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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'm confident that more people would be playing online on the WiiU if it was a subscription service o par with the other consoles. I don't think the console would've shifted more or less, but I believe more people would've played online and still be playing online. It's Nintendo, I believe the majority of Nintendo fans would pay if there's no other option.
  2. They could look at what people have spent and give money off the subscription for however long.
  3. That's why they should include the Virtual Console within the subscription.
  4. I'm sat on the tram on the way into work with mega goosebumps and a huge grin on my face after watching that!
  5. Perfectly summed up. It HAS to have this all as part of the OS for me.
  6. A year ago today I had my first date with my Mrs. Had the best year of my life and looking forward to so many more!
  7. @Happenstance, it's when they said it was more of a single player game that my hype started dwindling. at first I was hyped because my mind was considering us all getting together and setting up an N-E space fleet of sorts.
  8. Not fair?! This is business, if they want more custom the they have to cater for a wider audience. It's perfectly fair to say so. So what if Sony and Microsoft's first party offerings don't have that breadth either, they don't need it! They have third parties covering it for them. Nintendo are the ones that need it and they've only themselves to blame!
  9. When it first got announce I was so hyped and really looking forward to it, but that waned slightly as we learned a bit more... and even moreso when I heard it's unlikely you'll meet friends on the game... then the excitement completely disappeared after I saw that if you do meet up you can't even see each other! This game isn't for me.
  10. Anyone read this...? Having watched Batman: Under the Red Hood and read the comics pertaining to the events leading up to that film, I read the synopsis of the comic and figured I'd give it a go. I liked the first chapter and will definitely keep up with it to see where it goes.
  11. Nobody can make me feel bad for having caught my Blastoise using Pokévision! ...unless baby giraffes were harmed in the process, then I'll feel bad. ...but only then!
  12. The dock has to be the Supplementary Computing Device that they patented... it has to be! That would drive up the hype in NX for sure!
  13. In all honesty, no, I don't think they'll make much of a difference. I think it'll sell better than the WiiU but that's only because it's a handheld(/hybrid)... it'd be fairer to equate sales to the 3DS. With correct marketing it could better 3DS sales, but I'm mindful that it may not quite do that.
  14. I finally got round to watching Stranger Things. I watched it with the girlfriend and we both loved the vibe it gave off! As people have said above, like a mix of so many classic 80's things. Is a second season green lit yet?
  15. Great post @Hero\-of\-Time, the only mistake with Iwata's statement is that it should say this:
  16. My housewarming BBQ that day guys, sorry!
  17. Ok, so given how I hadn't read comics for years upon years, I'm not all too familiar with the reason for the separate Action/Detective comics and the Superman/Batman ones. Why is they hadn't just done Rebirth and then continued the respective stories of Supes & Bats in the Action & Detective comics, why do they have these as well as their own ones ongoing and how is the continuity between them? ...basically, what exactly is the deal?
  18. I'll not bother playing/using the game now until they sort the Tracking (or allow Pokevision to be put back online) and return the iOS battery saving mode in a fixed state.
  19. @Retro_Link @Eddage it was great meeting you both and conquering Snowdon with you guys, thanks for having me along! Keep up the amazing work on your journey Retro, it's fantastic what you're doing! @Eddage, did you manage to get into work ok today? After my 2 mile walk on the way in this morning I got into work and the sodding lift was broken... I had to walk 6 floors too! Haha
  20. That's terrible news, the poor lad and his family
  21. If it gets the Tegra X2 chip and the dock for TV use is the (finally acquired) Supplemental Computing Device patent, then the NX could very well be a fantastic bit of kit!
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