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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Yeah the new engine can handle twice as many suns as before.
  2. What's the low-down with the specs then? De-bullshitted, preferably.
  3. Everything about Microsoft's approach is insipid, pure as. As Daft mentioned, they're just so horrifically American. Smug, corporate, and chiefly fronted by people so high up they don't even care or know what they're selling. Where do they breed their execs? They make it look like the people at Nintendo are still trying.
  4. Every screaming atom of the thing tells you it isn't a games console. Games Console: Fascist hunk of shit: - 24hr surveillance -Bans sharing -Ruins TV - Seizes ownership of your voice and body 'It only controls every aspect of your lives'
  5. Yeah I think you're probably on the money. It's a massive concession but perhaps they had no choice but to bend over.
  6. I'd be fucked off if Microsoft's policy on used games tempts third-party publishers to adopt the same policy for used multiplatform PS4 games. I can see why the Ouya might gain some cult backing now.
  7. June the 14th right? Not too far away now. I've kept a blackout going since the first couple of videos so there should be a ton of surprises in store. Apparently this is the longest campaign NaughtyDog has ever made my some distance. Nom. I really hope it's nothing like T.V version of The Walking Dead.
  8. That looks utterly soulless. Knee-high walls have never looked so contrived.
  9. I think toying with apps and menus while watching films or dramas is actually disrespectful to the people creating them. Not appealing in the slightest. What's the crack with used games on PS4?
  10. Nobody on the stage gave the faintest toss about games. There was no passion, just buzz-word gibberish. The name is OK, but there is an issue with it being 359 less than the 360.
  11. The key question is: are the exclusives Kinect-focused? The conference was complete wank, the strategy they're taking was to be expected though. Makes it easier to choose the PS4 I suppose.
  12. Why the fuck are you lot not in the chat room? http://www.n-europe.com/chat Oh. Zechs is chilling in there.
  13. What the fuck is a war if it isn't for freedom? Shit name. Panopticon was a cool name and concept.
  14. Fifa 14 is going to make an appearance at the Xbox conference. YAWN.
  15. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    At least it wasn't a docile slug whose only attack was feeble guilt-tripping.
  16. Bale is sensational. How anyone can strike a ball from that range so consistently is beyond me. United are laughing if they snap him up.
  17. Didn't know where to put this but oh well. It might only make it to the PC and it doesn't come out til 2014 but it looks mighty interesting: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-17-avant-garde-stealth-game-tangiers-looks-like-a-surreal-noir-nightmare
  18. I'm expecting a catastrophe on the scale of Sony's E3 2006. It won't be as funny a failure or have such a detrimental price point announcement, but it will be equally groansome from a gamers perspective. Coining that
  19. I think I read somewhere that the textures were noticeably better on the PC version. Unless your monitor is poor, go for it. Likely to be cheaper too.
  20. There's violence in the game?! For fuck sake Cube!
  21. Oh don't get me wrong, I'd still prefer Cadbury to recall the chocolate bar over playing this.
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