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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Bloody hell I had the weirdest night. One of those nights where you can't tell if you've spent the last 10 hours awake or dreaming, or even both. I woke up at about 7am with a splitting headache and an asthma attack, then fell asleep again until about 11:30, where I just lay in bed for about an hour and a half trying to remember who and where the hell I was. Still, sunny day out. That's a good start.
  2. What the sod were you masturbating with?
  3. Oh great, now everyone is prettier than me.
  4. gaggle64

    Fallout 3

    Tried this for the first time yesterday, was very pleasantly surprised - the writing and acting is massively improved over Oblivion and the characters are varied and interesting. Definitely have to grab my own copy at some point.
  5. Pfft, you should holiday in Scotland - where the hills are craggy, the glens soft, the lochs clear, and the people round.
  6. Now now Dan, we all have different priorities in life. Let them be. Anyhoo, I recommend lots of foreplay, to make sure you're all properly hot and bothered and ready to go before diving in for the main event.
  7. Slumdog Millionaire A simply superb and brilliantly well shot and acted film. It has a happy ending, though in between the film's numerous depictions of torture, corruption, murder, sectarian violence, extreme poverty, domestic abuse and the bodily mutilation of children for profit, "feel good film of the year" doesn't quite ring true somehow.
  8. You know you've had enough of winter when you're checking the BBC weather forecast every day just to see how many more minutes of sunlight you'll be enjoying this time next week. ¬.¬
  9. F1 09, and Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena are the first ones to jump off the top of my head which will be must-have purchases for me. Other points of interest include FUEL, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Mad World and Dawn of War II.
  10. Jeeze, sorry to hear that Raining. I hope whatever it doesn't turn out to be too serious. *forum hug*
  11. Ah nuts, I'll be IP banned before we even get to Monaco.
  12. Happy Birthday man - you'll always be welcome to skulk in my under-stairs cupboard until I need you about twice a week.
  13. Like the BMW - reminds me of the ol' BMW Williams - all they need now is a hilariously ill tempered Colombian at the wheel and they're all set.
  14. It's gonna be a long, loooooong season for me.
  15. Flight of The Living Dead: Outbreak On A Plane It's pretty much exactly what you think it is.
  16. Grats Retro, hope you won't be too harsh when we have our triannual fist fights after the F1 season starts. ... can I join in anyway?
  17. Went for a scoot about the shops, managed to pick up Odama, complete with Mic for a fiver. Oh hells yeah.
  18. The Williams looks pretty ace, possibly the best looking car so far - the Renault looks like it lost a fight with something in a Dulux factory.
  19. Fuck yes, just got a 19 year old five-bar striker from my youth team - just what I needed.
  20. Congratulations Mokong! Hope you have many more happy years together!
  21. Saw the first early signs of spring today - a few snowdrops just sprouting in the garden, a flock of geese flying north, and the first few BNP activists venturing out to declare 09 "their year." Can't wait for the first blossoms on the trees. Ooh, also, bought about ten quids worth of different varieties of aromatic teas. Just the hit of flavor I need to pick me up a little.
  22. Woo happy birthday Tellyn you... 17 year old?! Bloody hell, I was still refusing to come out of the dark at 17.
  23. Ooh, after just about dodging it all winter I've finally succumbed to the lurgy - I can barely think straight and my throat feels like sand paper. Plus these hot and cold flushes ain't fun. Groo...
  24. Looks pretty sleek, the slender and slightly hunched-down nose is rather interesting, even if it does rather puts me in mind of a male g-spot vibrator.
  25. Blah, finally scraped a victory against the bottom team in the league - team definitly playing playing better then before though.
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