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Everything posted by rizz

  1. I take that as indication you have called it off or are considering doing so?
  2. When I was little I used to think £40k was a really expensive house price! Pretty sure when I eventually get a job that I will be unable to afford to live alone, even being in the North.
  3. Just when you think this thread isn't getting any better.
  4. It's not the hours put in, but the idea of finishing 6 times... I kinda feel sorry for him ;P
  5. Wow, I don't think I could physically even do that.
  6. I'm sure some people could probably manipulate the weather, but not to this extent. I like to think of such natural disasters as Natures way of reminding us who the world super power really is.
  7. I gained a place on a pre-employment course geared towards administration within the health sector. Run by the NHS it's 4 weeks training, followed by a 10 week work placement and extra support finding employment. Things are looking up I hope. I even had to turn down an interview for another work placement because of it. Nothing for so long, and then two at once, of course!
  8. Things have changed a lot. Adverts used to just be annoying with an endless stream of pop-ups that covered what you were trying to browse and played horrible music. If those kinds of adverts were trimmed down, and it was just a small and silent related advert at the bottom or side of the page then I wouldn't really be that bothered. But now many use personal information to try and tailor the adverts, and then try and convince you that's a good thing. They will be blocked.
  9. I like this thread. It makes me think about all the good and bad times that are waiting for me in the future.
  10. I paint Warhammer stuff every now and then. I bought one of the starter boxes, which was good because you get a shit load of models, but I don't play so most of them remain unpainted. Right now I'm painting this model:
  11. The proper Thor ;P
  12. But he specifically has red hair after the planet Jupiter. He protects us from stone and ice giants just as the planet protects us from similar space shit with its gravitational field. Jupiter is the name the Romans called him.
  13. Black up, prance around everywhere going 'Swaneeeee' with jazz hands. Everyone will love it.
  14. I doubt I will ever watch the Thor films. He doesn't even have the correct hair colour.
  15. As you can probably tell, this website covers a lot of Jewish news http://www.destroyzionism.com/ The quotes at the bottom of the pages are quite interesting too.
  16. Ticket to see Alice In Chains
  17. The whole nerves and hesitating and will it become awkward thing. It sucks so badly. When I was 15 (oh to be 15 again) there was this girl who I liked, and who for sure liked me, but I had those doubts because I just wasn't very confident. She was sure no looker, a proper geek, but suited me down to the ground. So I hesitated forever, and then some other dude (who I still dislike 9 years later) swoops in OUT OF NOWHERE. To this day I still think about what a fucking idiot I was, and those horrible horrible words, 'what might have been'. On the other hand. Some other time (20 this time I think) this girl was giving seemingly good signals. I ask her out, but apparently she doesn't handle those sorts of things well. Blanked me. I eventually get some sense out of her... over PM on audioscrobbler. Well, I thought she was a dick and never saw or spoke to her again. The whole thing was awkward since we knew each other in high school and so had some mutual friends, but I virtually never saw them any more so whatever. Maybe a couple of months later I invite some other girl to a small party of mine and thus began an almost 4 year long relationship.
  18. There is nothing great about the job hunt. Don't really want to do much related to my music tech degree. No relevant experience for the piss poor jobs at the start of the ladder and no employer seems to want to spend the 1 day it would take to train people. Need to find some more engaging voluntary work and hope that helps more than what I've been doing currently
  19. Now you can ask her to do something else instead without having your friends cramping your style ;P
  20. Here's a demo of my band that I recorded. Although the singer is just a friend and not in the band.
  21. 7 weeks later I think the break up is starting to hit me a bit. Gone from feeling like I have space to feeling like the space is kinda empty.
  22. Just got a Warrior to level 90 lol. Blade I feel bad for you, it really sucks for her to end it like that. I know the first two days when my ex and I broke up, if I ever started to feel like I was losing my composure I just thought about her mother and told myself it was a lucky escape. It really worked! I hope you start to feel the benefits of being single soon enough, they surely exist
  23. ReZourceman mentioned Old School, I'd just like to second that.
  24. For a student audience I'm sure Anchorman has to be in there. I was never that impressed with it myself, but that might have been to do with having heard people constantly quoting 90% of the film before I'd seen it.
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