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Everything posted by Kav

  1. It probably didn't help her that I kept moving and pulling faces.
  2. I hope they've gone with the Tegra X2 as opposed to the X1... that'd be a very pleasant surprise.
  3. @dazzybee are you expecting it to be great? I'm expecting to be overall disappointed in all honesty, moreso because of a lack of certain features of the hardware.
  4. Well this is a little more assuring from Yves Guillemot: ...but given that he said he thought the WiiU was going to be a success, it's still not to be taken too strongly as reason for hype in my eyes. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2016/09/22/nintendo-nx-fantastic-will-offer-different-experience-to-other-consoles-ubisoft-ceo
  5. My Mrs drew a picture of me today after I got home from work, pretty good job I reckon...
  6. This tweet from Nintendo is almost 5 months old... [tweet]725221813081522176[/tweet] Why the fuck did they even bother? They've said absolutely zip since! How not to announce a console!!!
  7. I see people are speculating (wishing) for news tomorrow as Nintendo were founded on Sept 23rd 1889. I wish too! Whenever the reveal, I just hope Nintendo don't repeat their mistakes.
  8. Ubisoft on Nintendo hardware is nothing to shout about given their history of thoughts on Nintendo and their fans... They make cheap, iterative party games (Just Dance, Rabbids etc) on Nintendo platforms to fund their ambitious projects on the competition.
  9. Would the network services still be up and running and player-bases be what they were originally? If so, I'd go with the Wii too, because that Black Ops Wii online with the N-E Clan was one of the best gaming experiences ever! Plus all the Virtual Console and backwards compatibility with the GC.
  10. Holy crap, Civil War II, Issue 5 was great!!!!
  11. Saw this on Twitter, taken from Gaf I think...
  12. It's a train of thought like this why you'll never understand. It's such a daft thing to say Ronnie. There's no real difference, gameplay wise, between local and online, the reason for online to be included in multiplayer is so that one can play with friends when said friends aren't available local. It's broadening the audience, player-base and will inherently garner the game more game-time. Online is a boon!
  13. Pikmin 3 had local multiplayer... but there were no strides in improving it. MK8's multiplayer was a step back from MKWii though.
  14. It's not that I was pointing out negativity, moreso that I was trying to show further positive steps Nintendo could and should be taking for their next generation.
  15. Yeah, they could've been considered amongst the greats. My point is that it's Nintendo that let them down and they they can't afford to be letting them down again. Everyone goes on about Nintendo's unrivalled First Party, but it does little in reality for the sales of their hardware. If they upped their game with their games, they'd fare a little better. If they up their game with their hardware too (functions wise) they may just do well.
  16. I agree that all of the above games were good, each with fantastic gameplay. Yet, as pointed out above, they could've been better and would've been more appealing as a result. Most gamers this gen will turn away from games that offer/focus on multiplayer but are not offering online multiplayer... and not being able to talk to your friends whilst gaming will put even more off. The NX need address this!
  17. Did I see Connor McGregor in that trailer?!
  18. Kav


    Narcos season 2 was great! This show is amongst the best on Netflix... and amongst any I've seen elsewhere too.
  19. I think some people, those that are hyping it up, are thinking it must be something amazing given how Nintendo didn't turn up to E3or TGS with it, they're thinking that Nintendo must be very confident it will sell and that's why they didn't show it at two of the biggest and best places for showcasing new hardware. Personally, I think Nintendo are treading on thin ice waiting this long to reveal. They risk severe blowback if it doesn't live up to said hype.
  20. Their social media is full of fans asking for NX info, I can't see why they'd still be hiding it. Saying it's because they don't want it copied is bollocks as it could be copied once it's out anyway. They're just try and make it sound like they're onto the next big thing and be the first to show it. #RevealTheNX
  21. This negative is so vast that I can't think of a positive that outweighs it though... even all the positives I can think that the machine could bring couldn't outweigh being able to talk and laugh with your friends.
  22. The latest Flash was GREAT... Red Hood and the Outlaws was awesome too! Spider-Man (MM) was brilliant as well!
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