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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. What games do stealth or RPG better then MGS or FF though?
  2. Belle Ville Rendevous. Magnificent. Absolutely magnificent. Pure cinema through and through.
  3. Personally I think you'd have to be particulary averse to driving games in general in order to dislike Gran Turismo.
  4. Serenity. I don't care what anyone says, I've heard better dramatic dialogue in Big Brother, and it has a story arc which plays out like a particulary disjointed sketch show. The watered-down stock characters were so dull, I had to go do some algebra afterwards to brighten myself up.
  5. Today I found: a packet of KFC branded seasoning.
  6. Up here in the great border fortress still nothing as yet, but a Wii booth manned by a rather depressed-looking couple in nattish wii-jackets being set up in the shopping centre late this afternoon suggests tommorow might be a rather oppertune time to obtain one.
  7. None of the above. I think all of those franchises are out-and-out kings of their respective genres, and have continued to rise above all those who try to imitate them. Anyone who disses any of those franchises are only denying themselves some of the greatest gaming available.
  8. Sure, everyone likes to go out and stir up a bally-hoo about Nintendo not making anough original IPs anymore. But let's be really honest with ourselves here: how many people on this forum actually went and bought Brain Training? Or got bored of Nintendogs after a week, having entirely missed the point? Be honest now. And if your really that bothered about the graphics, you really, really, should just go get a 360. Nintendo will do fine, don't you worry.
  9. I like Madden. Though I'm surprised FIFA isn't there. The love of football here in Europe and around the world must be a license to print money surely? That's a surprisingly big leap between Final Fantasy and Pokemon too. Also: Bond? I mean, Goldeneye was good and everyone loves the films, but they're generally not a series worthy of 30mil sales surely?
  10. Word is a shipment of Wii's for here in the Uk within the next couple of days, so I imagine a fresh shipment for the rest of Europe can't be too far off either.
  11. Today I found: Pasta and bacon. And they've left the bin to simply overflow again. Joy.
  12. Eledees. Ha! Great name. This looks like great fun, can't wait to try it.
  13. For anyone who is prehaps somewhat daunted, what "he" is trying to say is that without exsisting popular franchises and a more conventional hook lik high-def graphics, Nintendo will ineveitably hemorage consumers. Unlike say, the DS, which has risen to unfathomable levels of sucess by doing the complete opposite and attracting new gamers to the market with the likes of Nintendogs, Wild World and Brain Training.
  14. 82%. However, I was nerdy enough to know the answer to the Dune II faction question. Made a couple of stupid mistakes as well. And now back to work....
  15. So would licensed murder surely?
  16. ... ...such as?
  17. To cut a long story short, my flatmates are all evil robots from the future who are trying to kill me with unsanitary conditions. Apparently there's going to be a resistance and I'm my own uncle or something.
  18. Did I mention the suspicous looking used tissues lying around the toilet area?
  19. In the last 6 months I have found (and picked out with my bare hands) the following list, of waterlogged foodstuffs clogging the sink, on multiple occasions. In no particular order: Chips Beans Peas Curried Prawns Crisps Pasta Suspicous Goopy Grey Stuff Beef Chop-Suey Beef Curry A Hunk Of Beef Cornflakes Mouldy KFC Flaky Pie Crust Chicken Skin What magical wonders will I find next? Only time will tell...
  20. I watched a friend play the final section of MGS2 and I can honestly say it deserves it's place on that list. What the hell was all that blurry slow motion people fading in and out and rolling stock footage guff about? And my god, the monologue: it just went on and on with no substantial conclusion to it. To quote the popular animated character Peter Griffin: "What the hell is this? My god, somebody throw a pie!"
  21. Happy Birthday. It's at this point we discover the arab_freak is in fact an Gaould Emperor and with only Daniel Jackson left unparalysed by the ancient energy seeping out of the temple, it's up to him to figure out how to use the mysterious artifact to banish arab_freak to The Dark Realms as fortold by the desert elders they met on Pieces 342. So Happy Birthday!
  22. Goodf ol' Arnie: Kindergarden Cop "Are these your lunches? You mean you eat other people's lunches? STOP IT!" 7/10 True Lies [while launching a Harrier missile] "You're fired!" 8/10
  23. I dunno, after a cursory glance over the release schedules, kinda looks about 50-50 to me.
  24. I think there are just some stories that don't warrant a retelling.
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