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Everything posted by Ash

  1. I Just brought F Zero GX, ill be playing that soon, i also want to play Battalion Wars.
  2. What part did you hear his voice, ive watched it a few times and can not make Leons out?
  3. You have to change the keyboard regional language to UK in the control Panel, as you must of skipped that step when you was installing XP.
  4. Its not only us that don't like it, i got an email today http://www.fubra.com/london2012/ These are ones made by us normal people, and some of them are very good.
  5. It is ok to drive with a broken left mirror(passenger side) BUT it is illegal to drive with a broken drivers side.
  6. Ash

    Sd card

    Well my Sandisk Extreame 3 2GB works in the wii, so i cant see why another SanDisk 2gb wont work.
  7. Ash

    sd cards

    How cheap is cheap, Most 1GB cards now days are below £10 if you look on the online stores, Play have a sale on at the moments with cheap SD Cards.
  8. We all know the one you mean, but the one i posted will probably be the first one of its kind to be released. I would like to try it, it could be like on of those old school arcade games.
  9. Maybe not yet, but what stops that design being implemented in the future, their is still a lot of potential in the wii and that design.
  10. http://www.joytech.net/1/products/wii/12/131/Sharp-Shooter.htm I like that one!
  11. I am sorry but that comment is so true! I believe nothing will happen, its just words after all.
  12. Yes they do i have one. not had any problems with it.
  13. Get a slider, The samsung D600 is dirt cheap at the moment for £100 got good camera external memory, and is still one of the best phones that people can buy.
  14. Heres mine was going to wait till i got my new TV but can not decide between the Sony Braiva U series 26" or the Samsung 26" any advice?? The picture is from my phone camera, so its not great quality.
  15. Mine just randomally makes a loud banging type of noise, when the disk is in, it never done it when i first got it, only started about a week ago, but i think it is becoming more common to hear it.
  16. Yes that happened to me too, ive now got 8 straps.
  17. The iPhone looks amazing, really intrested in the price! loads of pictures here http://www.engadget.com/2007/01/09/the-apple-iphone
  18. I got my straps yesterday mate, did not hear anything from nintendo until yesterday.
  19. Please add me 1198 3562 8714 7958 (not trying to sound to desprete :blank:) Feel free to add me to your wii.
  20. You can start of with swish, try swishzone.com i think.
  21. I was just looking at that power dock thing on another thread then decided to see what they say about the wii, and it was on sale, so came here to see your thread, i should be in bed still. [EDIT] Just been reading up about amazon and their orders, i am very doubtful that amazon will delivery one to me before xmas, just check out some of the comments made today, on this website http://www.stocknetwork.co.uk/comments.php?id=25
  22. Oh hell yes got an order confirmation. YES YES YES, my day has been made, that was just luck for me!
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