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Everything posted by rizz

  1. Current regular outgoings = £0 Current income = £30 a week (providing I attend college everyday, EMA) Although, I tend to blow a bit of it on CD's, tickets, and rarely even clothes. Hopefully, I will go to Manchester Uni after college. There I can buy no new clothes. Sponge food from people and only buy when neccessary :P And if I ever venture out at night, Satans Hollow is down the road, good bands play there and drinks are cheap as shit (and taste it apparently :P). I won't drive, train station is like right there, and trains go to the station that I can almost see from my bedroom. I will have it all worked out. Yes indeed :P If I do get to go to Man Uni that is. By which time I *should* have a nice 2Kish in the old bank account. And i'll be spending as little of it as possible, and filling it when I can. It will be my new drumkit when I finish uni :P
  2. Because i'm a nice guy (i hope :P), I would occasionaly buy the big issue. Only problem is, when I rarely go into town I never have change, and the magazine just looks a bit crap. So yeah, in the end I wouldn't buy it :-/
  3. We are starting some coursework for media studies soon. Basically a story board for the first few minutes of a film. Should be nice and easy, i've had an idea for the beginning of this film since the beginning of the course. All other coursework is shit though. SHIT At least all the other coursework I have had to do. English could be okay, since I like creative writing, but it rarely allowed me to be very creative and imaginitive It's the longness it takes, when it really doesn't interest you in the slightest and you adopt the 'meh, this will do' attitude, and everything starts sucking.
  4. Dude, Happy Birthday! Rock on and all that rockingness. Yay.
  5. I thought it was rather awesome tbh. It makes you ask questions, and you need to keep reading to get answers. Some bits go on a bit, like who cares about them cleaning out a house, but still one of my fave's in the series. I need to read Eragon.
  6. I remember seeing a video of theirs on TV a few years backand was like whoa... its AFI. Funny thing is I don't even listen to AFI hardly ever but I still just knew it was them before I even saw their name at the end
  7. This is so hard :P I'm working on it though. Same few bands so far, but I guess it wouldn't be authentic if it weren't the bands I listen to :P
  8. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=50829695 Check it out.
  9. Foo's publicist can predict the future duh
  10. It's £46.05 in the end. I can't even afford it at the moment, but meh :P
  11. MANCHESTER SHOW ANNOUNCED! ============================================== Foo Fighters will be following their Sold Out Hyde Park gig with a Just Announced show ... JUNE 18 - MANCHESTER, UK - OLD TRAFFORD CRICKET GROUND (LCCC) With Very Special Guests The Strokes, Angels & Airwaves and The Subways! Internet Presale Wednesday, Feb 23 @ 9am LINK: http://www.gigsandtours.com/?link=foo+fighters&site=foofighters Public Onsale Saturday, Feb 25 @ 9am Tickets are available online at http://www.gigsandtours.com, http://www.ticketmaster.co.uk, http://www.ticketline.co.uk, or Charge by Phone at: 0871 220 0 260, 0871 230 6230 and 0161 832 1111 or at the LCCC box office. No booking fee for cash purchases made at the LCCC Box Office. + Thanks for ordering You have booked 1 GENERAL ADMISSION ticket(s) for FOO FIGHTERS. = Fuck yesh
  12. Just thought I would mention when I was in Music Zone they had the Led Zeppelin 1-4 albums for £4.97, didn't see how much Physical Graffiti was though, and didnt see any others at all. If I hadn't seen the 1349 album I probably would have picked up all 4 Led albums :P
  13. Towards the same vein as the bands I posted, just what I posted is way more depressing, raw, grim, bleak... :P
  14. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-497394882440593140&q=burzum The Burzum music video, it's not the most depressing song he made, but you get the idea. The video is a bit crap, but since he was in jail not much he can do about that :P
  15. Just get some good bleak black metal. Xasthur, Judas Iscariot, Burzum, you'll be slittiing your wrists in no time
  16. I just have to correct that as 'Earth Song' and 'They Don't Care About Us' :P
  17. Podcast is stupid, I mean, its just an audio file right? That you've downloaded? Holy shit I have 20gb of podcasts Ok, not quite I suppose, but you get my point :P And, yeah, what they said should work.
  18. Today I bought up Hellfire by 1349, and Led Zeppelin 4, also this year I bought Master Of Puppets by Metallica, and Ghost reveries by Opeth, which I haven't even played yet.
  19. Come on, we all know its crap anyway :wink: *omfgcough* http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/cubeeurope/index.cgi http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/cubeeurope/index.cgi http://www.xsorbit1.com/users/cubeeurope/index.cgi *lmaocough*
  20. WA is awesome. Can be a real challenge sometimes, ah yes, the amount of times i've shouted FUCK when screwing up, or letting an opposing worm know they just got owned, its all good.
  21. Bah, I was expecting it to be, since they always are, just the 3rd one wasn't because Dan and Emma's parents were being anal about them being in a proper school. Ah well.
  22. I'm saying 007, Harry Potter 5, and Eragon.
  23. Just thought, if you ever do me, here's a pic
  24. Yup, thats how I got it working when i tried to install it on XP i think.
  25. rizz


    My vinyl collection consists of the first 3 MJ albums, 'leave me alone' and 'remember the time' singles. And Foo's best of you single. My parents have a bit though, like revolver and hard days night, and stuff.
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