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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Loving the holiday... My Bond moment, haha...
  2. Revival Metroid Cross-over Waverace x 1080 Exclusive GTA... because that would be beyond mental.
  3. Has a fantasy league been set up then?
  4. This is why I think it's Nintendo's best bet going forward. Handhelds that dock to the TV. A dedicated home console can't seem to compete with the competition so by making it in the handheld space but providing the hook-up to TV will help satiate their fanbase to the best degree they can. If there is upscaling from the handheld to the TV too then this will improve on the handheld only devices of past too. A hybrid is the way forward!
  5. Without knowing if there's improvement with their online features, no. The majority of their games don't cut the mustard anymore as a result of lacking features and those that do are too few and far inbetween to justify the purchase of a console.
  6. ...and because Nintendo haven't addressed this, or their hardware issues, I'm wanting games they tend to get (Monster Hunter) come to the PlayStation! Hell, I'm wanting Nintendo to go Third Party! That's how bad it is for them.
  7. I would've done if those games were on it, with full features and support. It's about reaching as wide a fanbase as they can, drawing in more fans whilst stopping some of their long-time fans from moving on.
  8. Nintendo could do with having architecture similar to competitors to allow for quick and easy porting so releases can be simultaneous and have all the features their counterparts do. That their consoles are usually so different architecturally, more time is needed and costs of porting are higher and where there are constraints on time and extra costs, things will be cut. The fault really does lie at Nintendo's door.
  9. So if that's all you were saying, why quote me on this: And say this: ..? Anyhoo, by combining the 3DS and WiiU output, it looks a lot better, but still by no means where it could do with being. 3rd Parties are desperately needed!
  10. Oh I get that it's a call-back and an homage to the 80's, that's the thing I loved most about it! It's hard to call, it's by no means on the level of greatness of Breaking Bad, The Wire, Oz, Narcos, but I did love it and I can't wait to see more!
  11. That they have a greater diversity than other developers means bugger-all when they're a hardware manufacturer and the competition has a much larger breadth of games available on their platforms though. The PS4's library isn't "saved" by Third Parties... that simply IS their library! You can't go on in a way that more or less is saying "if they didn't have Third Parties", for the simple fact of the matter that they DO have those Third Parties on board. It's a completely moot point! The only "saving" Third Parties could do would be to "save" Nintendo!
  12. Is anyone else feeling a little underwhelmed with Batman and Superman Rebirth? Each seemed to start well but they've not really gone anywhere as such, at least not carrying on from the events of Rebirth.
  13. After Bleach has come to a close, my final thoughts on it as a whole are such: It's turd.
  14. Not nearly "huge" enough for it to sell. They need it to be bigger, much bigger. ...and if you honestly think that the WiiU's library has greater breadth than the PS4 or XBO then you are showing yourself to be incredibly narrow-sighted.
  15. It's by no means original, or great... but it certainly is entertaining and worth a watch. It has left me wanting season 2 too.
  16. The reason it's fair to call on Nintendo for not making these games is simply because they're a hardware manufacturer and are more or less the only developer supporting their console. If they want their console sales to increase and not decrease then they do need to start providing a wider breadth of games and also a wider breadth of variety within their genres. If they were 3rd Party we'd not bother picking apart their output but the simple fact of the matter is they're not. They're a hardware manufacturer and so it's completely right that people talk about the lack of diversity within their library. Fierce_Link is completely right when he says this!!!
  17. Eurogamer hands-on: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-08-16-watch-15-minutes-of-gameplay-from-sea-of-thieves
  18. I'm about 99% certain that NX info will bring about a shit-load more fun!
  19. I'm just saying random figures here to make my point so don't shoot me on them, but: On console A, 5 games are available. On console B, 100 games are available. Given the lack of quantity available on console A, I'd expect that fan base to purchase more of the individual titles. Given the quantity available on console B, I'd expect a larger total number of sales of all software combined. Given the number of titles available, I expect console B to outsell console A drastically.
  20. Ouch! That is dangerous, should've been a red. He'll get a retrospective ban for that, it's a shame it was missed... even as a Chelsea fan I'll say that! Silly challenge!
  21. Either way, it needed folders... as the UI just looked cluttered and shit. My WiiU UI looks infinitely better! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the WiiU's UI is like a bombshell, but she's dumb (good looking but slow). The PS4's is like her ugly but intelligent sister (looks a mess but is quick). At least with folders the PS4 UI can be cleaned up and put in a nicely viewable manner... like Rachel Riley, fit as fuck and intelligent to boot!
  22. It used to surprise me, the idiocy of the top brass at Nintendo. Now I just expect it!
  23. To be fair, Reggie didn't help the cause in the lead up to the WiiU's release...
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