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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Happy B-day, fair belle!
  2. I wouldn't live in the village, I'd be the type to live out on a broken down cottage on a hillside moor outside, only to wonder into the village periodically at any given hour day or night. Rumours would soon spread about the nature of my person. Man? Beast? Demon? Eventually I'd try to court one of the fine, upstanding ladies of NE-village society only to be thrown down the village well by superstitious villagers who believe my dislike of the film "300" is solely responsible for the local crop famine. It's a tragic story.
  3. Screen shots plz!
  4. Of course if the Wii user base continues to expand at the rate it is, more and more publishers are going to look at the Wii and think "Hmmmm, I wonder what we can get out of this?" So don't be surprised if you find yourself playing franchises you never even dreamed of on a Nintendo machine in 2 or 3 years time. Never say never.
  5. Although it should be noted that F-Zero, Starfox, Pikmin and (bar a shock turnaround) Nights ARE guaranteed.
  6. I reckon Custom soundtracks are essential. If were lucky and Nintendo get off it's arse and gets the stuff out to them, I'd also love to see online and the ability to use your Miis likeness for creating wrestlers (a' la' that weird angel multi player game in Wario Ware).
  7. Lets go to the Isle of Man and ambush the Top Gear team during their next shoot.
  8. Halo. And lots of it!
  9. Rayman is one of those games I'd probably pick up if I saw it for £20. It looks hilarious, but not essential for myself. I'd probably buy before I go visit my dad or something, who's always been a bit of a Rayman fan since his PS titles.
  10. It was only a Saturn game, cut down on the FMV, it'll take less then a couple of minutes to download.
  11. Might want to try a different brand. I use Kingston, good, cheap and reliable.
  12. You should be able to just push and it should spring out like a DS cart.
  13. I'm thinking Brighton. Or the Lake District. But I'm sure everyone would find that depressing. Though some place with a local camping site might save some us a bit of cash, and a chance to indulge our feral instincts.
  14. I think shameful is probably a rather strong word isn't it? Proven concept, excellent sales and already a good stream of decent titles with more features being steadily made available. Plenty to enjoy.
  15. Metal Slug most probably. Or possibly Heat Seeker.
  16. There are far too many gamers out there who basically demand the impossible. Sure they want PS3 graphics, but they don't to pay more then a couple of hundred quid for it, and every week must have at least ONE "killer app", the kind of entirely exclusive killer app that shatters planets with it's incredible graphics, physics and humongous life span. For £20.
  17. Are you sure it wasn't just a slip of the tongue? Although I suppose we won't know until we know. I sincerely doubt it's Super Mario Galaxy, why would they put an NDA on that now? (unless they decided to turn it into an MMO or something bizarre ).
  18. Or Simon & Garfunkle. Or Bob Dylan. Or a rap artist. An actual rap artist. None of that MTV 50-Cent-shite, y'hear?
  19. Sadly, no, that would have been much more hygienic. However, ketchup was involved.
  20. My flatmates. I'll leave you all to imagine the rest. That sounds worrying. Have you seen a doctor about that?
  21. While at this rate English qualification for Euro 08 seems unlikely, at least once this is all over Steve will be luck to managing a McDonalds drive through. Then maybe England can get on with organising a football team between themselves.
  22. After brokering such an awful deal to keep Sven (£13k a week?!) I reckon they only got him because he was cheap.
  23. So anyway, the commentators don't seem to have anything nice to say about England.
  24. For me, no one can ever replace the great Jack Nicholson. £10 says that there's a homage to the great "mirror" sequence in the next movie.
  25. You're so right, the villain didn't really have his own personality.
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