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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys. Spybreak - Propellerheads Don't Stop Me Now - Queen Cowgirl - Underworld Smack My Bitch Up - Prodigy Tank (The opening theme to Cowboy bebop) - Just a few to get you started.
  2. Eevilmurray, for the love of god don't become a parent. You'd be arrested within minutes.
  3. Your going to keep kicking children until they stop being bullied and start getting a better service from the education system?
  4. Warhammer 40K occasionally, and general media (Books, games, DVDs, Cds ect.)
  5. I certainly hope so, most of us are expecting this to be garbage. On the plus side, Sonic is confirmed as being the only character in the game. So at least they've got something right.
  6. Surely the headline is "UK failing it's children"? So much for Tony's "Education-Education-Education" policies.
  7. The whole film is pretty much like that. You've pretty much got to watch the whole thing in order to even have the faintest hope of understanding what's going on. This isn't the Matrix. This is lots of people standing or sitting around having conversations that don't actually make a great deal of sense. (Wait a minute..) Actually should all just watch at least twice - I'm watching it again and the plot's making a bit more sense now. Just watch it will you?
  8. I'm not huge fan of 24, but Torchwood is somewhat dump. For documentaries, you simply can't beat the combined efforts of More 4 and BBC 4. Where else would you see a documentary about community rebuilding in the Sao Palo favellas, or the work of Herge? And then there's the wildlife section on BBC2. The best the likes of the Discovery or History channel can do is imitate their success.
  9. Bought it from Music Zone yesterday.
  10. A Scanner Darkly A striking technical achievement in film making. The plot, being as it is written by a drug crazed maniac about drug crazed maniacs, is difficult to keep track of and even somewhat obscure but the film manages to rise above it. The key theme and moral of the story, about the dangers of drugs and general societies inability to deal with them remain starkly intact and obviously hold a great deal of resonance in today's society. Enthralling and truly psychotic, watch this at least once. 8/10
  11. Yes, but how will it compare to the PC version?
  12. Raw Deal It's Arnie all right, but slightly lacking in the classy one liners or set pieces we know and love him for. All the essential ingredients are there, it's just a tad undercooked. 6/10
  13. Excellent stuff. Now I just need a £1000+ PC to enjoy it all.
  14. Fraiser was an incredible sitcom. Sure, it dipped for a while, but the last two seasons were amazing, amazing comedy. Elsewhere, Scrubs is always nice entertainment and now Green Wing is starting to tickle my fancy. Also Peep Show is easily the funniest thing to come out of this country for a good decade or so. Easy.
  15. We were discussing this over on another board, I'd like to open it up here. We all enjoy bad movies, bad music, TV shows even we think to be rancid. So why not games? Which games do you love despite it's best efforts to make you hate it. And I don't mean "Monkey Ball was twitchy and short, but I still liked it." I mean properly rancid games. Games so utterly incapable of even coming close to the giants they aspire too, games that genuinely look like they were throw together in a day by the work experience boy. Dig deep now ladies and gentlemen: For me, it has to be the epically bad Reign of Fire for GC. The graphics are dark, brown and would shame a calculator. The animation looks like it was coded by dancing hamsters and (most heinously for a game based on Halo's excellent vehicle sections) the physics have the feel and realism of a deflating bouncy castle. The collision detection is itself like watching a car crash in slow motion, tiny pieces of barbed wire an unassailable obstacle even for a military APC while hulking dragon corpses prove more accessible then a McDonalds drive through. And yet somehow I keep coming back. I don't know why but tearing around in an armoured jeep, knocking fuzzy dragons out of the sky before bouncing off awkwardly to save the next distressed grey-blue block (villagers, apparently) on the map just keeps me coming back. I mean, you're fighting dragons. In jeeps! How awesome is this?
  16. Ooooh, how I could I forget about that one. And then, wondering if perhaps it was all a dream, he checks his pocket. And sure enough, there it is. And then the music starts.
  17. Hollyoaks is the worst show on TV. ... I'll leave now.
  18. The only thing funnier then the video are the comments underneath.
  19. I make for an awfully Jewish muffin.
  20. The graphics: terrible. The conception: clinched. The execution: unintelligible. If you ask me, this represents everything games can and should be. If you can honestly look at the thing and tell me there isn't a part of you that wants to play it, you must be made of stone.
  21. Honestly? I think both are equally absurd. Sure Alias is cheesy, but then that's precisely why you watch it. Lost tries to pretend it's something else, and just ends up being absurd for all the wrong reasons.
  22. If this scenario happened in England, they probably wouldn't have a bunch of shotgun wielding bigots chasing them down the motorway in a Toyota pick-up. Well, maybe Cornwall.
  23. Well, luckily I don't have and HD TV, so I guess this game will be awesome for me .
  24. It'll be interesting to see how things pan out, as I will myself probably be choosing a 360/PS3 in about 2-3 years time as companion next to my Wii, for those little breaks when I'm not playing Animal Crossing Wii and online Smash Bros. By then PS3 will surely have software to rival 360, and both will undoubtedly have had price cuts. I'll tell you what though, if F1 CE made it on to 360 (pure fantasy, but still) I would buy a 360 tomorrow, straight up. that game will be a very powerful reason for me to get a PS3 make no mistake.
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