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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. 22? Bloody hell, I am behind the curve. Happy Birthday!
  2. Aesthetically, I vastly prefer this year's models so far to last year's - the front wing might seem a little obtuse but the smooth fuselage is a vast improvement over last years highlights reel of When Airfix Goes Wrong.
  3. I think Williams can claw their way back again up the table with the new regs and cost cutting measures but it won't happen quick. Heck, for the sake of the sport they better - if more privately owned teams don't start coming back with a will to compete, F1 is going to be proper fucked.
  4. Am I allowed to split The Incredibles into two halves? 'Cause I thought the first half of it was brilliant.
  5. I convinced my housemates to watch Hercules in New York not long back - one of them summed it up perfectly:
  6. ... yep, things are looking pretty grim. :/
  7. I know it's a spoofy comedy song, but I can't disagree - it really has gotta be all about the funky sexy ladies. Ladies of the World - Flight of the Conchords
  8. Aren't nearly enough on board shots during regular race coverage if you ask me.
  9. Mmm, feeling nice and relaxed today. The birds are singing proudly and already I think I can detect the first promises of spring on the fresh, cool breeze drifting in my open window. Better hit the gym later though - my buttocks aren't quite as taut as they could stand to be.
  10. Why does it look like a shaving razor to me?
  11. Hehe, oh dear. This is a classic student problem - better drink plenty of clean water and hopefully you'll just sweat it out. The only upside is your sweat smells weirdly like fresh tea or coffee or whatever you were drinking when you wake up in the morning.
  12. My 5 predictions for this year: 1.Alonso has mildly disappointing year - rumours about him and Ferrari abound. 2.Vettel has average year - rumours about him and Ferrari abound. 3.Kubica has great year - rumours about him and Ferrari abound. 4.Number of times Hamilton rebounds this season: 2 5.Bernie visits Donnington to discover solid gold pavilions flanking futuristic hovering stadiums around a circuit that's scientifically proven to offer the best possible overtaking and stewarded by a heavenly choir of divine winged beings - decides he'd rather have that street circuit in Dubai anyway.
  13. Pffft. I grew up in the highlands - this was beach weather for us. Then we'd come back and fight the sea eagles for some coal to eat.
  14. Surely "Private Ine: Investiagtor" would be the way to go? Alternatively, CSIne - the Belgium edition of the hit show.
  15. I bagsy being the one who bursts in dramatically and declares that I'm the one you really love. Anyway, I'm now sat at my laptop totally refreshed, showered, toweled (with Egyptian cotton, no less) clear headed and caffeine free. Tonight is the night I finally finish my wretched assignment. Oh yes indeed.
  16. So it doesn't look good on paper you mean?
  17. Bleh, my tutor sending me all that extra info telling me he doesn't need my assignment till Monday at the earliest has taken all the wind out of my sails. I was flowing along quite nicely and hoping to have it finished by now, but my mind has now totally rebelled and gone on strike today. (=_=) Blah, I'm going for a soak in the tub.
  18. Now that Donnington has it's planning permission and has already begun building work, the BBC have thrown up a fabulous little highlights reel of the 93 Euro GP, scene of Senna's world shattering wet weather drive. Check it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsport/formula_one/7817881.stm
  19. Ooh la moi, I never get a good start to the season. Bah. =(
  20. This the Creative Writing MAs you looking at, ya?
  21. Blurgh - last night I checked me email and found my tutor had sent me a big PDF of stuff that would have been very useful to me if I'd had it when I started this bloody assignment. Ah well, he's offered me extra time if I need it. Frankly I'm not sure if he even gives a fig about the deadline - it's usually a couple of weeks until he marks anything we hand in. Makes it very difficult to keep motivated to keep deadlines. >_< Gah. I just want this thing over and done with now anyway.
  22. My housemates often compare me to a cat. Apparently they've observed me getting comfortable "literally almost anywhere", and constantly being drawn towards radiators and warm sun rays coming through the window. I'm catman.
  23. Grah, just got a few hundred words of this blasted assignment to go but my soul feels totally crushed, my mind feels betrayed and my inner will to carry on said it couldn't be arsed anymore and has long since buggered off to Vietnam to buy itself a trophy husband.
  24. Odwin rather reminds me of this fella.
  25. Gawd, this academic assignments are so boring. And with my tutor, rarely well explained. I've already done half of the bluddy thing, but then my tutor decided to set the date back again, and of course I forgot all about it over Christmas. >_> It's generally just unbelievably blah. So blah, it's actually quite painful.
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