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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Some amazing sounding (literally) news - Mass Effect 3's soundtrack will be scored by Clint Mansell - the composer of many film soundtracks including Black Swan, The Fountain and the brilliant, brilliant, brilliant soundtrack to Moon. Audio Previous ME composer Jack Wall has confirmed it, saying it's time for him to move on to new projects. I very much enjoyed the soundtrack of the previous two titles, but this is a match made in heaven. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-02-10-Clint-Mansell-making-Mass-Effect-3-music
  2. If it can be nipping at the heels of the midfield that'll be a pretty good step forward for this year.
  3. Does mental scarring count? Cos' I got plenty of that.
  4. I've just noticed, on the Force India car they've used a Scottish Saltire next to Di Resta's name in the cockpit rather then a Union Jack. Nice touch.
  5. The HRT looks pretty nice, I just hope they actually make it to the races. The new Force India, the VJM04. Interesting how on the VJM and HRT how square the front nose section is compared to the rest. Looks nice but maybe a white background was the optimal photographic choice for spotting the finer details.
  6. I must say this relentless pursuit of smokers has become like some kind of mass-hysteric-psychopathic-fixation. Banning smoking bars and clubs and the like, fine, I can get behind that. Now I'm hearing they want to enforce laws that make smokers stand at least 8ft from the door or not smoke even in open-air public shelter and I just don't see why. I'm an asthmatic but my head isn't going to explode if someone within a few feet away lights up. I've been more worried about the state of my lungs waiting to cross a busy road.
  7. Happy Birthday dude (allegedly)! Nah nah, I kid. I kid because I love.
  8. Not at all, you're an island of sanity in boiling sea of illogical indifference. I still can't believe it's just us two though.
  9. Apparently it'll be several days before anyone can see if he'll ever be able to race again. I really hope he comes back, I'll be devastated if this was the end of a talent like Kubica. Virgin's not a bad looking car, interesting how low their nose is compared to the rest of the field.
  10. I was really quite upset to hear what happened to Kubica. He's one of my favourite drivers and I want him back in the game ASAP.
  11. I thought the police already warned you about that sort of thing? Happy Birthday Ine! This place wouldn't be half the place the place is without you! =D
  12. WeeeeeeeeelSHYYYYYYYYYY! Happy Birthday!
  13. New trailer showing off the game' "Close Range Assault" feature. Not sure what that is exactly but it seems to involve a large number of exploding planes. This is a good thing. Also, I know it's not Gears or Killzone or anything but is really no one else looking forward to this? You're all mad, mad I tells ya!
  14. Walking - not to or from anywhere for any purpose, just a good old fashioned aimless wander when you have an afternoon or a couple of spare hours. I find it's great to just leave your mind on auto, crunching out all the business it needs to as you explore a new path. Usually helps me calm down when I'm wound up about something and gain perspective.
  15. I have to say that is a pretty good shot. It's uncanny how similar it is to the then-already released box art of the video game.
  16. Presenting the MP4-26. Note the unusual air intake at the top and L-shaped side pods. Certainly looks clever enough. Can't wait to see it prove it's credentials.
  17. It's like the show was conceived using a tombola. "Crime fighting..." *spins* "...band of..." *spins* "...rastafarian..." *spins* "mice." "Great! Shooting starts Monday."
  18. Gentlemen, I present to you your electronic wallpaper for the month-
  19. I have only a passing familiarity with Wonder Woman but this sounds awful. You have a demi-goddess with an invisible jet and the ability to deflect bullets with her wrists, and you basically stick her in what sounds like some kind of bastardised Ally McBeal rehash. Because that's what women want to see, right?
  20. I take it Halls Menthols are no longer doing business in the cyber future?
  21. Turn out at the lights and full screen this bad boy for maximum effect - a simulation of what Earth's sky would look like if it was being orbited at the same distance as the moon by some of the local planets, including Mars, Earth, Neptune and JupiAUUUUGHGOODHOLYJESUS. The song in the video is Where We're Calling From by Doves if you're interested.
  22. This is a side of you I never expected to see.
  23. It actually looks like he's just woken up. Like they've literally found him sitting there asleep and just said "Fuck it, just shake him awake and Juan, just work with whatever he gives you. Go."
  24. New appearance pack out soon if you've got a few pints going spare - nice to see Miranda putting on some appropriate attire for once, the degenerate hussie.
  25. When I watch those I always imagine what it would be like if Kimi had signed instead of Button. The word "awkward" springs to mind quite a lot.
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