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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Screw you Lost, that's not even funny! lol
  2. Thursdays are a no for me as I'm at football.
  3. I wasn't saying you were scouse, but you support a scouse club... and you don't get much more chav than scousers! About your point with the way Chelsea do things, I couldn't agree more! It pains me to see the Club being run the way it is. Sure we have had success but I'd bet we'd have had more had Abramovich kept his nose out and let Mourinho manage the Club the way he saw fit! I've supported Chelsea throughout my life, my Uncle played for them in the 60's, it's the place he started playing football, it's the reason I've always supported them and Abramovich has ruined the reputation of the Club I love! It really does get to me!
  4. Aloha, welcome to N-E!
  5. A team from Liverpool claiming another to be chavs?! Priceless!
  6. Don't get me wrong, without Abramovich we would've remained a pants team, but he doesn't have a bloody clue sacking managers left, right and centre! It doesn't half piss me off!
  7. Haha, brilliant post! ...and yeah Zechs, I agree, some reviewers just like to bash on the Wii without giving games a real constructive review.
  8. Urgh, we weren't any good at all today and it showed with Everyon being the better team for a fair spell when they were only 10 men! What a goal from Beckford though, worthy of winning any match, brilliant goal!
  9. I do! I hate everything HVS related, bunch of talentless, overhyping, promising but not delivering bastards! lol
  10. I don't listen to any of her music but oh man she is hot! Super hot!
  11. I too don't like te structure of it. I've got a sodding "communicator" but I still have to go back to a hub to get my next mission... why? Why the hell don't they tell me what I need to do over the fecking communicator?! Let me wander around and explore the world and once I've done a mission, contact me over the communicator and tell me what I need to do next... don't have me run all the way back just to send me out again! Urgh!!!
  12. HVS are a pile of shite game developer, pretty much everyone but Beverage knows this (it's all in jest Beverage). They've got to accept that they've made a poor game, again, not lash out at people for their opinions.
  13. I think other than just wanting to see the new console am controller in action, I'd love to hear that Retro are working on an original IP or if not that, that they're working on the next Zelda game for the new console. As they are the one developer I'd trust other than Nintendo to really deliver on Zelda! And dare I say it..? A Nintendo & Retro collaboration on a Zelda may actually produce the greatest game to have ever been made! I have that much faith in them (Metroid Prime is, for me, the only game that rivals Ocarina for the best game ever).
  14. Well I'm finding it more enjoyable now, I've just done the train mission and I'm in the middle of nowhere and have just learnt "The Bear". With the Kusagari Moves the game does get more enjoyable but I still feel that the main sword-play is lacking and could've been so much greater than it is!
  15. The thing that makes Twilight Princess look so good is that the world/characters have a certain charm. The Zelda universe always does... Wind Waker of course gave us a charm overload and is still, in my opinion, the best looking game to date!
  16. My friend has seen this and won't stop raving about it, apparently it's a definite must-see. ...and I have to say that I am more than intrigued!
  17. This is my problem with the game, I'm playing on the hardest setting and I'm pretty much only getting hit by bullets and thats mainly when I'm jumping about after my prey when I've just "Eagled" them. I think I've only been hit by a sword a couple or so times. Still, it's ok I guess, worth the £5 I got it for but I wouldn't pay full whack for it. ...there's also a part of me that thinks this simply doesn't use WiiMotion+ well enough. It could be so much more like using a sword! The sword-play in this just isn't satisfying. EDIT: That sounds a lot more negative than I'm actually feeling about the game. I just think it's wasted potential as far as a sword game goes.
  18. I've just picked this up for £5 pre-owned, I think I'll give it a whirl tonight!
  19. The trailer really doesn't do this film justice, I wasn't all that interested in it after only seeing the trailer but after seeing Joe Cornish do a few interviews and hearing what he wanted from the film I had to watch it and it sure lived up to it. It's great!
  20. Well, we (Chelsea) may not have won anything this season but at least our Reserves are Champions! We drew on the night with Blackburn but won 5-4 on penalties.
  21. You have no soul! ...of course I jest, an opinion is an opinion.
  22. Just come from watching this at the cinema... it's an AWESOME film! I give it 8/10 and I'd definitely say it's a must-see!
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