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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. It's a tough time to be a Presidential elf.
  2. Mum and some of the family popped round and we had a nice lunch together, but my head is killing me now, must have come down with a cold or something. It feels like there's a little man in there, hurling himself back and forward against the walls of my cranium in noisy protest against his incarceration.
  3. Lord knows a competitive female driver (or three) would be a great boost for the sport. I tend to imagine Patrick will be too happy in Indy to be tempted away by a starter outfit though. Hopefully that Swiss lass Gachnang coming up in F2 can get somewhere.
  4. I'm personally totally fine with gay or lesbian couples having their own biological kids via IVF or surrogate mothers or what have you. I think if the choice is available they are as entitled to have their own biological children as any heterosexual couple.
  5. Feeling awful tense today for some reason - guess just got some excess energy I need to burn off. Better be at the gym first thing tomorrow before I go all Dragonball and burst into flames or something.
  6. Donnington looks to be shaping up pretty well, the sharp turns and undulating hills look like they could catch a lot of unwary drivers out. Should provide at least decent racing. Also, USF1 are going to make it official on the 24th. Will be interesting to see what their plans are. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73282 Plus, Honda are apparently feeling confident enough to give the green light for preparations for 09 any day now. Still far from certain, but I certainly hope so. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73281
  7. Had a good day at Uni, came back, chillaxed and had some pizza, then rubbed my eye only to discover I had some pepper juice on it. It feels like I've set my eyeball on fire. o_x
  8. I'm actually impressed how he's typing exactly how one would imagine him talking at this moment. =p
  9. Happy Birthday Rez - don't grow up too fast.
  10. Went to a screening of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas followed by an extensive Q&A with the screenplay writer at Uni. Interesting, but the hall was packed with people, making it all very humid and smelly, really took it out of me over the three hours. God knows what might have been catching in there. There are some media students about who really need to start looking at some soap and deodorant commercials. See what hidden cultural messages they can divine out of those.
  11. Huh. 0-1 to Oddy with the majority of possesion is not at all shabby, especially given I forgot to set a win bonus. Survival is looking more and more hopeful.
  12. Happy Birthday Ash. Keep up the good forum work. =)
  13. Already treading on thin ice there boyo. Happy Birthday Eenuh!!! Be a far worse forum without you. Far, far worse.
  14. Awk, that sounds sucky. I hope the person who pushed you falls down the stairs. Into a vat of acid. With sharks in it. And a lion. One with light sabers for teeth.
  15. There are rumors going round of a brand new US based F1 team looking to start up. I certainly hope it's true and that they're successful, top up the grid, encourage other similar ventures and hopefully help spread the influence of the sport in the US. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/73121
  16. One thing I'd really love to see in Mass Effect 2 would be a drop-in co-op mode of some description. That would make probably make me permanently hard. And moist.
  17. Bitches ain't shit, brother. Wash your hands and walk away.
  18. Gotta see to the ol' lady first - priorities goddamit, priorities. Also, from the previous article - ... Ew? As much as that last sentence is the best thing I have ever read, I'm not sure exactly how surprised I should be of this paragraph. Any resident girl gamers wanna shed some light on this one way or the other?
  19. I'd start thinking about doing a University course somewhere if I were you. Then we can buy a house together and start that shrimping business we've always talked about.
  20. You'll be laughing out the other side of your face when the missiles start launching themselves and our robot slaves turn against us.
  21. Had an interesting last night to say the least - first we helped a lost dog called O.J. back to his owner, then after a couple of bars allowed myself to get dragged into a blisteringly awful club where one my housemates was solicited by an over-friendly drunk to "go back to his place" to "play" "Call of Duty 4". My housemate pulled us all out pretty quickly after that, convinced that he had just been "mind raped." I thought it was funny as hell.
  22. Looks like a solid Zelda-esque adventure, I'll be sad if they've dispensed with the whole 3d-coop game I was hoping for though.
  23. Haven't seen Seven Pounds, Slumdog is a simply superb film though.
  24. Dr Tran is back! - BACK!!!! BACK!!!!! Order your 100% Ice now!!
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