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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. So I bought a Wii U, got the Mario Kart 8 Premium Pack and picked up 2 extra pro controllers, Smash Bros and Nintendo Land. I'll definitely be picking up Wind Waker and Super Mario 3D World. Are there any more essential purchases? Not really looking for multiplat stuff as I've bought this to compliment my gaming PC. Loving the console and seeing Mario Kart for the first time in 1080p. I've got a huge grin on my face when playing.
  2. Doesn't seem to recognise my Xbox 360 Online Profile when trying to transfer characters to the PS4. Apparently a known issue and Rockstar are working on it. Really don't want to start a new character, got to well over level 100 in GTA Online.....
  3. I've started playing it Cooky, just hit level 21 if you fancy leveling up/gearing up for raids?
  4. To be honest, I can't see why it's that size. It looks pretty, in fact it looks fantastic, but it's basically the PS3 assets up-scaled. Still, definitely worth the wait.
  5. Valkyria Chronicles, absolutely sublime and a real treat at 1080p 60fps. Decent PS3 port too.
  6. I've had it for a few days now, the multiplayer is excellent. The jump mechanics and dash give it a Titanfall feel. Completed the campaign on Normal difficulty and thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall a much better game than Ghosts.
  7. Completely hooked on FFXIV at the moment. It's an amazing MMO. Patch 2.4 has just released adding lots of new content and the final Bahamut raid. I play mostly on PC, but also have it on PS4. It is cross platform play so I can switch between the two with the same character. If anybody gets this, and for £2 you'd be nuts not to, myself and I think @Sheikah are on the Cerberus server.
  8. Best one for a while imo: https://www.humblebundle.com/ Also Teleglitch: Die More Edition is completely free. You don't need to buy the bundle or anything.
  9. I've been so tempted to buy in to the Beta, but hold off in the knowledge it is due for release before 2015. Also kinda regret 'buying' Star Citizen. I'm sure it will be a great game once it's released, but that's probably light years away.
  10. I'm hoping once the online is fully working, the competition that this type of game inherently brings will pull me in. I do derive fun from 'leaderboard chasing', it's why Trials is one of my favorite games of all time. Perhaps my expectations were a little high for Sony's machine. I would have expected that the most powerful console in the world today could handle at least 1080p60 with decent textures and lighting in a racing title of this type. I suppose I'm also spoiled by PC racing games I've been playing lately. Grid 2 springs to mind and was free this weekend - and it looks proper next gen!
  11. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
  12. I've had this pre-ordered for some time now, and was really looking forward to it, but I have to say what a complete disappointment this has been. I can live with the network issues as I am sure they will be resolved. It's kind of expected now with any big release that network issues will plague the release window. My concerns, and I understand this is a controversial opinion, is how utterly bland this game is. The graphics are (imo) average, the environments boring, and the tracks aren't the most inspired design I've seen in a racing game. Next Gen, this is not.
  13. Played it today at EGX, managed to get to the boss in the demo, and promptly got my ass handed to me. 10/10 will buy.
  14. Ha Ha Ha UTOFTB!
  15. Here's some pics of builds when I played the Xbox, just need to motivate myself to build stuff on PS4! Castle Pirate Ship Pixel Art Gamertag! Working Train Station Mine and my Daughter's houses Hillsbrough!
  16. I'd be up for any Dota night. Just started matchmaking games and thought I would get owned - surprisingly I am doing OK. I think that's partly because the matchmaking is good at skill matching, and partly because I have about 100 hours co-op against bots/practice matches last hitting/watching live games and You Tube.
  17. Out on PS4 this week, anybody picking it up?
  18. Thanks for sharing. I'm looking at going next year (presumably it will be in Cologne again).
  19. @Cookyman Why don't you get yourself a nice little gaming PC for this?
  20. I'm ok, there's much better riders than me. Some of the guys at the top of the leaderboards are ninja's. I would agree with this. HD and Evolution were better Trials games. I can't believe online multiplayer is still not in yet. Still, I enjoy it nonetheless.
  21. I'm really hoping some of the new PS4 owners or even existing guys purchase Trials Fusion. I need some leaderboard chasing inspiration. Don't believe the rumours. It's not frustrating at all!
  22. Just a word of warning, using the 30fps cap 'feature' will make your eyes bleed. I seriously cannot imagine anybody using this, as it's mostly 60fps from start to finish anyway - just an occasional judder from what I experienced.
  23. Yorkshire I can do. A tha comin darn t' pub thee?
  24. I'm off work for a couple of weeks so pulled an all-nighter. Just needed to see the story to it's conclusion, it was that good.
  25. Been playing it most of the day, I can't put it down. Considering it's a port of a last gen game, it's the first game that feels next gen to me.
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