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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. You can bet your house on Button winning the championship now surely? Big loss for the bookies come November.
  2. Been maxing and relaxing. I've played far too much COD4 online and I've listened to far too much Journey. I'm almost certain combining the two at such length is unhealthy on some level. Not going to stop though.
  3. Fantastic. I put in a couple of late nights, polishing off my writing portfolio to be submitted and then just as I'm about to finish my tutor calls and tells us we can leave it until Monday. I am both relieved and annoyed.
  4. Dude, Jackie Stewart? THE Jackie Stewart? I'd have probably ripped my shirt open and asked him initial my nipples. It's Jackie Stewart!
  5. Welcome, always delightful to have a fresh voice on board.
  6. I agree with Murray definitly - I don't agree with everything Ecclestone and co do but looking at both recent and long past events, without them keeping the teams in their place, F1 would probably be a two or three team monopoly that never left western Europe.
  7. 3 goals later, and my head bobs back up above the relegation zone! Whooo!
  8. Poor Jordan, obviously needs time out to find himself. He'll be back I have no doubt, and all the stronger for it.
  9. I'm very much in favour of all of this, costs have too high for too long. I oppose the two-tier system but I hope that the teams can all agree to compete under the cap anyway.
  10. Yes, it'll be exactly like the Chinese or Malaysian GPs.
  11. Happy Birthday Aimless, my good sir. =)
  12. A draw? Oh dear, I seem to have a bad case of the dreaded Newcastlesurvivalitus.
  13. What you need to do is you turn the cover inside out, grab the corners of the duvet with your hands inside the corners of the cover, and then you can stand up and just let the cover drop neatly over it. Simples.
  14. I wouldn't even mind so much if the tracks they keep coming up with weren't so dull - and it's not just eastern tracks. China and Bahrain aren't great, Valencia and the Hungary are cures for insomnia.
  15. Three weeks of Uni and then... unemployment!
  16. Brawn got Button's strategy just so right, it's actually quite scary, while Vettel just quite happily out raced the rest. Astonishing start by Lewis too, he must haven be wringing that McLaren dry every single lap. Ferrari will be delighted just to get off the starting line now. Can't wait to see how the field pans out after the big upgrade-fest in Barcelona.
  17. I am having a rather good hair day today. All tightly curled by itself on my head, like a unusually neat birds nest or smoke from an oil fire. An oil fire of happy. Hells yeah. Might go make big steaming cuppa of that right now, try and get my writin' energies flowing. I needs me some hardcore flavour.
  18. Blast it all, this damn lingering cough seems to have become full blown cold and I can barely keep my head straight. Hardly what I need now. Bleh. Whole day wasted.
  19. I'll happily wait a year for Codemasters to give us a fully polished piece of software, rather then rush the job. Grid was stupendous, they've got a reputation to live up to. Might get the Wii version in the meantime if the reviews are good though.
  20. Prodrive are thinking about getting in on the action in conjunction with Aston Martin. Sounds like a partnership that could actually go places. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/74707 Ooh, also, Codemasters have released the first game details - F1 09 for WII & PSP, F1 '10 for XBox, PC & PS3 next year. http://www.autosport.com/news/grapevine.php/id/74706
  21. Oi, think I've probably left a fair chunk of work for myself with a little over two weeks left until the final deadline. Like I always do. I'll be ok though (like I always am) I think. Having that familiar emotional roller coaster of feeling totally relaxed about it, followed by periods of utter panic, followed by a bout of just not giving a god damn anymore, and then back to the beginning again. Blah.
  22. Whee, thanks guys. ^___^ Unfortunately I'm unable to properly celebrate until all these Uni deadlines are over with, otherwise I'd already be slumped over a jukebox trying to find Tiny Dancer by Elton John in the local pub. I'll just have to make up for lost time after.
  23. This is all reminding me of this: Incidentally I think I'll skip Disneyland - I'll only get drunk somehow and end up trying to chat up Donald's girlfriend or something.
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