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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Holy crap! Shingeki no Kyojin!!!!!
  2. I thought Naruto went completely downhill from the 5 Kage Summit. It never again came close to the feeling of the earlier part of the story, by the end I didn't care what happened, I just wanted to see it end.
  3. I never said I want it at the expense of gameplay, nor did I say it need be put first. It's just that they have such little narrative in their games. They've crafted wonderful worlds and could well add depth to them and their stories with a little more of a push toward their narrative. Nothing need suffer as a result!
  4. I don't mean power when I say "the fore", moreso in that I'd like them pushing VR experiences (Metroid Prime VR please!), pushing narrative in games, pushing more IP like they did Splatoon (but not shirk on its content and features) and creating a larger breadth of games within their genres. I'd like to see them push themselves, not rest on their laurels. To be honest the bare minimum is for them to have OS level Party Chat. My hope is that they then implement online into more of their multiplayer games... without lacking features! But if it had OS level Party Chat, I'd get it.
  5. If I buy the NX I'll not get PSVR, it's one or the other for me... and in all honesty, I just don't want Nintendo staying behind the curve for another generation or two. I want Nintendo to be at the fore, creating the best experiences like I know they can. I just don't feel they've done that in a long while now and it saddens me.
  6. I think I'm almost guaranteed disappointment, it is Nintendo after all and they've done nothing but disappoint me for so long now. I think the only way they won't is if: 1. The NX has OS level Party Chat 2. It's a hybrid 3. The screen part of the handheld, once controllers are detached, can slip into a VR headset. This is what waiting so long has done to me!
  7. I don't see it confirmed for NX anywhere, And I wouldn't say it's "probable" that it's exclusive.
  8. Well, after more poor issues of Batman, Superman and Justice League, I'm thinking about giving up on them and not carrying on reading them. After what seemed like it'd start brilliantly with Rebirth, they've just totally fallen off the shelf. Really poor! The Flash has been good though! Marvel on the other hand are knocking it out of the park. Spider-Man (both PP and MM) have been great, Iron Man has too and Civil War II has been fooking awesome! The interconnection between all the comics has been outstanding. The last issue of Iron Man was absolutely brilliant, so well done. Marvel are on a completely different level to DC!
  9. @Ronnie has got what I meant, specifically that their next home console won't be as powerful as the PS5 or next Xbox. Not just because of the cost of developing said console, but also because I think all the R&D, development and distribution costs of the NX warranting a full cycle and that they'd therefore not release a "stop-gap" console. It just isn't viable.
  10. I can't see this happening in a million years!
  11. I'll be passing up CoD this year. As much as I've enjoyed BO3, CoD does feel like it's lost something and no longer quite satisfies the itch I have. It'll be Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 for me (BF1 will be my main FPS fix).
  12. After not having playing on this (Season One) for a good while, I put it back on last night for a bit.
  13. Kav


    Sorry guys, I would only put Destiny back on to play that second lot of DLC that came out as I've not even played that yet, haha. Then I'd get rid of the game.
  14. Well I've finally got round to setting my consoles up again... 3 months after having packed them away! Even though I'll not be gaming anywhere near as much as I used to, it's a nice little setup with all 3 home consoles.
  15. I'd expect it to do similar, better if it is a hybrid/handheld. I can't see a dedicated home console selling even as much as the WiiU.
  16. I'd have thought that Nintendo would be a little wise to announce it prior to Xmas to try and dissuade some people from buying alternative gaming devices and wait for NX.
  17. You detach them when you're gaming at home on the TV and the console is docked. When you're out and about you'll just keep them attached.
  18. If they detached and had motion control then I'm ok with that! I remember @dazzybee saying it'd be awesome if you could use them detached and slide the tablet part of the console into a VR headset for cheaper VR gaming. Now that would be brilliant!
  19. Bear in mind the video is from October 2015. So it's not like they stole Nintendo's idea... more the other way round if the NX is similar, as this would've been in development/production a little while! Also, would anyone says it detracts from the credibility of Eurogamer's sources?
  20. This looks very much like Eurogamer's NX leak...
  21. Fake. Why would they send out promotional stuff with a code name on?! Haha [tweet]781813888211783680[/tweet]
  22. I've a feeling they'll do a Direct, in which they'll have segments showing people (devs & journalists) having hands-on with it and giving quick (obviously positive) impressions, from a privately held event they had slightly earlier. I've the feeling they'll do this as it will allow them to edit the footage of people's impressions and their time with it and will also allow the journalists to then release their articles after their NDAs end, which will be immediately after the Direct.
  23. It's because of this rumour... http://m.ign.com/articles/2016/08/30/nintendo-nx-rumored-to-have-share-button-split-d-pad
  24. The latest "NX leak" It's the size of a keyboard! Haha
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