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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I use Facebook and FormSpring. Most people hate the latter but I think it's a great outlet depending on how you use it - can be therapeutic and almost acts as a substitute for a diary or something similar. Chain responses every now and then are irritating, but as long as it's a good question, it's enjoyable providing a good answer. (I don't publish posts on FB news feed btw, before ya troll me on that!)
  2. Emily Pankhurst and co. failed to shake women's damsel stereotype as they take a tumble from a Richter Scale 1 earthquake.
  3. I remember that octopus was an absolute cunt! I'm enjoying the love for this fella: Tiptup in a hovercraft = race rape
  4. "This is it?" points out an incredulous Captain Picard upon his new 3D Bravia T.V purchase. "And I thought Casper was shit before!"
  5. Why does Bane break the Batman and not finish him off completely?
  6. The last page or two has been win. tl;dr - win.
  7. But she's such a bad, undeserving person :'( And not talented. She really isn't.
  8. I love the new Batman films, I hope for at least 6 more in the style of what we've been given. Won't happen, but it should (even with recasting, like teh Bonds). Also, read a few pages that Keira Knightly might be trying to get a part. I chundered. Just no. No, no, no. She's shite & an irl twat of a woman.
  9. Who needs a schedule? Just have a cognitive notepad and after a few interesting things pop into mind, compile a couple of those ideas into The Rez Show

    or sommat that doesn't sound like it was thought up in 2 seconds

  10. Yeah but you hyped that motherfucker!

    I think you should do Daily, just not in daily installments.

    But similar format.

  11. I didn't like it :'(

    Sorry man, I agree with most of the guys, Daily was goooood (Y)

  12. Get out. Out.
  13. Seems that they've combated my issues almost completely, especially what they're mentioning at 12.45 in the vid. Sad news about PSN. Lame.
  14. The first Season of Breaking Bad is only 6 eps long, I was a bit gutted as it doesn't finish anywhere particularly...fitting. It's a good episode but not much of an epilogue (wrong word). I look forward to seeing more. Currently 3 eps into the 4th season of The Wire. Carcetti & Prez are very awesomez at the momento.
  15. Looks like us Ur0Peenz got the better deal release date wise and boxart wise, it hits here March 16th, a good half month later in teh US. EU boxart: Triumph.
  16. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Mice are so precise and easy to use it's unfunny. They will destroy pad users. However, I find keyboard and mouse set-up a bit boring and awkward. Motion control is a different ball game (lul), as you have to factor in that you can't rest your pointer on a flat surface and just drag it and know where the pointer will plonk itself, in the same way that a mouse works. It's much harder to judge. So you've got both a quivering hand, and the camera is always moving as you adjust aim before aiming down the sights, so the readjustment time can be a bit awkward. No matter how you set a boundary box you'll suffer some sort of set back. So in my view - for FPS' at least: Precision Mouse > Pad > Motion Fun-o-meter! Motion > Pad > Mouse So controllers play a good compromising role for me.
  17. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    The boundary box is much less important in 3rd person, and aiming centralises when you aim, making it much easier. In FPS your camera is pretty much always moving/unstable. For example turning corners and aiming can be a nightmare because as you go to aim your iron sights are wavering around. Makes motion controls a lot trickier, even if they can be more fun. I imagine Socom would be good with Move however.
  18. I thought it was ok Needs more Laddergoat...
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Choze feels like he's morally bound to test betas as if it's his occupation, which is unfortunate. Why play it to an extent where you aren't enjoying it? There's only three maps, do you seriously expect everyone to waste time unlocking everything so they can give some sort of first hand verdict? It's pathetic.
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    But the fact remains that in online shooters, you will do better with analogues. It's fine if you have Move vs. Move matches, but otherwise prepare to get steamrofled.
  21. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    The controls were decent on corruption, but still not comfortable. I don't know whether that was just because the whole game was a disappointment or not though. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition worked beautifully though, and obviously the way it played before hand played into motion control anyway.
  22. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    When did you grow a vagina?
  23. You are pretentious.
  24. Your infamy for being pretentious and having an 'in-ya-face' approach got you 'an award', and it was a shit one. (And fool you anyway, I didz get one. I'm just amused right now that you're assigning some sort of value to these. Waster.)
  25. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Well I've said why on the past few pages, you could re-read them if you really wanted to. I feel I'm entitled to criticise to such an extent because I was looking forward to it.
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