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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This weeks Naruto Manga is A-W-E-S-O-M-E Also, I'm absolutely loving Gamaran... I can't wait to see how it plays out!
  2. That's a nice post there, if I was to class myself I'd say I'm a "Truecore Gamer". I love gaming, I like keeping tabs on the industry and I do appreciate all games (Racing Sims are not for me but I can see why people love them... same goes with pretty much most RPG's, especially those that have a turn-based battle system). I'd make a longer post if I wasn't posting off my mobile, but as I say; nice post man!
  3. Di Matteo has joined Chelsea as Assistant First Team Coach... Legend!
  4. Decent ones..?
  5. Anyone heard any decent chants for Ryan Giggs for this upcoming season yet?
  6. Chelsea have paid Porto the fee of his release clause. I just hope that twat Abramovich has learnt something in the last month and will give the guy time to mould the team around his ideals.
  7. We're missing you on Black Ops Welsh, it's not the same without our fearless leader!

    How's it going?

  8. Hi Bomberman, how've you been? Not seen you online for a while man.

  9. Best post in a football thread ever! Selina Wagner sure is all kinds of hotness!!!
  10. Being half Iranian I can only facepalm myself over the way Iran is!
  11. Happy birthday H-o-T!!!
  12. I'm thinking this just may be something I absolutely have to go to!
  13. Jesus Christ this thread is full of comedy gold!
  14. Very much so, but I'm sticking to it! lol
  15. As an easter egg, Samus being in F-Zero would be cool I do admit... but I wouldn't try and write her into any story if it were me, I'd just have her in there for the sake of it being an easter egg. I think I'd like to see new IP's set within different franchises worlds. I can't remember who it was that posted some suggestions years ago but they made the suggestions of an MMORPG set in the land of Hyrule whereupon you'd choose a race (Hylian, Goron, Zora etc) and that would determine how you played the game etc. Another suggestion was in the Metroid universe, where you'd be a member of the Galactic Federation Forces set on SR-388... I think they said an FPS which intrigued me at the time. In this they were saying how you could be playing and all of a sudden you'd see a huge fight going on between Samus and a boss character in the background and you may have to assist somehow. I liked that idea.
  16. I honestly don't think I'd like to see any cross-overs to be honest. I just don't see any of the franchises fitting in with the others.
  17. I couldn't care less about her music, Pop is crap (in my opinion). But damn, I so would!
  18. All I need is my two katana, I'm definitely ready for it!
  19. The only thing I'm not liking the idea of in this is the shake of the nunchuk to raise your shield. I thought that Twilight Princess had it right in that you automatically block when you "lock-on" to your enemy.
  20. It's not so much the motion control but the Wiimote pointer functionality that I hope they keep in!
  21. From the brief demo that was shown at the Ubisoft Dev Roundtable, this looked like dog-shite to control using the gyroscope and accelerometer in the pad!
  22. I'm holding you to that mate!
  23. This should definitely be a launch game! Man I love Pikmin!!!
  24. Hey Zechs, are you going to promise not to swear as much and rage quit with this one like you promised with Black Ops? lol
  25. N-E Clan can rejoice! Not about Conduit 2... as that's pants! Hehe
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