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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Having just moved house, and having no internet for the next 2 weeks, I bought myself one of those Mobile Broadband Dongle things that plugs into my laptops USB port. Can my PS3 run through this? Not for any online gaming or anything, just to check messages, browse store, spy on friends etc.... ????
  2. Anybody going to pick this up on the 17th March? Or is that month too crowded with AAA titles for you? £34.85 from ShopTo if you fancy playing an incredible fighter with some of the best netcode I've ever seen. Also, PAL regions get some extra content, and a nice Limited Edition......
  3. No I didn't. I passed it up for other games, and I didn't really want to spoil anything for myself. Although it doesn't really spoil anything...... What was in the Expo demo? Here we have a tutorial, a sleazy scene where one of the guys questions a prostitute, and an investigative scene beside a rail track.
  4. I've just done it, and the code worked fine. I'm playing it now. I was in two minds to play it, but in the end I couldn't resist. Its very good, very polished, and very interesting. I can't wait to play the final game now.
  5. To be honest, my Wii is getting more playtime at the moment than my PS3 and 360. Probably due to one game - Tatsunoko vs Capcom, which is better than any fighting game on the PS3. I also play a fair bit of NSMBWii and Mario Kart, which are cracking games in their own right. Although with the onslaught of games in March, the PS3 is probably gonna melt through the floor.
  6. Can't seem to find a game on the PS3 version, 360 seems fine though. Had a quick go, played 3 matches and all 3 I was an Alien. I think its very good, to the point where I have now added it to my pre-orders. It seems like its had a lot of polish since the Eurogamer Expo.
  7. Games are totally region free, Movies are hit and miss, some are and some aren't. HERE is quite a comprehensive list. I'm pretty sure you have to copy the content from the external device onto the PS3's HDD. Not sure, I bet Choze would know though. Where's he when you need him?
  8. I feel a little less 'inadaquate' now, just bought myself THIS. 4GB installs? I've shit em! I would have been mate, but just bought one.
  9. *Looks on eBay for Man-Size HDD*
  10. My 40GB HDD shits itself and runs away from your giant cock-swinging install!
  11. Is that...........a 4GB install?
  12. QFMFT. Wow. Throwing the insults about today aren't we?
  13. Don't people just run past the noobs with the shields, then spin round for a quick knife to the back of the head? I know thats what I do, and it works everytime. Maps? Karachi, Terminal and Rundown are my favourites at the moment. Although if its anything like CoD4, then my preference changes over time. I used to hate Chinatown for instance, but for some reason grew to love it.
  14. Didn't Capcom sort of expect this though? I read somewhere, I think it was a Destructoid interview, that they just made the game mainly for themselves and fan-service. I agree it is a shame its not got the sales it clearly deserves, and hopefully it won't put them off making a sequel - which would probably be for the HD consoles I would imagine.
  15. I don't even go into a thread if Dante is the last poster anymore, not that some of his stuff isn't useful. Its just mostly crap like the table above. I don't know, I guess I get all my news from Destructoid or Kotaku. I just come here for the banter and the occasional online gaming session.
  16. I love it, even if you're just remotely interested in fighters, then its definitely worth picking up. I just need to get my head round the faster paced action and combo-tastic gameplay.
  17. If you bring up the command list during play, it shows Alex to have a backwards charge to forward attack, can't remember the name but its like a sweeping punch combo depending on which attack button you press. He also has a downwards charge to up attack that makes Alex jump into the air and come back down with what looks like a knee drop. The distance on this move is also dependant on which attack button you press. You can cancel into both moves, which then can be cancelled into one of his Ultras. Thats what I like about this game, theres no need to have a silly cancelling technique like FADC in SFIV, just inputting the next move command will cancel the animation of the current move. Makes it a lot easier as we don't all have the ability of Diago Umehara.
  18. There is a character called Alex that has 2 charge moves, similar to guile. Although his Ultra's are quarter circle movements. He's also got a 'Gief like full rotation piledriver move. Also, theres this little girl with a broom.....Roll, I think her name is, who has some charge moves and one of her Ultras is charged.
  19. I didn't care much for the main story of Niko Bellic, or The Lost and Damned. But The Ballad of Gay Tony is great. Although I've already got it for the 360.
  20. I bought a Classic Controller Pro for this game, and it feels awesome. The only main concern is the D-pad is a little too sticky for those quarter-down-diagonal moves. Although I'm sure it will wear in (or the skin on my left thumb will wear off).
  21. It was implemented in firmware update 3.00. But its just optional for developers to use it I believe. I think we'll probably see one of the upcoming exclusives be the first one to take advantage of it, Heavy Rain would be a prime candidate.
  22. ^That, clunky combat and the framerate was a joke. I quite liked the story and conversation system, particularly the branching storyline. But, it made my eyes bleed. If Bioware have sorted the issues, then it will be a buy. I have not really been keeping up with the development due to not getting on with the first one, I had no interest in it. So hype is at zero. Maybe thats a good thing.....
  23. Its nice to see you back on LIVE again. Its been a while (I think it was over 150 days the last time you signed in. Not that I stalk you or anything, I just tend to notice these things) Anyway, ME2, I don't think its for me. I didn't really enjoy the first one, although the reviews its been getting point to a masterpiece.....
  24. You would need a 'Super Acheivement' on top of the 1000/1000 score to be comparable with the Trophy system. I think MS kind of addressed this when having the games you have got all the Acheivement for appear in a sub menu. Still not the same though.
  25. PS3 users drink fine wine and eat only the best cuisine. 360 kids drink pepsi and eat Dorito's. *raises pinky to drink* Good show old bean!
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