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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Cool, when were you thinking of meeting up online?
  2. Loving it. I picked it up earlier, and not put it down since. And just by reading the MH3 thread, I know I have not even scratched the surface! It reminds me a little of Demon's Souls, which is one of my favourite games this generation.
  3. Bought it. Been on a Wii game spree lately. Just bought this, Monster Hunter Tri, Donkey Kong and Super Mario Allstars. Loving the Wii again!
  4. Kollectors Editions:
  5. Awesome news! This is why I can't be a single console owner. I need games like this, Killzone, Gears and Reach in my life.
  6. I ended up buying ilomilo, its a great little game and just the 2 player co-op I was looking for after completing Lara Croft with my Daughter.
  7. GT5 Tonight anyone? 9pm til late.
  8. Bought the same steering wheel as ShavenWolf: Pick it up on Wednesday with the game.
  9. Pre-ordered:
  10. The beta (or is it alpha?) is quite rough, but fun. The maps are a bit rubbish though. They have vastly improved the controls now, they still have weight, but doesn't feel like you're moving under water anymore. They feel like Bad Company 2 controls. I'll spend some more time on it over the weekend, but my first impressions are good.
  11. Do it. One of the best games this generation.
  12. Well, I work full time and the pay is pretty good. I have a fair bit of disposable income, so yeah I do spend quite a lot on games. Short answer - Probably. Anyway, anyone want to buy this game? 360 version, barely used £25 delivered.
  13. I bought this game on impulse, and I don't know why. I didn't really like Fallout 3, and I don't really like this. Might trade it in for Vanquish. Buyers remorse ftw!
  14. That's the one! Personally I prefer them the way they are, but I can see the benefit for those used to a 360 pad. The only thing I don't like about the DS3 is the Triggers (L2/R2), they truly suck ass - especially if a shooter uses them with no option to change to R1/L1.
  15. I love stuff like this. Especially those guys that build and modify fightsticks. It reminds me of a picture I saw other day..... Which I can't find. It was a similar idea to yours, but they moved the left stick up and swapped the position with the D-pad.
  16. Sounds good to me!
  17. I'll be online most of the night to offer moral support/take the piss/pwn. I can switch between 360 and PS3, what about some Gears of War 2?
  18. He go's into proper Multiplayer about 6.30 minutes in. Watching this has just put this game right on the top of my radar, it looks fantastic. But, most importantly, the controls look like they might actually be usable this time.
  19. That list is not definitive, its just a broad spectrum of games on PSN that scored fairly well. Personally I hate Fat Princess but others seem to adore it and it scored well above average. I think PixelJunk Shooter is the best game on PSN.
  20. This. And, Lara Croft PixelJunk Shooter Super Streetfighter 2 HDR After Burner Climax Outrun Online Arcade Tekken 5 DR Battlefield 1943 Peggle Bionic Commando: Re-Armed Wipeout HD Braid Earthworm Jim HD Fat Princess flOw Flower Scott Pilgrim vs The World Marvel vs Capcom 2 Mega Man 9/10 Monkey Island 1/2 Nobby Nobby Boy To name but a few.
  21. About half way through on Legendary now, I'm up to the low gravity part. So far its not too hard, just taking my time and utilising my invincible team mates usually gets the job done. Its certainly a lot easier than CoD: World at War on Veteran. That shit blew my mind.
  22. I just can't get into this. It bores me. So I'm gonna trade it in at ASDA for that special offer and get FIFA 11 for 97p.
  23. So whats the verdict from those playing the beta?
  24. Definitely! Great games of SSFIV in an endless battle with Cookyman and DeathJam. After DJ crimped, me and Cooky did some excellent co-op on RDR, even getting a couple of Trophies for doing all the co-op missions and getting Gold. Then, after being unable to find a deathmatch game on Uncharted 2, we decided to co-op a mission on Hard. Great stuff. An excellent night of social gaming, I'd love to make it a regular thing, as I find it much better with people I know rather than randoms. Also, anyone want to play Borderlands one night?
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