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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Are these Alien Rabbids?! They sure look like it! Could be one to keep an eye on for sure!
  2. In Zelda, you could have it as an item management screen, but also with the ability to swap it to a map screen etc. Then when you use particular items it could operate as these... the Lens of Truth, for example, perhaps to aim your Slingshot/Bow... even as the Mirror Shield for when you wish to reflect light. In a First Person Metroid it could be to operate particular visors; Scan Visor & X-Ray Visor for example.
  3. Myself and Zechs Merquise were talking about this in respect to Call of Duty (as we had been playing Black Ops at the time). The screen on the controller could show both the map (full map) and also 3 "killstreak buttons" (each button would show the icon of the killstreak you choose). Let's say you have selected Spy Plane, Napalm Strike and Attack Helicopter. During the match you come across multiple enemies and get your first two killstreaks in succession without using any of them. Now currently you'd have to use the Napalm before you could use the Spy Plane because the game will prioritise your higher killstreak as they can only be used via one button. However in this case you could simply tap the Spy Plane icon and the killstreak would now be activated on your map. This then gives you the situational advantage you need for using your Napalm. To use this, you tap the icon then quickly draw a line on the map with your finger to place the Napalm Strike exactly where, and in the direction, you drew the line. To use your helicopter you would simply tap the icon then tap the place on the map you wish to deploy it.
  4. The "Water meet Fish" remark was a reference to him saying "If there was a Nintendo console that could handle our engine we'd be on it like water on a fish" a few months back.
  5. I'm not worrying about WiiU at all, I do believe it'll be great, but that doesn't stop the reveal being underwhelming.
  6. I'm complaining because it's all well and good saying what it can do but you should at least back it up with actual software to demonstrate, software that will make it to release!
  7. I'm underwhelmed totally from the conference. I don't have an interest in handheld gaming and so it was then extremely lacklustre in regards to actual software that is to be released for either Wii or WiiU. The 3rd Party games that were shown, were shown running on 360/PS3 and so couldn't highlight what the WiiU could bring specifically to them and there were also no exclusives for it shown. This was a poor showing for me, not as bad as E3 '08 and not as bad as Microsoft's conference this year (or last year for that matter) but it left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth.
  8. If Conduit 3 is coming for the machine I honestly don't think they should show it at their conference... as I keep reiterating, HVS aren't talented enough a studio for it to be anything other than mediocre which will give a lacklustre showing of the console. Conduit 3 would not blow anyone away. ...except Beverage.
  9. Will you be watching Sony's?

  10. Here's a quick thought; If the controller does have a camera on it as rumours say... Augmented Reality gaming on the controller!
  11. Yeah I watched it, had to go round to a friends to do so though now I e got no laptop... I'm borrowing his laptop tomorrow though so I'll be online!

    I did not think much of Microsoft's conference. In fact, I thought it was utter tripe!


    What did you make of it?

  12. My E3 dream... Pikmin 3, Wave Race, F Zero, a couple new IPs (one a Retro game), possibly Metroid and Smash Bros from Nintendo and then Battlefield 3, Cod and a huge 3rd Party exclusive for Project Cafe.
  13. 5pm to 7pm. I'll be streaming it and I'll be on the N-E Chat Page to share my excitement with you lot!:bouncy:
  14. There's something about this that I actually like, I can't quite put my finger on it! It's definitely better than that arsenal one!
  15. I got offered the job I've been doing on a permanent basis, on a decent wage too! Woo-hoo!
  16. I completely agree with this post! Mario first, followed by Zelda... that's the way it should be!
  17. Bulldog Tag 40 40 In - we called it Kick-Stone and shouted "kick-stone 1 2 3" Man-Hunt - two teams, one would hide and run, the other would hunt them down and tag them, those that were tagged would then become hunters too until everyone was caught... this was the best game ever by the way!
  18. Happy birthday Ellmeister!
  19. I've only just seen that Mascherano dedicated his part in the Barca Champions League win to Liverpool fans! That's brilliant! Haha
  20. The problem I have with voices in Zelda games is that because I've grown up with the series, everyone has a particular "sound" in my head, I wouldn't want voicework to spoil that! If they did, I'd like them to handle it like they did with Midna, she had a voice, but because it wasn't in an actual language it worked.
  21. Here's an E3 hope and dream of mine; Battlefield 3 to be released on Nintendo's new console! That'd make my day/month/year! lol
  22. I must be alone in thinking the length of the game is a problem. It's an enjoyable experience whilst it lasts that's for sure and it's amazingly well scripted, brilliant dialogue, but I finished it on the hardest setting in a little over 6hrs, it just left me feeling a little disappointed... I couldn't get into it's multiplayer as I think the shooting mechanics are the games big weakness.
  23. "Do a barrel-roll." Awesome! I've mentioned what I'd like to see from Nintendo, but from the other conferences I think I'd like to see something of The Last Guardian... and that's about it to be honest. I can't get excited over Uncharted 3, I just have a feeling it'll be too short again.
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