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Everything posted by Kav

  1. @Blade, nobody at all has suggested people can't say it does meet their standard. I don't see why you make that comment if it's not directed at anyone. I'm not faulting Nintendo's single-player games, not at all... although I wish there was more of them. Multiplayer however, is where I'm finding them falling miles short! That's where I'm criticising them.
  2. Oh crap!!! No, I forgot about them again. I do game with you guys more than anyone else, much more. I've just not been in a gaming mood as of late. I've still not picked up The Witcher yet, I just can't be bothered gaming for some reason...
  3. To be honest I've not done any gaming for over a month now after playing MH4U online daily for a while. I've not actually gamed on my WiiU or PS4 since January... I've been watching and reading a lot instead. This is easily the longest I've not gamed, I'm not too sure why as I've a backlog too. When I was gaming though, it was online multiplayer almost every day, so I'll tick that. I think I've played locally maybe five times maximum in the last 12 or 13 years. My friends that are gamers all live elsewhere after moving for uni etc, but they don't even game much these days... we're all getting too old and they've all got families now keeping them busy.
  4. Yes, it's just that glaring issues get sorted on the non-Nintendo games. :p I think the thing that annoys me most with Splatoon is that it had so much potential. So much! I'm gutted that they've come to the table with such a missed opportunity to really name a AAA blockbuster title and make it the game it deserves to be. As soon as I saw it I had so many ideas for game modes etc. but it's just so lacking in anything like that it's untrue! Then they only go and bork all the options online for yet another game. It's so saddening.
  5. It's a shame you've not given them enough time to appreciate that then. Just like it's a shame I'll not give Splatoon my time until they sort out it's glaring issues.
  6. It's not just one feature though, it's a whole host of them, far too many and we don't know how many of them will be addressed. That's why I can say I feel it's woeful. They're not much of the same in general. Those 3 games you've listed are vastly different to each other. Not as different as Splatoon, but it's silly to say they're much of the same in general.
  7. I must disagree @tapedeck. To me, your post just reads as "spin". Prior to the WiiU's release Reggie said to Geoff Keighly in an interview that the system's features (online features included) would be on par with Sony's and Microsoft's coming consoles. Yet they're not and so I feel I can validly say they aren't up to the standard. As you have said though, it is all opinion based, but can you honestly say Nintendo wouldn't have preferred the majority of the gaming public to have had the opinion that Nintendo were up to standard and so the WiiU would've sold more?! To palm it off as saying they're on a different path is very much spin.
  8. @yesteryeargames to say Battlefield is like 99% of all shooters out there is nonsense. Not with all the vehicular combat and destruction in the game. Sure they're different types of shooters but it still doesn't mean I don't see it as laughable in comparison. The number of maps/game-modes/options etc is far too different to even try to convince me Splatoon isn't woeful. You may find it fun, but like I find MK8 and Smash, I'm fairly certain I'll just find it utterly soulless thanks the lack of voice-chat and also because of how much of an empty shell of a game it is.
  9. That One Piece chapter...
  10. I think the only thing Nintendo can do at this point to get me hyped is announce that they'll patch in party chat to the WiiU at an OS level. Or a Metroid. Retro Studios could possibly get me hyped though dependant on what they'd show, if anything at all.
  11. @Ronnie, I've said that it's good that people are enjoying Splatoon. I'm glad you are. That doesn't stop it not meeting my standards. It's just that our standards are different.
  12. People will only be playing Splatoon because they'll have nothing else to play. Nintendo isn't a focus for the majority of the gaming world (developers, publishers and consumers), they'll have to accept that. Which is a harder truth than you you telling me to accept Nintendo's stance.
  13. They've stayed at their standard... but the industry have raised the bar and Nintendo aren't following suit.
  14. I think he's doing well in that respect for Nintendo as a company, but for Nintendo as a console manufacturer and games developer he's crap.
  15. Same happened with MK8 and Smash, its why I don't play them. Thinking about it, I haven't been on my WiiU to game since January!
  16. So who's been skyping on this?
  17. To answer the question @RedShell... This. Just this really. Nintendo's multiplayer offerings just don't cut the mustard. Mario Kart doesn't have a decent Battle Mode and without being able to chat to your friends whilst racing and having a laugh together it just feels soulless and empty... same with Smash. I reckon if I see Splatoon at under £10 I'll give it a go. Otherwise it's not worth my money in my eyes. Whereas I loved Pikmin 3 and SM3DW, they should have had online. I thought Nintendoland was the most boring game I've ever played but if it had online and voice-chat I'd have played it for the laughs with friends. The only home console I've not owned (of the big 3 and Sega) is the PS3 so it's not because of having played other consoles. It's because Nintendo haven't progressed.
  18. It makes no sense at all, it's a team-base game, it should be ranked on teams. Yet because there's no option to party up with friends they can't really do this, they shot themselves in the foot.
  19. Even before he was ill he wasn't fit enough to run Nintendo. He's not forward thinking enough, they need someone at the helm that will drive the company forward into this day and age.
  20. So when it was announced it'll never have voice-chat that put me off. Since then we've learnt... 1. You can party up with friends and join games, you're randomly assigned to teams. 2. Once you search for a lobby you can't back out, you have to power down the console. 3. There are only 2 modes at the moment. 4. In one of the modes (ranked) you can't join friend's lobbies. 5. There are only 5 maps at the moment. 6. There is a 2 map rotation and it's every 4 hours. 7. You can't change loadouts during matches. 8. The free DLC announced still doesn't add much at all, still less than the standard content at which most games release. Given that I've pretty much just woken up I may have forgot something but these are off the top of my head. So how have you been so blind not to see this Serebii?
  21. You'll never see it @Serebii, you're completely blind to it.
  22. Not for me it's not. I see it as laughable in comparison with Battlefield!
  23. It's good that you guys are enjoying it, but I'm just gutted it's not even half the game it should've been and what it is doesn't warrant a purchase from me. Just different standards between us that's all.
  24. Jesus, I was considering picking this up on the cheap pre-owned but Nintendo keep taking steps backwards with online and are almost putting me off completely... it all sounds awful! I think I'll see if they address the multitude of problems after the August update.
  25. Jesus, for an online focused game that's not good! Not good at all! Haha
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