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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. No mate, I think he posted it for shits and giggles.
  2. Anyone fancy a game now? I will be on til the wee small hours.
  3. Not if your TV can display 480i 60Hz. Most modern TV's are capable of this.
  4. No, your TV just has to be able to accept an NTSC signal. ie, 480i 60Hz. Most modern TV's are capable of 60Hz. Or if it is HD ready you can use a component cable and run it in ED. (480p).
  5. I will refer you to my earlier posts. HTH
  6. Are they multiplying?
  7. On VG+ you can change the settings to display in ££££ rather than $$$$ On the right hand side where it says 'currencies, just click the drop down menu and selcet GBP.
  8. Yes. But its no use without the freeloader. Probably should have just used normal shipping.
  9. I ordered my Brawl from VG+ and my FL from Codejunkies at the same time. How can something the same size and weight come from Canada EARLIER than something coming from Stafford (?)?. And cost LESS????
  10. If your TV can display 480i 60Hz, or 480p via component, then the TV can recieve NTSC signals. The online thing would be speculation from me but I am sure I have read everything is fine.
  11. They don't feel as good as the official ones. The buttons are a bit....stiff. Especially the shoulder buttons. Size and shape they are exactly the same. Other people who play on my Wii can not tell the difference, but if you have played with an official one for any length of time you can tell its slightly inferior.
  12. Mmmmm, rubberized feel.
  13. I bought a couple of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Controller-Joypad-For-Wii-GameCube-Game-Cube-GC-White_W0QQitemZ310031100868QQihZ021QQcategoryZ147176QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Would be perfect to 'experiment' on until you have the confidence to do an official one.
  14. Just to clear something up.... Television stations in the US broadcast in 480i 60Hz Television stations in the UK broadcast in 576i 50Hz However, recently some stations in both the US nad UK are broadcasting in HD. Sports channels usually 720p, while the Movies usually go in 1080i. What this means to us trying to play a US game is that we have to match the settings that the game was localized for. Which is either 480p or 480i 60Hz. If your TV does not support these settings Brawl will not work.
  15. I think this was touched upon earlier. They should make the 50cc slow for the more casual gamer. Then a 100cc for the casual gamer starting to turn. Then the 150cc for the harcore. Then, a massive 200cc for the ultra hardcore must kill every motherfucker in the house type of gamer.
  16. I have also read the conspiricy theories, and to be honest, they do make sense. Could there really be a defect with the lens that Nintendo are covering up with the 'dirty' excuse?
  17. IGN - Bunch of 360 fan boys.
  18. Lol, I am not worried one bit. Just because 'some guy' on another forum has apparently tested a Gamecube game?, meh, pinch of salt. We can all start internet rumours.... Hey, I have played MKWii and the controls don't work.
  19. You do have a point and I can see it from your perspective, however, I feel Nintendo have added enough content to this over DD and DS to warrant a purchase. Shit, I would buy it just for the extensive online racing/battle mode. We play games for fun, and I believe twelve people racing online will be truly awesome. Fair enough there is some gimmicky additions like the bikes and stunts, but as we know this is probably aimed at the more casual gamer. I suppose the same could be said for all Nintendo's major franchise's - Smash, Zelda, Metroid etc.. But although they are all in the same vein as the previous game in the series, they all seem to push the envelope far enough for me to part with my cash, the same goes for MKWii.
  20. What happened to waiting until June (September)? Could'nt resist eh? lol.
  21. My status has just changed from 'On Hold' to 'Processing' with Codejunkies. Order Number 3419
  22. I just know I'm gonna be sat there with Brawl in my hand and no freeloader.
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