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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. I agree, MMORPG aint gonna happen, buts its nice to dream. Nintendo have already said they will not be persuing that route. But the hardware is there, and with the lifespan of current gen consoles, I would not be surprised if a third party developer released one eventually. CoD4 giving the Wii a wideberth is not on. Theres no excuse for that. Although Activision have given the rights for CoD5 to Infinity Ward for the Xbox and PS3 versions (Infinity Ward made CoD4), the Wii version is being given the Treyarch treatment, the same people who brought CoD3 to the Wii. So expect more of the same from them. IMO, what the Wii needs now is a decent racer, with proper online play similar to what EA did with EA Nation. I know Mario Kart will be awesome but I think something like a Project Gothem type of game would really work, shit, i would even settle for Prostreet if it was online.
  2. The online mode in CoD4 is better, but I like MoH for the controls. When I go back to dual analogue for a FPS it seems like taking a step backward. Its the same for racing games now. I have got used to tilt control so anything else seems dated.
  3. Why? Because different gamers like different genre's of games. Sure, I love FPS, but i also love MMO games. I am not keen on RTS but I can appreciate there is a user base for that type of game. As for the hardware, I am pretty sure our little white box of Joy has been opened up to find an extra audio channel, I read it somewhere that it has the capabilty for a wireless headset. I will have a search to try and find the article.
  4. Friend request sent. And yeah, this seems like a much better place. The only reason I use the other site is for the game hubs - makes it easier to organise WiFi matches on MKDS.
  5. Not sure, I think it might be a region thing. I know Europe is all PAL, but the little triangles may be an indication of country of origin? IDK. As for downloading games, i would not know where to start in doing that.
  6. EA Nation ID = MATtheHAT Thanks for the welcome Demuwan, I think i will be sticking around, as the other forum i go on is overrun with Yank Kids talking about 'pwning' each other. Very strange.
  7. And my Double Dash Box-Art:
  8. Its pretty pointless really, but i like my only 2 Gamecube games to sit nice with my Wii games. SSBM:
  9. Personally, i would like to see a MMORPG similar to 'Second Life'. Animal crossing would be perfect, you could download the game onto a channel for free. Then pay small monthly subscription or use wii points.
  10. I was in that room earlier, thats what brought me to this site.
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