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Everything posted by Kav

  1. There was simply no way I was having you not play one of the Mario Galaxy games. It wasn't a favour, it wasn't a gesture of goodwill by me. It was simply a demand that you have it as it would've been criminal for you to not! Haha
  2. If it's got an online multiplayer mode, I'm worrying about voice-chat! :p
  3. Well I got a rush of blood to the head and I've gone and placed a pre-order for the MM Edition New 3DS XL.
  4. Colour me interested!
  5. @Hero\-of\-Time you have me interested there!
  6. I do concur with this. I loved Other M too.
  7. I can see your argument and it is a fair one, but as I said earlier, I'd rather not have those abilities and have the level of immersion in Prime. Other than Samus' abilities, Prime nails the world of Metroid in 3D and even perfects it, besting the world of the 2D games. Also, I'm not one of the young'ns... unfortunately, haha.
  8. That Nintendo Direct reminded me that I have to finish LoZ ALBW and LM2 on the 3DS too. Oh man, I've got some serious gaming to do!
  9. Super Metroid is something special too, possibly the best 2D game I've played... but the immersion in Prime elevates the game to insanely high levels. For me Prime is definitely the better game!
  10. So, having hardly touched my 3DS in an age, that Direct has made me want to invest some decent time in the thing again... although even more than that, I'm now desperately wanting that sodding MM New 3DS.
  11. I'll give Nintendo this... if there's one thing the Direct did, it's made me want to play and sink some decent time into my 3DS again!
  12. Thanks man!
  13. Haha, I do absolutely know what you mean. Sure you don't have certain abilities that you do in the 2D games but for me it's still very "Metroid" because of the atmosphere, the sense of isolation, the game world itself. That makes Metroid more than the abilities themselves for me.
  14. The lock-on may help in regards to this, and whereas you do shoot a lot, there's plenty of platforming (which actually works in the Primes, even in first person) and puzzle solving too. At that launch price it's worth every penny and more. Even just to try out and give them a go. Really, I can't recommend them enough... so much so that I go as far to say that Metroid Prime is only game that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Ocarina of Time as my favourite games ever.
  15. I think it looks fantastic, but that hinges on voice-chat. If it doesn't have it then it just dampens the experience of the team-play online and that's a big no-no for me.
  16. You're in luck then because the Metroid Prime games are not like first person shooters. They're simply Metroid in 3D, from a first person viewpoint. Metroid Prime is possibly the most atmospheric game I've ever played. I've never been drawn into a game world like that before! Seriously, you absolutely need to play these gems! The Metroid Prime Trilogy is one of the greatest gaming disks that has ever been burned. An absolute must-have!
  17. Hi Esequiel, would it be ok if I took this one?
  18. Oh wow. I never expected this... seeing this has me worried about it too now. I wasn't going to give the demo a go and just get it at launch but now I feel I should give the demo a go.
  19. The vibe I got from this was "It's like Heroes of Ruin but for the WiiU".
  20. @Pestneb, Serebii isn't right. They spoke about going from the hub to online, why not mention it there? Even something as simple as "from there you can connect to lobbies and chat with friends, and you can chat during the battles too." How is that not a missed opportunity?! The biggest thing is this: It's been raised as questions to them in interviews and they've skirted around the issue and not given a direct answer. Having been asked the question then it's relevant to the consumer to know whether it's in or not.
  21. You know why and you know it was relevant. If you don't then you're a lost cause.
  22. Yeah I'd figured. They're so out touch it's unreal. This would've been must-have for me if it had voice-chat. Now I'm just mildly interested in it, but not hyped at all, it's a "maybe" purchase if it's ever cheap or on sale.
  23. @Blade you've absolutely no excuse at this price, GET IT!!!
  24. So I had to watch the Direct without sound as I'm in work. I'm guessing it's a given that they didn't mention anything about voice-chat at all?
  25. They are SO different though. The gameplay is NOTHING alike, totally different!
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