the most out of the game, as various NPC's and Covenents only appear after a very specific set of events you need to engineer.
  23. Got a couple more trophies to go for the Platinum. I'm finding the Thieves Guild quest line mind numbingly boring. Especially the loading times between areas. Also, Dark Souls.
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