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Everything posted by rizz

  1. Don't get me wrong, all the songs are very well written and there's some epic production, but... I don't know, maybe because i've listened to the songs so so many times i've kinda had enough of them. I mean, if I was at his concert, sure, sing whatever you want off bad, but now I couldn't just sit down and listen to a lot of his stuff. Just Good Friends and Another Part of Me however, are very overlooked imo. But like I say it's not really where it's at. Yeah I could sit and listen to Speed Demon, or I could watch the video. That video (not that it's the only one) captured the essence of MJ as a performer and entertainer at his best imo. And I think sometimes you need to see it as well as hear it. It's quite strange really. I hate pop music. But I am quite a fan of the King of Pop. As any of the old timers will know.
  2. That rehearsal footage is not too encouraging really. He is moving quite slow, and he is miming, despite the fact he looks quite well. Never had the best of both words though. I mean, on the Bad tour yes you had the great singing, but not as much dancing. When all the fancier routines come in on the Dangerous tour, he can't keep up as much and is out of breath so mimes a lot. And people discussing what is the best MJ album? Well I don't think the albums are where it's at really. There isn't a single solid album. Each one is riddled with 'good' pop songs that have not aged well, but each one has it's shiny, shiny gems. In my opinion, the 'best' is HIStory, because it is the most personal, and it is the most relevant, not just him singing about random shite like zombies. Of course maybe I am a bit biased, as it was the first CD I ever bought many years ago. After that i'd go for Dangerous. Bad is a top album even if I hate songs 1,2 and 7. Songs 5 and 6 are top but I don't think they've aged particularly well. Anyway...
  3. Michael Jackson is dead. Shit.
  4. Here you go http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9404/dxdiagk.jpg
  5. Funny thing is, it's a decent Nvidia. I can't remember what exactly, i'd call it mid-range. If it persists then i'll suggest replacing the fan. Cheers guys.
  6. Ok my familys PC has started making loud whirring noises just like so many pc's before it. It was opened up and found to be the fan on the graphics card. It starts off quiet, but after a while gets really really loud. What is the cause and what is the solution? All I can think is that it's working overtime with all the heat recently. Though it's not like it's doing anything strenuous like playing games. Thanks.
  7. This is balls! Jordan is fucking cool! KingofunrealUK is fucking cool! Obviously I don't know what's gone as I haven't been around for the last 4 years or something, but this displeases me. I can only hope the best for Jordan. !!!
  8. I was gonna be up for this but then I thought about some of the horrible shit I might get back.
  9. Don't talk to strangers. . . cos they're only there to do you harm
  10. See I am looking at it from the opposite angle, to me, it is fighting back against the bully!
  11. Well I don't believe in killing innocent people. I don't think it's right or wrong to kill yourself for a cause. Rather stupid perhaps. At least I admire they have the conviction in their beliefs to do such a thing. Say if you were gonna starve yourself to death to make a point Fierce, I may not believe in your cause and I wouldn't want you to die, but it would be bravo for taking such a firm stand in what you believe in.
  12. All I see her doing is attention seeking.
  13. Oh I agree that an unpeaceful protest isn't the answer here, but only because there aren't enough people with the balls to do a proper job :P If it has to be done 'properly', which of course it always does these days, then let's not try and fuck it up And the gay thing, as with many other things, I think the key to a positive move forwards is everyone minding their own business, and keeping their own business. I mean I don't want to say being in your face is a reason to bully anyone, but some of them need telling to shut up and get over it. Originally I was just using it as an example of how social attitudes have changed over time, wasn't looking for a whole other discussion lol :P
  14. Yeah. On a serious note, I quite like the way it's been planned. Even if it doesn't really do anything in the end, it should at least look pretty cool if there are enough people and leave a striking image (to probably be ignored). Violence would actually ruin it. Though I still think if everyone turned into a Viking Berzerker the end results would be beter INTERNET IS SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS Grab a beer and stop getting so worked up My point is, all the people you're gonna be protesting to are gonna be saying 'sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me'. If we are dealing with criminals, how many serious criminals are stopped with words? You have to find them, drag them to the ground and cuff them! *totally off subject* The only gay's i've ever seen bullied are stupid kids who are suddenly all in your face about being gay because it's the latest trend. If you enjoy the man love, fine, if you have to constantly tell me about how it's your right to enjoy it, leave now.
  15. I think that's what you're most worried about :wink: Showing the people need stricter controls? How do people show the government and other powers that they need stricter controls? By going up to them and telling them, and hoping they'll give themselves a slap on the wrist? Of course i'm not saying that. Things would have changed over time as general attitudes change. I mean apparently it's cool to be gay now, but it sure wasn't back in the 50's! What i'm saying, is his death, riots and all that, probably sped things up imo. But anyway. . .
  16. I don't think you can compare this to the black civil rights movements. It's completely different. - And you do realise there were riots after he was assassinated. If everyone had just gone 'oh no, hes dead, I am angry', would they have rushed for change?
  17. Yes everyone. Let's protest peacefully. Let's stand here and shout outside the man's window. If he hasn't got the radio on, he might hear us! Maybe even listen to us! He'll probably turn his radio up after that but nevermind Or, they can smash stuff up and burn a few things, then everyone will take notice and realise how serious they are. I see this as bad times (duh). Like I hear politicians suggesting we are ready for a 'new world order', with a central world bank! Wft! Lets put one company in control of the worlds money. Yes. That will certainly be a good idea
  18. What gets me is that she was spending the last days of her life doing interviews and shit for magazines when she could have been telling them to fuck off so she could spend more time with her family. It's like even in the face of death she just won't stop! She'll be selling her soul on Most Haunted next!
  19. You know I think I might get him something for his birthday, I was thinking the new Hammerfall album.
  20. My hair looks dodgy whatever length :P I definitley prefer it long though. Now i've grown it, i'm not sure I could ever be happy with cutting it.
  21. As if there was any doubt, I do of course have a ticket to see Michael Jackson.
  22. I've never understood what people think is so great about Muse live. I saw them in 2006 and they were just like any other good band really. They just stood there and played their songs well. I'm guessing maybe Muse are just good in relation to most other popular music? I didn't sense they created much of an atmosphere that was out of the ordinary, if anything I thought they were quite boring to watch. One thing though, Knights of Cydonia was superb. I didn't even like that song, but live was awesome when it stopped and the words came up in lights behind them. Writing it down it doesn't seem all that impressive, but that was a stadium rock moment.
  23. Looking forward to seeing Amon Amarth myself. You really think the Wacken line-up is great? I think it's a bit crap so far, some great bands, just not many of them for me. Hopefully it will get better. I have a ticket :P Hellfest and Bloodstock have better line-ups so far imo. After the last gig I went to, I concluded that: Winterfylleth - Awesome (but I already knew that) Eastern Front - Not too bad Vulture Industries - Weird, like many said, a lesser Arcturus Helheim - Very good Viking band Taake - Evil, excellent
  24. If all goes to plan tomorrow I shall be seeing Taake, supported by Helheim, Vulture Industries, and Eastern Front. I don't know about those last two bands, but i'm expecting Taake and Helheim to be quite good at least.
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