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Everything posted by rizz

  1. Well, just today... I was woken up early A batter leaked all inside my wavebird controller. Feeder concert got postponed And worst of all, my drum stool is fucking falling to pieces. I can still sit on it after a bit of dodgy handywork but it doesnt feel very safe, and its still fucked and i'll have to get a new one :-/
  2. 3 men on an island, they were walking along when some crazy monster type thing came along and said 'eat these dead birds or ill kick the shit out of you all'. The first man is like no way thats sick, the second was also having none of it. The third was rather scared by this threat so eat the dead birds. They moved along and wondered inot a cave where some huge talking spider screamed at them 'eat these human eyeballs or i will close this cave in on you!'. The first man again was disgusted at the idea and refused, the second man threw up at the idea. The third, again very scared, ate the eyeballs, and they were allowed to move along. Walking along the beach of the island, an angry blastoise jumped out of the sea, 'eat these mutated fish or ill water blast you!'. The first and second men were like wtf mate, no way. The third man was like wtf also, but it was only fish he thought to himself, and ate them. Walking through a cave, the three men could see a fish and chip shop. They carried on, when from the shadows jumped a crazy old man wielding a chainsaw. 'EAT THESE HUMAN FINGERS OR ILL DECAPITATE YOU ALL!!!' The first and second men were scared stiff, but the third man thought about the other things he'd eated so far and thought he may as well. He ate them, and they all carried on to the chippy. They got there. The first man ordered a normal sized fish. The second man, after throwing his food up before, decided to get the bigest fish they had there. They both turned to the third man 'you not getting anything?' they asked, to which he replied 'nah, ive already had birds eye fish fingers'.
  3. See, compared to other stuff by Foo's, I don't find In Your Honour heavy :-/ I was expecting stuff like 'My Poor Brain', 'Weenie Beanie' and 'Enough Space', but I was disappointed
  4. Imo, 2005 has had a few disappointments, like the latest albums by Foo Fighters, System of a Down, and Rammstein. However, there was one album this year that really stood out for me. 1349 - Hellfire Their third album, and it's most awesome. It's black metal, and as some might say, it sounds tr00 :P Well, it does sound like that, with everything being excellent. Playing drums myself, I have to love Frost's drumming, which is so fast yet remains consistant. I wouldn't know much about the other instruments, but I love what comes from them, and if anyone has seen the video for the track 'sculptor of flesh' you will see how fast they are. It seems a lot bigger and fuller and more thought out to me than the other albums, but it is longer than the others, and has a track that is 13:49 long (and that band is called 1349 if you didnt notice :P)
  5. Double bass pedal for my drum kit. That is all. It is ordered.
  6. This reminded me to check maddox's site. Well, not watched the trailer, but after the first film and what people saying I expect this will be good too.
  7. The joke is on all people who read my joke all the way through.
  8. The dark knight see's up in a tower a beautiful princess, and wishes to marry her. He goes to the castle door where he is greeted by the first guard, 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'How can I help?' 'I want to marry the princess' 'Find me the biggest diamond and i'll let you past' The dark night goes and finds such a diamond, and returns to the castle. 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'do you have that diamond?' 'yes, here it is' 'ok, you can go past now.' He goes and finds himself facing the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'How can I help?' 'I want to marry the princess' 'Bring me 1000 gold coins and i'll let you past' He goes down and see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He robs banks and rich people to get the gold coins. He goes to the castle and see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He gets to the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'do you have the money?' 'yes, here it is' 'ok, you can go past now.' He finds himself infront of the king 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'How can I help?' 'I want to marry the princess' 'Find me the biggest ring and I shall let you past.' He goes down and see's the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He goes down and see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He finds the biggest ring and returns to the castle He see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He see's the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He see's the king 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'do you have the ring?' 'Yes, here it is' 'ok, you can go past' Finally, he finds himself in the princesses tower 'who are you' 'the Dark Knight' 'yo, wassup' 'I want to propose to you' 'then find me a big load of silver' He goes down and see's the king 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past' He see's the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He finds a load of silver and makes his way back to the castle. He see's the first guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He see's the second guard 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He see's the king 'Who are you?' 'the Dark Knight' 'ok, you can go past.' He gets back to the princess 'who are you' 'the Dark Knight' 'do you have the silver?' 'Yes here it is' He hands her the silver, then gets down on one knee, puts her hand in his and asks her to marry him. She looks into his eyes, and softly she replies. 'no'.
  9. Like I said, most awesome!
  10. Best show for band is Rammstein. I reckon the only show I will go to that will top it for being a bloody awesome performance will be if I see them again. However, I was seated, so for the crowd, its between the bravery and feeder. The bravery had essentially one thing that feeder didn't, crowd surfers, landing on my head. That said, outside I could hear people talking 'whats a fuckin mosher doing at an indie concert', and the fans were fucking boring mostly. Only where we were crushed up at the front were people jumping up and down. Center front of the crowd, just back a bti from the barrier, where you expect lots of action, there was nothing. You push them at all and they look at you as if to say 'what are you doing :-/' Boring fuckers really. People at Feeder were better, pushing around for nearly 2 hours, jumping up and down, beach ball being thrown around, the cups of water being knocked in the air, even a crappy little mosh pit. Feeder ftw!
  11. Awesome. I love ctrl-alt-del, though I'll probably wait for torrents or something if they become available :P
  12. My christmas list a double bass pedal for my drum kit. It was ordered today. Yay.
  13. Bye. I have nothing else to say really. Good luck and stuff I suppose. I remember the days when the lockinator was still locking stuff, seems so far away.
  14. If you are into any type of metal I would get on DC++ and find yourself a few hubs dedicated to metal. Some stuff thats the only way you're gonna find imo. Every album i've ever looked for has been found without much difficulty.
  15. Yeah, if i did want to download something like a movie, not that I would, then in such a case I would use a torrent. If I ever wanted to get hold of a more popular album, if I ever did, just to preview it, then I would also get a torrent for it. P2P, like DC++ is 'apparently' where its all at. My underground metal needs are all there, albums, individual songs, rare videos. I haven't looked though...
  16. Godwin is just a temp mod? :-/
  17. He was awesome. I suggest everyone go download the music video to 'Movies' by Alien Ant Farm to see him re-take to role of Mr. Miyagi.
  18. You and 1,077 other members
  19. This happened to me before (on slimbrowser). Then I decied not to open up r-e and it seemed to happen on any site that had passwords )apart from darkzero, which is strange). I went back a bit later and it was all working fine again :?
  20. The only dudes I really know/seen much is Odwin and Blackfox. Congrats dudes. Yeah, Piro for tech/pc mod, kinda retarded how he wasn't a mod for it already.
  21. rizz

    X Factor

    I thought Maria was good but then she got kicked off. Luckily, i've been out most saturdays or just forgot about it. Conway sisters already have an album out in Ireland anyway. They suck.
  22. Well, if you're waiting for HP fans to photoshop her head onto the bodies of naked females, I would say you're right. edit - too late! one of the results is a poor attempt http://alltheweb.com/search?cat=img&q=emma+watson&itag=crv&o=24 Although, I would say she's not a bad actress too. Better than Radcliffe anyway. Wasn't paying as much attention to Rupert, but he seems comfortable with 'bloody hell' and 'piss off'.
  23. 4 months and 26 days my friend.
  24. I pre-ordered a CD with them that was out on monday. I checked on monday to find 'Out now. Waiting for delivery of stock', I would guess its 3/4 weeks before I get my CD :-/ Although its not much of a surprise, on the HMV website it says 'usually ships within 3 weeks'.
  25. You're friend is lucky, whatever the fuck a x850xt pe AGP8x is (im guessing a grapics card?)
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