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Everything posted by rizz

  1. I give them 5 G's
  2. Drums (hey i play them :P) however, they shouldn't ring like mine, I dont like that >_< Piano is pretty cool too imo. I quite like the sound of the harp, jump on OoT and go see a fairy, awesomeness. Theres some not bad stuff in the market either with the sitar?. Medieval ftw.
  3. I have been interested in the books but never bought them. It seems my kind of stuff so I might get them now I finished reading all the harry potter books.
  4. Yeah, in a few days we could be going '¬_¬ they still dressing up like fucktards' and then ka-boom!
  5. rizz

    lol @ game

    Never played Shenmue then?
  6. I used to have a muslim friend before we went to different high schools, he was pretty cool so I don't say all muslims are bad, but if I were this countries dictator, and there was shit over here and i'd have any trouble makers shipped out and shot on sight if they came back. And religion would be banned outside the home. ftw :P People with those signs should be arrested, here you can get arrested for wearing a shirt saying 'jesus is a ****' ffs. Anyone seen http://www.fuckchrist.com/ ?
  7. Banish them to the north pole and wait for global warming to take effect! Or just arrest the fuckers.
  8. Padgate, Warrington, Cheshire, England, Europe, Earth. Winz!
  9. rizz

    lol @ game

    Did you see a black car on that day?
  10. You are all such n00bs :P
  11. If I had a PS2, I would get this just for Pantera.
  12. Woolston. The 6th form runs between woolston and padgate though these days. Padgate highschool is also fearnhead college, which makes no sense.
  13. It sucks that I probably wont be able to do some courses I like because either I have shitty options at college or my interests have changed so I never did the required gcse into A level courses.
  14. I am considering going to a Uni in Manchester. I don't want to have to get a proper job and it'll be close to where all the bands come and play.
  15. Surely some people will know what i'm on about? Anyone remember exactly what was happening with that? Were the monkeys killing the lawyers? Were the monkeys the lawyers themselves? Yeah, it was that Mike/Colossus/Ryu/..... dude's thing. Suddenly I want to know what it was all about and I can't remember, Xsorbit search is shit :P
  16. Dude thats hardcore \m/(^0^)\m/
  17. Undertaker has lightning powers? Destroyed ring? o_O
  18. EEVIL ftw tbh.
  19. Kane, HHH, or Coachman to win the rumble! Royal Rumble is always fun. Especially if they bring back old wrestlers. Honky Tonk Man! He totally got owned by Kane was it? But that was 5 or 6 years ago :P
  20. First concert was Rammstein, then Feeder, then The Bravery, then OMFG FOO FIGHTERS! And I saw Jimmy Chamberlin (smashing pumpkins drummer) somewhere inbetween. Awesomeness goes as so: 1. Foo Fighters 2. Rammstein 3. Feeder 4. Jimmy Chamberlin 5. The Bravery Maybe 3 and 4 should be other way around. Hmm... Rammstein, being first gig, was fucking awesome, chck out planetrammstein.com for live pics, you'll see what I mean. If they ever play near you, go see them!
  21. I've seen something like this before, made by the Japs, i'm pretty sure someone posted a thread about it on c-e. Still, crazy stuff, I would love to have one (as most would im sure :P).
  22. I can touch type okay, I been typing for most of my life but I never really tried touch typing until recently, and its not something I do a lot. I prefer to look at the keyboard, just so I can type really fast and be sure what keys i'm going to hit. I don't type my fastest often, mainly in ICT classes when i've thought of a whole scentance I sometimes just speed up without thinking much about it.
  23. rizz


    Well last night I wen't bed earlyish because I wanted to get up at a decent time to practice some stuff on my drums as I might have been going out later. So yeah, I go bed earlyish (about 1am), then sleep for 13 hours, getting up at around the the usual time. In future I will only go bed early if I feel fucking drained of energy :-/
  24. I think the vocals could be worked on but they aren't terrible or anything. I was reminded of Slayer actually, in some parts by the vocals. I was never much a fan of Slayers vocals but, well, Slayer :P Otherwise, its all rather awesome.
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