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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Ah right, I thought it may have some hidden abilities like more souls per kill or whatever. Think I'll stick to the Binded Mask, it looks badass.
  2. Just got summoned as the Old Monk, and some poor soul got a Meatcleaver to the face. The online in this game is nothing short of revolutionary. p.s, What does the Old Monks head dress do?
  3. Just recovering my Gamertag now on my new Xbox. Its nice, glossy sleek black with chrome trim, whisper quiet, loads of USB ports, touch sensitive buttons and built in Wi-Fi..............Just like my launch PS3.
  4. Cool. I'll try and drag myself away from Demon's Souls.
  5. I definitely said 'yes' to the Monumentals quest at the beginning of the game. So I'm probably not quite pure white. Although I have read around on some forums about this. And for some unknown reason the Monumental can keep hold of the ring.
  6. I've managed to get pure white character tendency by killing some invading black phantoms. But now the Monumental doesn't seem to want to give me the friendship ring. I've tried in soul and human form but still nothing. Is there any other criteria I have to meet? Such as slaying 'x' amount of Archdemons?
  7. I can tell you really enjoyed the game. I'm going to pick it up at the weekend and probably start it after my Demon's Souls addiction has abated.
  8. What is it like in comparison to FFXIII? I played maybe 4/5 hours of that and have not gone back to it. I know its supposed to pick up after 20+ hours but I had other games I was more interested in. So this may scratch my JRPG itch. Well, this or White Knight Chronicles.
  9. No problem.
  10. Fancy a few games at the weekend drahcon?
  11. I've just let Yurt out of his cage, when does he appear in the Nexus? I don't want him murdering the NPC's.
  12. Dyson, is it £100 trade-in for my 120GB Elite? I've pre-ordered at my local GAME, and I'm sure I mentioned it was the 120GB version......
  13. Managed to get Pure White Tendency in 1-1 when I defeated Penetrator (lol). Daft, I don't know if you know this, but playing while connected to PSN will gradually shift the WT back to whatever the Global WT is, which is around Neutral/White at the moment. I played while offline to raise the WT in my game.
  14. I want to get Miraldas armour in 1-1. But I need to raise the WT to pure white. Can I summon a Blue Phantom and keep reviving him? (Obviously a friend who would keep dying on purpose), Would this work to raise WT in Bolatarian Palace?
  15. I still play it. I don't mind helping you out with the Trophies. The hardest one in the game is 'Leonidas' - Beat Score Attack Mode. But there is some techniques you can employ. Just send me a message if you get stuck.
  16. PS3 for me. Try out my new fightstick!
  17. I'm struggling. Flamelurker is pwning me everytime. And I need to beat him so I can get the blacksmith to forge me a Meat Cleaver. Might go for the Demonbrandt at this point and try and level up a bit.
  18. I'm torn between the Crescent Falchion+1 and the enchantable Uchigatana as my main melee weapon. (I assume the Falchion can't be enchanted?)
  19. They will probably do another budget release similar to Calamity Trigger in the EU, but I'm not prepared to wait until (at least) October.
  20. With a UK release date of 'October' and a release of just over 3 weeks in the US. Its time to IMPORT again.
  21. Is there a 'best' order to complete the levels? At the moment I'm doing 1-1, 2-1, 3-1 etc... then will probably go back and do 1-2, 2-2, 3-2 etc... Is this the preffered method for a noob dungeon crawler such as myself?
  22. Personally I would say very important. Just for the atmosphere the Ghosts/bloodstains/messages create.
  23. Upon further investigation (spoken to the missus). It seems the code is one you have to redeem at the Brotherhood website to claim the beta code. The beta itself is not actually live yet. But it does say on the website codes will be sent out 2 days before the beta starts.
  24. Pre-order bonus from ShopTo.
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