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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Unconfirmed....
  2. Ahem.......
  3. Oh god! How awesome would that be? Think I even came a little !
  4. That is what I am really looking forward to.
  5. He might not come in here anymore, he's made his own official thread.
  6. There will be a switch somewhere nearby, you will know its de-activated when the light on the camera turns from red to green.
  7. Might have been a bit hasty to condemn the single player as boring. The first couple of levels are nothing special, but then it becomes good, very good. Very similar, the whole infrustructure is the same. The way you find games ect. I can't see a ranking system as such, it looks like you earn credits in multiplayer to buy weapons/items/gadgets/perks. There is the obligatory deathmatch and team deathmatch, and also a few interesting objective based games. 'Golden Gun' mode is fun, similar to the Goldeneye version, whoever has the Golden Gun can kill people with one hit. Although they are always shown on the radar. If you like CoD4, you will like this.
  8. Can't seem to get into any online games at the moment, apart from a private match between me and a friend. You can easily tell its using the CoD4 engine, so slick. Just playing through the single player now, seems a little boring to be honest, don't know whether thats me just being a little washed out from all the shooting games I have bought recently. I did not buy it for the single player mind.....
  9. I did not get the headset bundle. I just use my old Jabra. In hindsight I really should have gone for the bundle. But I only had £20 in my paypal account
  10. Got this a couple of weeks ago, and because I have been working away, I have only had the chance to play it tonight. First impressions: After the mother of all installs/patches, I could finally get past the start screen. Kitted my little fella out in in some desert combats, a balaclava, and an M16A Assault Rifle. (Theres loads more customizing but I just wanted to get some action). So far so good. Found a european server and pressed 'X'. The map was the (In)Famous 'Crossroads' graphics look sharp and and it runs pretty smoothly. Not up to CoD4 standards but still very good. We were playing a game called 'Extraction' - find the hostages and extract them to a predetermined zone. So like a typical CoD4 player I ran straight towards the objective - and promptly got my head popped by a sniper. This is where there is a bit of a Marmite moment, in all but one game mode, you do not respawn until the end of the round. Which in some cases could be up to 10 minutes. In this game, team work is absolutely essential. Any trigger happy running and gunning players will probably not get on with this game. Its tactical, stealthy and very unforgiving. At the moment there is still a problem with the servers, there is a temporary patch in place. But its not the greatest. I have played it for about 3 hours now and although getting into games is fine, I have experienced a few glitches. (The sound went off for one round, and my PS3 has frozen once). Once the servers are sorted, I can see this game getting good community support, and good reviews.
  11. Be sure to post some first impressions when you do, (us PS3 owners are left in the dark again). Had a search around other forums and it seems it is almost exactly like CoD4 gameplay wise and the 7 kill streak sounds brilliant.
  12. Has anyone been playing the beta?
  13. Agreed, considering the Headset alone retails for around £25 in the US.
  14. To get the second half of the trophies. You need to rewind/Forward the 'Movie' until you see the triangle icon flashing. Pause and look around, there will be a 'picture' somewhere. Hold the camera over the picture for a couple of seconds (you will hear the music). For example, the part where there is a cat is sat on a building, if you angle the camera below it, there is a picture there. Easiest trophies ever.
  15. Then there is the official Sony Bluetooth Headset bundle I am not really one for posting new threads, but I could not find any reviews on t'internet. It is getting mixed reader reviews on various forums and websites. There seems to be a few issues with the servers, but this is likely to get patched in the coming weeks. Play.com are selling this with the official Sony Headset for £29.99. http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/4-/5800722/-/Product.html?searchstring=socom+ps3&searchsource=0 Or it is available now from the US:yay:
  16. Looks like you may be right..... http://kotaku.com/5063447/konami-officially-comments-on-xbox-360-metal-gear-solid-4 With regards to LBP, having played the beta to death, I can sure wait 2/3 weeks, and, tbh, I think the likes of FarCry2, GH:WT, CoD World at War and Quantum of Solace will be spinning away inside my PS3 more than LBP. Thats if I finish Bioshock......
  17. Now that my friend, is an instant download.
  18. I know mate, I was just having a 'toys out of pram' moment. I can highly recommend Warhawk, its my second favourite online shooter.
  19. Oh yes, got it pre-ordered and everything! The PSN update yesterday was pretty shit, apart from the Motorstorm 2 demo, there was nothing really there. I know there can't be top releases every week but when I had a shufty on the US store, there was SOCOM Confrontation available for download. I had enough of this shit from Nintendo..... *mumble moan grumble goes and orders socom from VG+* At least the PS3 is region free .
  20. Yeah, me and a pal played it online. Lots of lols making our sackboys look scared, then tiptoeing up to one of the bubbles, touching it to make it go pop, then running away. This game is just the epitomy of fun.
  21. Dunno, I can only speak from experience. The way you describe the problem just sounds like what I had. Some games work fine, others, like CoD4, had intermittent problems of disconnections and sometimes would not find any games at all. All this started a couple of months after first install of the router and trouble-free online gaming. After I researched the problem through various internet sites and forums, it seemed likely that the firewall within my router was a bit over zealous. I disabled it, and everything now runs fine again. That's not to say you have the same problem, it just gives you something to look into.
  22. Got WipEout and SSDH, not bothered about snakeball, if you have anything else, let me know. I will post a list of my games when i next turn my PS3 on (I have a few) It sounds to me as if there is a firewall enabled inside your router. Which would explain why it disconnects when playing online but not on PSN. When playing games online your router needs to let information pass through it in both directions, if there is a firewall enabled, it can restrict the signal coming in. Just disable it (if this is the problem) by going into router settings in your computer. If that does not fix it, I would contact virgin and get them to do a line check. There could be a fault with the provider.
  23. What are you offering? And what do you want?
  24. Not trying to teach you to suck eggs mate, but have you registered it to the console?
  25. Just tried to play the game this morning and it says 'Save data is corrupt'. Its done this before, I have to restart from the beginning. My levels are still uploaded, but all my tools and goodies bag have been erased. Can't be bothered to play through all the tutorials again to get them back. Just gonna wait for the full game now. Still annoying though. *Presses 'right' on the D-pad*
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