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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I can remember watching my dad spend a small age trying to bust into one of these bitches. He'd go through the entire toolbox and every profanity that could be mustered before we were finally rewarded with the small amount of milk and soft meat within. Good times.
  2. Gah. Blasted wisdom tooth picking a fight with my gum. Stop fighting and let me do work dammit. I has deadlines! >_<
  3. In no particular order - My Housemates - There's the shy, quiet, handsome one, the manly, angry welsh one and the sexy, kooky girlie one. I'm the eccentric one with all the best one-liners. They are the greatest housemates have I ever had and will ever have. Benjamin Zephaniah and his poetry - The anger. The politics. The sense of identity. The rhythm. The raw, individual energy behind everything he writes. He is the adopted poetic voice of my generation. He's also a six foot four Rastafarian and has an amazing bod. Man crush - I has it. Barack Obama - My other man crush - he makes me proud to call myself "liberal" and makes me believe it's actually possible to make it in politics without being a twat. The Grandstand theme tune - Crank this up to eleven: Audio Now tell me you aren't buzzing and bouncing around like a loon too. Formula One (and Murray Walker especially) - I've been in love with the sport since before I could even appreciate what a car was, and thanks in no small part to the endlessly energetic and breathless style of the voice of F1 himself, Murray Waker. Gawd bless you goven'r. The works of Osamu Tezuka - Spiritual and thought provoking, his work more then anything has made consider myself and the world I live in. A voice that will echo down the ages, manga has not yet found anyone to replace it's benevolent godfather. BBC Radio 6 - Ever wondered what Radio 1 would be like if they actually played a wide range of half decent music for once? You don't have to. "Quiet City" by Aaron Copland - An astounding work of unparalleled beauty, I have found solace in times of crisis in this one piece of music many times. The refrain of English horn and oboe will always haunt my dreams. Audio Starwing - The one and only game I have ever truly "pwned" at. Many a long hours was spent perfecting my escape from sector X. I made it all the way to the last level on the medium course with the same super-shield. Suck that bitches. Last Action Hero - Honest to god, this is a film of genuine cinematic quality and philosophical worth. The crazy action and classic Arnie moments are merely the icing.
  4. It'll be interesting to see how and when the other teams will be able to introduce their own double-deckers. The suspicion is McLaren will be well ahead of the rest having already been redesigning their aero since well before the season start, plus their silence on the matter seems telling.
  5. Oh bloody hell, that was honestly the worst performance the team's ever had. I literally have no idea how or why they put in such a tragically bad effort. Should have been a relatively easy win, this is just embarrassing. =(
  6. Easter day. Family. Good food. Good drink. Cat napping in the sunlight beaming through the window. It's all good.
  7. Happy Easter Y'all. Haven't eaten much choccy myself, but if I see one more tortilla chip coated in creamy dip I'm seriously gonna hurl.
  8. Another highly enjoyable episode, though the last Christmas special remains unmatched. Tenner says the communications ad on the side of the bus is something that appears in a later episode.
  9. A disappointingly spotty performance against Roostophe I must say, but things still generally looking on the up.
  10. Yay, happy birthday you delightfully three-dimensional shape you. =)
  11. Chinchilla's - the most overlooked of cute animals in my book.
  12. You can't just dive in and expect a crescendo, you've got work your way up through the full overture. Get the band together and start practicing your finger techniques.
  13. Oh yeah, purple and yellow is silly but purple and two shades of pink is where it's at? Pffft. :heh:

  14. Whoo! Finally back on the internets while I'm staying at home. Mr bro had to spend £80 for a new router in town after the old one upped and died. I swear to god those fuckers at Comet love to rob you blind.
  15. Bloody hell, half points huh? When was the last time those were even used? Can't say I'm buying into the whole delayed start for European audiences thing, sorta pointless in today's world of online broadcasting. Let F1 be an international sport and let the drivers be able to finish races without having to drive into the sunset/rain/night and being blinded/drowned/attacked by vampires. Sort of funny moment at the end when Lewis learned his final position from the press. I've never heard anyone so successfully use the exact speech equivalent of a sad face emoticon before. "Seventh? I was told I was fifth. =("
  16. Wheee! Much better, hopefully a return to winning ways, but we'll have to see.
  17. So if he was so obviously at fault how did the stewards reach their decision in Australia? Why didn't they look at the radio transmissions before hand? Why did it take them so long to reverse it? Why didn't Toyota follow through with their appeal? Why did the stewards penalize Trulli at all in the first place?
  18. The lack of transparency here really is the biggest single problem - nobody actually knows for sure what the sod is going on, it's all ifs, buts, maybes and assumptions. Flipping around a race result every couple of days is bad enough, when nobody is entirely sure why only exacerbates the problem.
  19. I really wish the FIA Stewards would release full explanations and transcripts, or at least minutes or something so we can see their reasoning and make some kind of judgment for ourselves when they keep reversing and re-reversing race results like this. They seem to operating under the mistaken assumption that we trust them.
  20. Agggh, so sorry to hear that. Seems like the whole nation is slowly dribbling onto the shitheap. Hope you can find some work to keep you going and that you get a decent job again soon. =(
  21. That was an excellent race all round, Button drove totally flawlessly and fully deserved the win, while I think maybe Barrichello got a tad lucky to end up in second after being caught napping on the grid. Surprised he didn't get a penalty for causing an avoidable incident. I thought Hamilton put in a pretty stellar drive as well to pull himself up into the points, let alone fourth, must have been wringing the car's neck the whole way. I think Trulli's penalty seems a tad off based on what I've read, I do hope Toyota get that reversed. Also thought Vettel and Kubica we're unlucky coming together like that, I would've let it slide as a racing incident myself.
  22. I'm personally quite surprised to see BMW & Ferrari not pushing the front a lot harder, wasn't expecting the Red Bulls to be up in the mix as much as they are either - Vettel really looking like such a terrific young talent. I'm delighted that the Brawns have already established themselves at the front, but I do hope the other teams can come back at them as the season progresses rather then the championship race becoming a whitewash. Bad luck for Hamilton as well of course, but it should be very interesting to see what he can do tomorow under the circumstances.
  23. No no, you're right - having a rather poor couple of seasons. Surviving on my own merits rather then on a technicality again would be a success this season. :/
  24. Only watched the first session, but I very much enjoyed the commentary - I thought Anthony Davidson managed to bring some decent insight to things. Looking forward to finally seeing the nature of the BBCs TV coverage now.
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