I spent most of my youth in some sort of fugue from about P3 until leaving after my fifth year of secondary. Was bullied for most of it (mostly homophobic bullying for some reason), a problem which eventually followed me through four different schools. Finally overcame that, got a good year and a a bit where everything seemed to go well, then something clicked in my brain during my 5th year and I started to struggle very badly at all my school work including subjects I usually breezed. Finished every day feeling totally and mentally destroyed. Almost did a 6th year but mercifully my mother enrolled me in the local college instead and ended up studying acting for two years - just what I needed. Then finally found "my people" during my writing degree.
I remember being told in secondary school these were the best years of life and thinking that, if that were really the case, I may as well find a ditch to go die in. Luckily they fucking lied to me. My life has been progressively improving since, sometimes day-on-day. I'm not exactly orbiting in the stratosphere (yet) but situation improving steadily, force 6, rising.