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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. So @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, who I've only met in person once or twice at meets, just donated a stonking £50 to a charity thing I'm doing. Completely out of the blue. We've got some keepers here at the forum. Thanks Danny
  2. Climbing the colossi was terribly unresponsive and frustrating for me - movements and actions often had to be made with pinpoint precision otherwise they didn't register at all. Maybe the controls were acceptable back then, but they don't hold up well. You rarely hear of games having poor controls these days but if ICO's games are structured in a similar way to each other and the team still hasn't nailed down that aspect of their game design, who's to say there won't be problems with TLG? Like everyone else I want the game to be good, as much out of respect for the hardship suffered as anything else.
  3. How does that pan out for you?
  4. The unresponsive controls in SotC were enough for me to stop playing halfway through the game, having come from a diet of Uncharted games before trying the PS2 remaster. Team ICO make things difficult for themselves, some might say justifiably so because of the special nature of their character/world interaction, but I think the likelihood of The Last Guardian being a solid game that meets current gen standards after such a tortuous development schedule is very, very slim. Imagine the pressure they're working under.
  5. I've heard Hardline is a buggy mess. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean it's worth getting.
  6. What are your games of E3 so far then? For me, it has to be Bound. The animation and lighting is drop-dead gorgeous.
  7. Fe ransacked ideas from Journey but felt soulless to me, whereas this looks like its own thing entirely. The character is so expressive and performative. Stunning.
  8. "This is where it all began. The world's forge. The place where it all started." David Cage is back, ladies and gentlemen.
  9. They've drastically downgraded the character models, which isn't at all surprising because the dogbird would've been causing all sorts of headaches.
  10. Forum is asleep, so it is with a heavy heart that I will duck this one out. Enjoy it, y'all.
  11. Sorry if I'm way behind the times, but has Knee scrapped the chat feature? Would've been keen to stay up for the conference.
  12. The collapse of climbing apparatus isn't the main problem, it's the characters' wink-wink jokes that follow every occurrence. Agree with you on pretty much every count, but then again I bought the game for the multiplayer which is excellent. The campaign was more an experiment in what it feels like to explore concept art in real time.
  13. I'm sneaking onto a friend's console and subjecting him to that the next time he boots up. Money is no barrier.
  14. dwarf

    Battlefield 1

    ...only if they exchange chocolate and shortbread in the middle. BF has never featured a passable campaign mode, so I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  15. Sony are always testing the water with these sorts of features; Move, 3D, PSVR, PlayStationNow, and now 4K. How do you safely gauge demand for the above if you don't actually release them in some form? Sony have taken up the strategy of releasing them as optional extras that have no impact on the core player base. This allows them to optimise or scrap the feature for their next console launch with minimal risk. I don't think the Neo indicates a shortening in the console life-cycle. More likely it reflects what we've been seeing already - hardware evolving during each life-cycle.
  16. The last 5 or 6 chapters from The Brothers Drake onwards were the strongest in the game. They tested your combat skills and injected some much needed pace in anticipation of the ending. Had I been playing TLoU2 those chapters would've seemed out of place, and slow-paced horror gameplay would've been more appropriate. I'm speaking as someone who played a day's worth of multiplayer before completing Story, though, so maybe I was just growing impatient with the 'sluggish' opening stages when compared to TDM.
  17. FYI - party join problems can be solved by quitting the application and rebooting. Reconnecting to multiplayer doesn't cut the mustard like it did in 2 & 3.
  18. My go to multiplayer class now that I have 26/26 LP: --- AK-47 with recoil reduction modifier (9LP) Para.45 (1LP) Grenade (4LP) Saviour Sidekick (2LP) Mark on Damage 3 (4LP) Down But Not Out 2 (3LP) Helping Hand 2 (2LP) Scavenger 1 (1LP) --- Towards the end of each match once I've upgraded grenades and used the sidekick a couple of times, I switch to a similar loadout but with a mystical/heavy weapon in place of a booster. The Saviour Sidekick is immense - he'll save your skin on a number of occasions as well as resupply you and your team frequently - which includes reducing the cool-down on gear/grenades (HUGE). Add to that the fact that he's resilient in battle and costs a mere 2LP, he's insane. Why you'd use anything but frags in the gear slot is beyond me because they're stupidly useful offensively and defensively, whatever the scenario. Maybe you could make a case for smoke grenades with certain niche set-ups, not for me though. The extra cash gain from highlighting enemies when you damage them makes everything else easier, and the accurate AK can take people out from almost any range if you play it right. Down But Not Out complements the Saviour sidekick well as it improves your downed health and movement speed, while scavenger is something I put on every class because it's dirt cheap, and the extra range on ammo pickups means you don't have to worry about your positioning when collecting it - helpful if you need to restock the AK quickly during a firefight without having to hit a precise mark. / If you're trying to unlock the extra LP obtainable by downing 200 enemies with pistols, choose a Para.45-only class and play Plunder. If you're lucky enough to unlock Rafe's Para like I was (spending relics in the hero weapon-chest), use that - it comes with increased hip-fire accuracy and increased clip size, which happen to be the two best sidearm modifications. The Para's improved hip-fire is nigh-on OP, making it especially easy to rinse enemies caught in the mayhem of the idol during Plunder matches.
  19. How about that freak ranked match encounter with me in which I rinsed you? Currently in the Diamond III rank in TDM which is two tiers from maximum I think. Played the multiplayer a shit ton already so I'm eager for new maps, otherwise I'm not sure about it's longevity. Having put the time in to unlock most of the loadout points (24/26) I feel like I should stick around. Even after extensive time with the online I'm not sure I enjoy it as much as U3 - sometimes the mysticals and sidekicks are cool, other times I'd like a return to the basics with map weapon spawns. Finished the campaign tonight. The last 5 or 6 chapters were terrific, up until then the game was a bit hit and miss for me but overall I'd say it's the best in the series. NaughtyDog have come a long way in every department.
  20. They've done me over too, but usually they have conservative estimates, so hopefully it arrives tomorrow.
  21. My copy was only dispatched this morning, so I'm not even able to delight in the update screen. #pray4dwarf
  22. dwarf

    Battlefield 1

    It's only a small thing, but I welcome the return to proper weapon variety. Iron sights that you have to put up with even if you don't like them, features of guns that add balance and trade-offs, as opposed to being able to customize weaknesses away so as to homogenize everything. Counter-intuitively, that's what customization has done in my view. There will still be attachments in this apparently, but obviously to a lesser extent in fitting with the period. Promising from the snippets they've shown.
  23. dwarf

    Battlefield 1

    Loved Bad Company 2, wasn't as big a fan of BF3 & BF4 from what I played. Maybe with a cohesive NE squad this might be worth a look? I'm also game for WW2 and fewer customization options, the last of which is highly unlikely. I would shit my pants if they announced BF 1944.
  24. Just finished it. The last boss is always a bit of an anticlimax but I enjoyed the game, still one or two areas I haven't explored yet though.
  25. LOOOOOOL snap out of it bro!
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